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Hajime no Ippo/Fighting Spirit
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-03-22 06:00:47
Since Volume 72 just came out in Japan, figure I make a topic.

Anyone here a fan of a boxing anime called Hajime no Ippo (titled Fighting Spirit in the U.S. by Geoneon)? I am a HUGE fan of this anime and I am doing my best to support the series. The way they seem to be marketing the series in the U.S. is by putting "From the Director of Trigun" on the box.

Anyway, it's about a bullied boy named Makunouchi Ippo who is saved by a rising star in boxing, Takamura Mamoru, from a routine beating. Why does Ippo get beat up? Because he and his mother run a fishing business and it leaves him a distinctive odor of sand worms. Takamura then takes Ippo to the gym he trains at and teaches him the right hand punch so he could hit the sandbag to let out all of his stress. When Ippo hits the bag, he makes the bag go flying and it leaves tears in the skin of his knuckles (showing signs of exessive power). Takamura then gives him some boxing videos (in the manga, it's videos of Mike Tyson and he also tells Ippo the story of how Tyson used to be picked on as a kid) so he could relieve some stress more.

The secret of Ippo's strength is shown when he comes home from recovering in the gym, is that he carries loads and loads of boxes to the fishing boat and seems to eat a pretty balanced diet =p. Anyway, after watching the videos, Ippo then considers taking up boxing. Because Takamura thinks he is being too rash, he gives him a test. That he has to catch 10 leaves within one week. At first Ippo has trouble and then clearly remembers the movements and postures Takamura makes and just emulates it with just his left hand teaching himself one of boxing's basics, the leadind jab. Ippo succeeds test 1.

Test 2, Ippo has to prove himself in front of the gym owner, Kamogawa Genji, in a sparring match against a kid his age, Miyata Ichiro, who has been under the tutelage of his father since he was 10. Despite Ippo being unable to get a clean shot on Miyata, the gym was impressed with Ippo's determination and spirit giving the coach the impression that he could make him ready for a boxing career within less than a year, and to get him ready for a rematch with Miyata in three months which begins the story of the anime.

Compared to the manga, the manga has lots more excitement and develops the secondary character more. The secondary characters are the gymmates, Aoki, Kimura, Itagaki, and Takamura. Where the anime ends, pretty much begins the true exictement of the manga and where all the good fights are. Like Ippo vs. Sawamura and Takamura Vs. Hawk. Anyway, I do strongly reccomend the anime.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

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