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Link | by on 2006-10-28 07:19:43
Hello, everyone! I'm a rather new member here, still in the process of finding my way around all these forums. =P
I live in Kouvola, Finland and I have two cats. (To those interested, their names are Viivi&Lilli.)
My favourite colour is blue and I have a passion for historical events/items. ^.^
Even though this is merely a brief introduction, I hope you all can have a jolly-good time with me around. =]

(I hope I did this thing in a correct way, I rarely write anywhere.)


Re: Greetings!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-28 11:00:05
Hi Obediant, Welcome to gendou, of course we'll have a good time, just go to the waste of time section, is crazy over there...

anyway, remember to read the rules, and remember to have lot of fun, and wait for Nekomimi welcome, hahahah

here's a gift for you

Re: Greetings!
Link | by on 2006-10-28 11:30:58 (edited 2006-10-28 12:13:46)
*Fanfare* Here arrives Nekomimi, the almighty cat lover to check if you treat your cats well enough! *drums*

Hmm.. I see, Viivi seems to bee fine.


Oh, Lilli looks like she(?) have ate too much! :o I never ever feed my cats that much! Look! *pokes Lilli* Can you see her fat wobbling around? o.O

Nah, just kidding, theyre both fine ^_^

After that confusing welcoming i must poke DN too *pokes DN* Hes from finland and you introduced him before me T.T Nuu.. Not really, but you got ahead of me once again! :P

heres my piccie gift! (i stole the idea from DN >)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

And the ultimate song listing link!

Gendoun parhaita biisejä

Joo, anteeks tuo sekavuus, mutta innostuin ^^'

Re: Greetings!
Link | by on 2006-10-28 12:01:51 (edited 2006-10-28 12:04:59)
Thank you for the welcoming posts, both of you who bothered answering my post. =]
-Dragon Negro: First of all, I hope I wrote your name right. =p Thank you for the gift, it was much appreciated. ^.^ Concerning the rules, I've done my best to read them all up since I'm... well, obedient and all. And about having fun, I'll try my best at that too, hehe!
-NekoMimi: Heh, so this is the notorious 'NekoMimi welcome'? =P Anyhow, I'm surprised that you managed to describe Lilli that accurately, since she is a little chubby. (Even if your comments were presumptions. ;]) Thank you for the link, much appreciated as well. =] Even bigger 'thank you' for the angel picture, it's gorgeous!


Re: Greetings!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-28 12:05:27
Hahaha, don't worry about my name, you can Call me DN like Neko-chan did...

Re: Greetings!
Link | by on 2006-10-28 12:08:17
Hehe, okey then, that I will do. =]
Note to self: I'm actually sosializing more in here than in any other forum I've been to! ...Which is always good, eh? ;]


Re: Greetings!
Link | by ... I don't need one on 2006-10-28 14:05:31 (edited 2006-11-06 20:57:26)
Hello... I like anime... and some anime music... and a plethora of things...

that iz y there iz kana in my nickname...
(fractions that are stolen from a lot of anime...)

Naruto (...bunshin no jutsu),
Hikaru no Go(,
Maho Sensei Negima(...maho...),
Yakitate Japan(Ja-pan...),
Buso Renkin(...buso...),
Rurouni Kenshin(...ken...)...

... I don't care...

Re: Greetings!
Link | by lovelygirl on 2006-10-28 20:28:47
hey im actually brand new to the site. I have 2 japanese fire belly newts as pets, there names are LSG vincent and LSG Shuyin. I live in crystal Lake, Illinois in America. But i'm in love with shibuya, Japan. Plus the whole Japanese culture. I'm alawys willng to learn anything about anime, games and Japan. So if you know anything e-mail me. You can call me B. nice to meet you all. But I kinda don't get some of the postings so if any of you could explain them I would be most grateful.

Re: Greetings!
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-10-29 03:06:17
Hi Obedient-! Happy posting

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: Greetings!
Link | by on 2006-10-29 11:19:20
Hi there you both too! I would like to know what can i call you to, because i cant
pronounce your name ジャ-麺麭の魔法武装剣分身の術! And welcome lovelygirl too, or B as you wanted it ^_^

So theres the forum on the top of the site. You find there the section forums and in the forums are all the threads as you can see. Most of those threads are made by regular users, and you find the bar for making one by your self from the left top corner of each gategory.

But dont make threads randomly, but check always if theres a thread like that already. You find the Search bar under the forum bar.
You can repeat into thread by clikcing them and selecting the post reply from the top or bottom of each page. Then you just write your message :3

You can find all this and more! from the help topic where our moderators, and allmighty admin Gendou tell you about the site.

I hope you can get something out from that lousy english of mine! xD

anyways heres my gifties
Top rated songs by gendous users

And piccie!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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