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Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by kage_hikari on 2006-12-03 23:52:30 (edited 2006-12-03 23:53:16)
Just wanna know which one do you guys prefer........
As for me, my personal favourite is Fujioka Haruhi...^^

Empty, Ideal, Mistaken, so much love is called
Everything we do is stupid, let them laugh

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by on 2006-12-04 00:15:20
Haven't see Suzumiya Haruhi yet..

So,, i'll go for Fujioka Haruhi.. i like her personality.. her "hah??" is very excelent ^^

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-12-04 01:18:42
suzumiya haruhi!!she's funny,weird and real fun to watch^^

fujioka haruhi is fun as well..but suzumiya haruhi is much more intersting to watch!!

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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by hikari_sora on 2006-12-04 04:40:06
Fujioka Haruhi!!!!!
She's the best

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by sai on 2006-12-04 06:23:02
Of course Suzumiya... When i see the first episode and i found out that the movie was directed by the "ultra director" suzumiya haruhi... I decided that there can't possibly be any other girl like this one... The best... She's god after all O.o

Fujioka is cool too though, i don't see much main character like her nowadays... One with totally no interest of anything... And her ignorant attitude is funny to watch... But that's not enough to beat suzumiya... XD

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by on 2006-12-04 16:11:23
Suzumiya Haruhi!! GO SUZUMIYA HARUHI!! She has to be the cutest girl in all of anime!! I wish i was like her...>_<

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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by wpe4423 on 2006-12-05 00:13:26
It has got to be Suzumiya Haruhi. She's so cute and weird. No doubt

wpe4423 = Aoi-chan (my blue coloured Proton Savvy) + me~~~

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by az - on 2006-12-05 01:01:41
Suzumiya! Her character can stand alone, unlike Fujioka, whose pesonality becomes evident only in circumstances with the host club.


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by toushiro-10 on 2006-12-05 04:38:09
who is fujioka haruhi?

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by on 2006-12-05 04:43:42
yup thats exactly what i thought wh is fujioka haruhi??? which anime shes in? or anything else??

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-12-05 05:23:19
fujioka haruhi is from ouran koukou host's a real funny anime though^^ but my vote still goes to suzumiya haruhi!!

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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by on 2006-12-05 06:53:48
Both Haruhi is the best female in anime but Fujioka Haruhi is no 1 in my list!
Go Haru-chan!!

  å±±ç”° 涼介 は 大好き ♥♥ Fav HSJ member?

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by tatsuki_chan on 2006-12-17 05:47:54
I would prefer Suzumiya Haruhi, although Fujioka is kind of cool. But Suzumiya is mad!

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-12-17 05:52:12 (edited 2006-12-17 05:52:43)

OF COURSE it's Suzumiya Haruhi!!! teh holy Haruhi God!! YAY!!! ^________^

*points at sig* YAY!

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by raruntsu on 2006-12-17 15:47:07
fujioka haruhi... she's cool and fun to watch...

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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by ichi on 2006-12-17 22:14:38
I can't choose between them, I love them both so much

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by imppy on 2006-12-17 22:16:08
I haven't heard of Fujioka haruhi, so I'd pick Suzumiya since she's cute and awesome ^^;~

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by younghawk on 2006-12-17 23:18:44
I prefer Fujioka Haruhi, she is real cool.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by smurf on 2006-12-29 03:12:20
suzumiya haruhi

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi or Fujioka Haruhi?
Link | by Heller5 on 2006-12-29 04:28:12


I like Suzumiya haruhi

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But my favorite would be...

Fujioka haruhi

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she rocks....

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