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SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-10-29 01:25:47 (edited 2006-10-30 00:58:24)

To aLL GeNDouNiaNs

you've probably noticed that the previous "show your pics" thread has been locked
by, welp, not me, but gendou himself. we all know that spam is good. but only
IN SANDWICHES or WITH RICE. or maybe EATEN ALONE will be fine. but, unfortunately,
they don't exactly go well with FORUMS. ^_________^
and so... with no further adieu...



and now...


a rundown of everyone and everything!

~*[..:: Ze PeoPLeZ oF GeNDou ::..]*~

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~*[..:: The Landscapes ::..]*~

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Lake Aloha Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

~*[..:: Neko Neko Neko ::..]*~

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~*[..:: Oh! Brother! ::..]*~

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~*[..:: PuPPeTS??? ::..]*~

~*[..:: SCHOOL RUMBLE! ::..]*~

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Hint: Save it to your computer so you can re-size it

~*[..:: MeN-slash-WoMeN-slash-iT ::..]*~

school rumble 2!

***under construction***

sowee. this will be locked until it has been finished.
hold on to your horses! ><



the show your pics thread is NOW OPEN!
have fun posting your pics all over again, and remember:


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by psoplayer on 2006-10-29 09:52:48
It's typical to unlock a thread when you decide it's open for business.
And wow, what a collage. Very beautiful.

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 10:19:06
*whacks michiyo*

niiiiiiiiiiice!!! good job! ^__^

me love it!

me frypan loves it too!

and i will stop the spam now >.<

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2006-10-29 10:34:45
then lets get it officially started shall we...

have you ever wondered how bad your day is?

I have

and yet this was worse when i had long hair

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 10:50:45
i'm sooooooooooooooo i'll post some pics lol

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me and my friend Jenn! ^__^ it was a GREAT party! XD
i think this pic was like 3 weeks ago :P

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haha! our FOB pic! :P hilarious!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 11:47:19 (edited 2006-10-29 11:48:24)
*Michiyo!! YOU ROCK!!! That collage was awesome!!! ^-^
*LUBU: HAHAHAHA That's just how i wake up in the mornings! My hair gets wild! :)
*FA! hOW CUTE!! The FOB picture is so cool!!!!! ^-^ here ... some pictures i just took today with the webcam..right now...
They might be a little blurry!

Testing the WEBCAM...^-^

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aND THEN...staring at the nothing...

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Hope you like it!! Yaayyy ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 15:49:36
@pame: aaahh!! you're gorgeous! if i was a man i would fall in love with you... madly, truely deeply.

however i am not.

smells like asian.
eww. biology

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 15:58:04 (edited 2006-10-29 16:07:04)
oHHHH hOW NICE!!! hahahaha you just reminded me of myself when i tell girls...If you were a guy i would have your babies!! ^-^

Nice picture!!!! What were you staring at??

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-29 15:59:39 (edited 2006-10-30 15:38:54)
a biology book. TT.TT

to you all: I am reading an icky biology book

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-10-29 22:35:06 (edited 2006-10-29 22:55:31)
@lubu dude that is a bad hair daY!hahaha

@pame nice pics!hahaha and sayuri is right! im a man and i'll defintely fall in love with you!hahahaha your so beautiful!and so cute!hahaha

@sayuri you too!post more pics!hehehe they're funny!hahaha

@michiyo finally you did it!hahaha nice work!your the best!hahaha

@fa nice pic!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-10-30 00:18:50
xD i just cant stop laughing at ur hair.....
LOL.. keep IT up the good hair

looks like you had fun in the party and the FOB.. hehe

how many times do i have to say "you are Hawt" ???
and... u really r a pretty gurl ^^

your pic is fun but its kinda blurrie


.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by cerestial on 2006-10-30 01:16:01
Funnwee style of takin ur pic XD Love ur grossy hair =X *yaiks~*

