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If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-10 20:28:39
Okay, this is just like the game that every girl plays at sleep-overs.
How to play: Somebody says: If you had to choose (or would you rather) and then gives two or more choices for the other people to pick from. (You can just ask the question. You don't have to type out if you had....)

ie: P1: Sora or Roxas?
P2: Roxas. Blue or red?
P3: ..... O.o Red? computer or cell phone or PS3?
P4: PS3! blah blah?


1) Profanity must be * in the vowel's place. ie: f*ck, if any.
2) Keep it fairly clean.
3) No flaming whatsoever over choices.

I'll start.
If you could only watch one anime (out of these) what would it be?
Bleach Eureka Seven Gundam Seed InuYasha

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-10 21:01:30

would you rather

laugh when you should cry, and cry when you should laugh


never be able to do either?

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2006-11-10 21:08:42 (edited 2006-11-10 21:09:14)
laugh when I should cry.

If you had to be deaf or be blind for a year, which one would it be?

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-10 21:13:48
Oh wow!! That's a hard one! I mean If i can't see...I can't go on Gendou...and if i can hear...then i can't sing!!! OMG!!!! T_T

mmm...I choose DEAF~ i NEED TO SEE....I NEED TO SEEEEEE.

Which one would you pick??

Being with someone you love, even when that implies hurting someone else's feelings, or staying alone, unhappy, making someone else be happy.?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by kage_hikari on 2006-11-10 23:56:44
Umm......this is tough........It's either me or someone else.......
Umm......I'll choose...staying alone then! Although I'm alone, at least someone will be happy, right? ^^

If you had to choose between your family and your one and only love, which one will you choose?

Empty, Ideal, Mistaken, so much love is called
Everything we do is stupid, let them laugh

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-11-10 23:58:56
hmmmmmmm tough one....
to be with someone i love...but given the circumstance that the one your with loves you i choose to be with my love...even if it means hurting someone...but here's the irony...that someone im hurting chose to be alone and unhappy but made me and the girl im with happy....hahahaha im not making sense again....

would you rather eat cow poop for 1 million dollars
drink pig pee for the same amount


Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by Puku~San on 2006-11-11 00:03:39
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I think I can drink pig pee rather than eat poop eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!

What would you choose:

Watch To HEart


Watch Love Hina


Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by H on 2006-11-11 01:51:44
Watch..... Euh... To Heart! I'm bored with Love Hina... ^^'

Eat Pizza while watching TV
Eat Pizza while reading mangas

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by ahbong88 on 2006-11-11 05:04:41
Eating pizza while watching TV(coz pizza may dirty my precious mangas LOL)

would u rather

-stay best friends with the one u like


-confess to him/her that u like him/her? (risking breaking of frenship)

天下无难事,只怕有心人 (*^_^*)

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by BiteAdust on 2006-11-11 06:03:01

yuri or yaoi ?

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Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by karuzo on 2006-11-11 06:09:34
yuri- yuri is my specialty ehehe

do you prefere a Biological weapon like scud missle


a Radiation Weapon like nuclear missle


Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-11-11 06:45:14
nuclear missile

which do you prefer; flying, surfing or simply walking on solid ground?

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Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by Huy on 2006-11-11 07:41:43
flying to be freeee ^^

would you prefer a Mercedes SLR
or a Dodge Viper?

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-11 09:09:26
i'd take the mercedes.

would you rather

always be itchy


always feel like you have to pee?

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-11 11:22:56
Argh! Apuva!(help) I dont want either xD i cant sleep if im itchy, but i cant sleep if id had to pee all the time.. i guess id be feeling like i had to pee all the time. I wouldnt need to scratch my skin to bloody.

Would you be

vegetable (no brain action)



Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by RightHere on 2006-11-11 12:32:24
A murderer i suppose...

Would you rather die or run around the airport with just your underwear on? lol

Experience is not what happen to you, but what you do with what happens to you!

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-11 12:53:10
Run around airport (as long as I could have a bra on lol). There's still so much in life that I have to do.

Fall in love with someone you could never meet/ never love you back


Have somebody madly in love with you that you HAD to marry, but you didn't like them back....

(Sorry if I don't make sense!)

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-11 14:39:03
eeeaakk! I LOVE this game!! <33

lol, duh, giggle, the FIRST one..xP


hey wait a minute. isn't there a thread like this already?? @.@


Be banned from for 10 days


Fail every class in school? xP

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by on 2006-11-11 14:43:29
Sorry guys, but I'd rather be banned. I'm aiming for a good college/university right now and have to get priorities in place. As much as I love this site....

Die right now. End of story

Your best friend dies right now.

Re: If you had to choose/ would you rather ________?
Link | by RightHere on 2006-11-11 16:05:25 (edited 2006-11-11 16:06:15)
Let my best friend dies first co if he die i can pray for him every day and burn lots of money for him...(hes buddist)\


Drink water from a bottle


Drink water from a mug?

Experience is not what happen to you, but what you do with what happens to you!

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