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Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by on 2006-11-04 01:40:30
yow minna!!!

which one do you like?? Yakisoba?? or -udon (katsu-udon,, yaki-udon,, etc.)?? or Ramen??

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by gendou on 2006-11-04 02:36:26

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by karuzo on 2006-11-04 02:39:03

spicy, yummy noodles, with nice aroma that can revive ones power!!!



Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by Puku~San on 2006-11-04 02:41:33

The very yummy noodles topped with meat and best paired with the Fried Fish
And UDon Roll( I mean Cabbage Roll Dipped with Sauce Its My own Words


Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-11-04 20:45:29
へぇ~ぇ・・・ 難しい ねぇ‥ This is a hard decision for me to make... (≧∀≦) どれも 好き やけど・・・ I like them all!!! v(^Q^)v でも、 今ゎ ラーメン 食べたい なぁ~ ★ I've had this craving for ramen for a while now, but... I think yakisoba is the healthiest of all of these noodles! (^^;;) 全部も おいしい けど‥! ★※◇

@ Gendou-san: えぇ~、関西弁を 知ってる やんか?!? すごぉ~い! v(^O^)v

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by sai on 2006-11-06 08:17:48
Yeaaahhh... 2 people with kansaiben now... I didn't know gendou speak that... O.o

Anyway, so far i've only eaten ramen and udon. I like udon better somehow... I wonder what yakisoba is like? Is it like fried noodle?

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by soundreamer on 2006-11-07 01:00:20 (edited 2006-11-07 01:01:06)
もちろん 私(わたし)は やきそばが 一番(いちばん) 大好(だいすき)です。(>w<)/

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by EmptyMind on 2006-11-07 09:44:03

>,>; Did I just say that...?

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by Rui on 2006-11-09 01:14:21
I'll say yakisoba.

My friend who has been to Japan has described to me authentic ramen noodles. I have tasted imported instant ramen noodles only. If I were to be given a chance to taste home-made ramen noodles, my answer may be different.

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-11-09 22:58:45
My vote goes for the kitsune udon.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by EmptyMind on 2006-11-09 23:15:04
Instant Ramen is to real ramen as a microwave dinner to a real steak! The difference is enormous! Get your hands on some real ramen, it's awesome!


Not that I don't like instant ramen, but the real stuff is so much better!

>,>; Did I just say that...?

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by chrisel on 2006-11-09 23:16:39
ramen! ramen! ramen! yeah, no instant ramen pls... i want the real thing! (drooling...)

Everything you've done has a price and you have to pay for it...

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by ★Rika-chan★ on 2006-11-10 21:02:55
@ Sai-san: You also seem to know 関西弁、so... that's 3 people! o(^-^)o

Anyway, you're right.. 焼きそば litterally means "fried noodles." Normally, you mix them with meat and vegetables, like beef, cabbage, onions, etc... whatever ingredients you like! Then, you add the special yakisoba sauce... and it's ready to eat! (^Q^) Here's a recipe example.

あっ、wait a minute... Yakisoba is not made of soba noodles??? 騙されたぁ~! (;o;) I was tricked! Then.. it may not be the healthiest of the 3 choices, after all. (^^;;)

私は そばが めっちゃ 好き やけど・・・ I really like soba... 温かいも 冷たいも 食べられるし‥! Because you can have them hot or cold..! ※ (^Q^)b ※ おいしい よぅ!

♥ ♥ ♥

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by 破壊 on 2006-11-10 23:27:26
I like Yakisoba Pan it looks soo yummy with hot sauce on it for me though, we koreans like everything spicy hot!!

If Naruto was real I would prefer Ichiraku's ramen it looks delicious when he eats it...

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by YZAKIRA on 2006-11-11 13:29:14
I like both yakisoba and ramen kind.
(Not based by watching anime...)

"I am punch!" -Jin

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by animemperor on 2006-11-12 10:02:24
BOTH YAKISOBA AND RAMEN.. depends if i want soup or not..*mouth waters*

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by on 2006-11-26 19:48:48
UDON! x3.

because it's like ramen only better!

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by Toujiru on 2006-11-30 11:59:51
Kudos to Yakisoba!!

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by on 2006-11-30 15:42:48
I'm a traditional ramen fan. :P

Re: Yakisoba (vs) -udon (vs) Ramen
Link | by on 2006-11-30 18:18:51
the sacred ramen noodles...said to be the making of...the bowl?(the newest anime saga story)

Naruto likes ramen, im like a pizza-naruto

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