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Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by ... I don't need one on 2006-11-28 19:00:48
I personally like Kawachi early on, but Azuma has been funny later on, as he was clueless...

... I don't care...

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by Pansori on 2006-11-28 19:56:02
Hm, I only read the first two volumes, and I suck at names, so I can't really be decisive but...

The guy who hangs around with the main character? I don't know his name, but ya know the guy who told the main character lie at the baking competetion, but when he won he just decided to drop out. I think although his image is sorta mean and "rival" of the main character, so called. But he's actually really funny and nice and kind-hearted. <3

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by ... I don't need one on 2006-11-28 21:44:41 (edited 2006-11-29 18:52:09)
Here is an updated code:

Main Character: Azuma Kazuma
The Manager (His sister fell for food allergies): Ken Matsushiro
The "Mean" and Later Clueless "WHAT!!??" Baker: Kawachi Kyose
Mushroom-Head Baker: Kageto Kinoshita
Daughter and Acting Manager of the South: Tsukino Azusagawa
Exam Manager/Host of Yakitate!! 9 or 25, depending on manga or manga: Kuroyaguni
Smart Baker: Kanmuri
Clown: Pierrot Bonnaze/Leonhart XV
General Manager of Pantasia: Meister Kirisaki
Owner of St. Pierre ("Kind" baker to the main character): *smiles* Meister Kirisaki's Father (Not wanting to spoil the name...)
Swordsman: Suwabara Kai
Swordsman's "girlfriend": Monica Adenuer
Evil older sister of Tsukino: Yukino Azusagawa

Other characters will be added sometime...

The baker you mentioned would be Kawachi Kyose

Other Questions?

... I don't care...

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by Pansori on 2006-11-28 21:52:37
Mushroom-head? lol
Would that be the weird chief dude with the lactose-intolerant/allergic sister?
Tsukino is good too. ^^* Thanks for telling me about the characters. xD

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-11-29 02:17:47
azuma kazuma!!!even his name is funny!!!^^hehehehe...but i like kuroyanagi as his voice actor d same as roy mustang of FMA??

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Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by blueanime27 on 2006-11-29 04:18:17 (edited 2006-11-29 04:18:39)
Azuma Kazuma is so cool!!!
he seems so clueless with things..LOL!

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Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by hikari_sora on 2006-11-29 06:21:12
I like Kazuma,& his sisters, also Kuroyanagi,he's damn very funny

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 06:06:07
Kazuma, Tsukino, Shigeru, Manager Ken XD

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by on 2007-05-22 14:38:43
Kawachi is actully more likable than Azuma, to me. Azuma's so clueless you just can't help but laugh at him, and you can always count on him to make a miracle happen! But Kawachi is far more grounded in reality than little kiddie Azuma, so I associate more of my emotions with him even when he's acting really stupid (like when Pierrot shaved his head... LOL).

Tsukino is also a very good female lead compared to... others. And Kanmuri is so evil and cute that I just can't help but like him.

Re: Who is your favorite Yakitate!! Japan Character?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-05-23 08:58:55
Kanmuri Shigeru little genius boy :D

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