You're Kawaii desu!!! Hontoni~~~XD's late sayin these,hope u enjoy ya Pah-Tay~ ^^

*gulps*..U sure are pretty @.@ Guys wud faint rite away XD *Wai~*

Uh-huh,looks blurrie..But..I wanna know wat'cha's doin in that pic~ XP

I'm backie XD *Nyaha~*
Thanks michiyo,for startin up this forum again XD

Mmm..this ish a pic of me though..after editin *WEee~It's fun doin it~XD*
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Blurrie blurrie @.@

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-30 07:19:41
hahaha, I'm so happy (and sad at the same time), new pics and
*whacks Michiyo* Theres no pics of me... o well, i'll post them again
and now

Lu Bu:
Wow dude, that's a really bad day, I think I had one of those a long time ago

Wow, you're so beautiful in all your pics, you are really an Angel, good for you girl

You are a beauty... too much Beauty for my eyes
Mujer, tu estas como quieres, eres muy hermosa, y me encanta tu cabello.
Eres lo mas Precioso que he visto, Felicita a tus padres de mi parte, que buen trabajo. ;P

Cerestial Lau:
Aaahhh!! Too Blurry, anyway, you have a cute face, i like your pic

Ok, I'm going to post one of my fav pics, i like it a lot
from Left to right
Jenny (likes anime too), DN, Angelica (or Angie)
and down Laura (Jenny's sister)

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by gemmy_adik on 2006-10-30 07:29:21
MICHIYO--what a tough work! nice collage!

LU BU-- yeah! a bad hair day! its cool look like a rocker, dude! ;p

FA -- a bunch of cuties!! yeeha!!

PAME -- yes of course! i agree ur gorgeous!!

SAYURI -- whatcha lukin' at? hehe..

CELESTIAL LAU -- w0w! u look like an anime gal!

ok..its my turn now to post a pic..(it's not me..ok?)

ridin' on a JEEPNEY...

1,3,7-trimethylxanthine addict. they tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no. =D

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-30 10:46:38

Zparticus: HAHAHAHA...Thank you!!!!! too post another picture! ^-^
Honey'ko: Ohhh!! You are great Honey'ko! Thank you so much!! I really want to see another pic of you!! I forgot to tell you that when i saw your pic in the old thread i wanted to pinch you cheeks!! ^-^ (I'm weird like that...)
Lau: Ohhhh You are so cute!!!!!! Even when it's blurry i can still see you are gorgeous! ^-^
DN: JEJEEJE les dire a mis padres!!(*blushing...) gracias!!! YOU ARE THE BEST! Se te ve muy bien acompañado en tu group picture! ^-^
Arielle: Thank you for your comment~! ^-^ OhHHH is that your little brother???

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-10-30 10:57:43
I got out of the shower today, I toweled my head, then I looked in the mirror. This is what I saw:

With that having been posted...

I challenge Lu Bu and all the rest of you to a messy hair contest!

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-30 11:02:20
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Engineer!!! Messy hair...but you look really really HOT!!! (*Faints in the floor)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-30 11:08:31 (edited 2007-02-11 08:41:21)
@Engineer- Your going to have all the girls in Gendou crawling all over you when they see that picture.XD They'll be like "Messy hair contest?".

@Lau- Looking cute.XD

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Card x3 ~ You found it. Hurry and send me a PM to register. It will be removed afterwards.


Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-10-30 11:12:08
Uhh... I don't follow...

Because I don't have a shirt on, or something?

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: SHoW YouR PiCS --- the repeat! ><
Link | by on 2006-10-30 11:14:56
WOW~ so many pics!!

Pame - gorgous pics! *envious*

Celestial Lau - awwwwwww you look so cuuuuuuuuuute! really blurry tho :P

DN - cute pic! ^^ and thank youuuuuuu

Engineer - messy hair contest?? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......could be fun lol
oh and you look good in the pic ^^ but ur hair isn't THAT messy lol

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

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