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Link | by Hyper Shinchan on 2006-10-30 08:54:29 (edited 2006-10-30 08:54:51)
Hi, I'm Hyper Shinchan (but you can call me as you like, it's not necessary to write all that stupid nick ^^''). I'm Italian (well, half Italian and half Algerian, but I think that it's unimportant to you). I've found this forum during a Google search (like many guys here, I think), but actually the link was in another forum XD.
It's pretty hard for me to get used to this strange board, but I'll do my best.
Well, I'm an huge Gainax fan, but I'm also a fan of other directors other than Anno and Tsurumaki. I really like Go Nagai's manga, and at the moment I'm discovering the Macross world.
Well, that's all at the moment!

Re: Hiiiiiiiii!!!
Link | by on 2006-10-30 09:46:48
Hi there Hyper Shichan, you dont mind if i call you Shi, dont you? ^__^
If you got trouble too big to get over by yourself feel free to ask (youll find that send message bar from everybodys profile. Into profile you get by clicking the nick, just in case you didnt know. :P)

I got one friend in italy too! I call him to Mika, cos his name was way too hard to type for me xD Anyways, italy is beatifull country (i have only see it in pics though, but im going to visit there soon, i hope..)

I hope you didnt get anymore confused from my message, i happend to be quite instant messagner. And i write wayyy too much! Owkie, enjoy your time in here, and remember to follow the rules! We dont want to give trouble to gendou, dont we?

Giftie: Link to the top rated songs by gendou users

Its winter time, so enjoy!
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Re: Hiiiiiiiii!!!
Link | by on 2006-10-30 11:13:18
I hope you have a lot of fun!!!
I'm Pame! ^-^ the rules!!! And follow them ok? I hope to see around in the forums! If you have any questions! Let me know ok?
Lots of kisses!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Hiiiiiiiii!!!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-30 13:13:39
Hi Hyper Shinchan, Welcome To gendou, I hope you can have a lot of fun here, read the rules please, i don't want anyone get banned. I think I'm gonna call you Hyper-cham, hahaha souds good, isn't it?

I'm from Colombia and you can call me DN. I recomed you the Waste of time Section, is really fun. If you want to know more about me, see my frofile

And heres my gift for you (why Neko-chan stole my idea?, and also is welcome before me *whacks Neko-chan* *whacks Pame-chan* hahahahah *evil laugh*)

Anyway, I hope you like Dragons

Re: Hiiiiiiiii!!!
Link | by Hyper Shinchan on 2006-10-31 08:51:05 (edited 2006-10-31 09:00:23)
Thank you to everybody! I was sure that my post could give you the chanche to change my nick more than necessary XDDD. But I've said it so I cannot complain XD.
Anyway about the rules: I've read them before posting here (and posting that problem with Seventh Moon). The faq was really long, so I've not read it until the end (but I've read a good part of it).
I'd like to ask one thing about html code in the signature: there's a limitation to the kind of html code we can use? For example it's not possible to use applet or object, right? They risk to make the page quite heavy...
Ah, I forgot to say this in the first post: I'm sorry for my ugly english ^^''
EDIT: for DN: "Dragons"??' Is it an anime? I haven't ever heard it, sorry.
RE-EDIT: Is it some kind of RPG? There's a weird link at the end of your signature XDD

Re: Hiiiiiiiii!!!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-10-31 09:04:07
hahah, is not an anime, is just i like dragons a lot.

Aboust the HTML, the only limitation is that the pics in your ava and your siggy have a limit, is not a rule, is (i don't remember the word gendou used) for been polite, or consider to those who have slow internet conections.

The limit for the size of your pics is 100kb, if i'm right, but if you pass that limit when you save your profile, it gives you a message, so, do a nice Ava and Siggy, and dont worry about that, the worst it can hapen is that your siggy can be removed, for more detail for the siggy ask Michiyo

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