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What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2006-12-08 12:48:09 (edited 2007-05-05 07:33:58)
We already know everybodys phone, righto?
So it feels right to ask about mp3-players :3
Because I have no idea what kind of players there might be *_*

My player is brand new!
I got it from my granny (I broke the first one -.-)
It's sony walkman NW-E002, 512

I got the pink one! So NOT my color! :DD

How about your players?

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by obakasama on 2006-12-08 13:26:23
I have a Sansa e270, after my old Zen Micro started playing up. Pretty nifty player, except I don't like Sansa's decision to localise the players. I can't view any Chinese or Japanese tags on the Sansa, which then renders half my music collection difficult to access.

Wait a minute, are you sure about that?

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2006-12-08 14:08:57 (edited 2006-12-08 14:09:06)
I have an I-pod video....somewhere It went missing recently...

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2006-12-08 15:24:57 (edited 2006-12-08 15:25:35)
Winamp 2.74
Winamp 2.97
Winamp 5.21
My car's CD player

Oh wait, portable MP3 players? I have a Sony Walkman, 1GB. I don't really use it often though. :P

Oh, and I'm moving this to Waste of Time.

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2006-12-08 17:02:04
the winamp in my computer... I really ignore the version XP

And some MP3 player that have my brother, is extrange, I don't know how to descrive it

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by RightHere on 2006-12-08 20:05:31 (edited 2006-12-08 20:06:43)
This is mine... The black one... Its 1GB
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Experience is not what happen to you, but what you do with what happens to you!

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Shini on 2006-12-08 22:11:56
I got a red RCA with 256 MB and a blue Coby with 512 MB.

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-08 23:59:35
this is mine:

a Sandisk Sansa e130^^. sound quality on this MP3 player is great, especially if you max out the bass boost and SRS 3D wow effect to 0. and it plays every song in it without complaining (unlike the mp3 player i borrowed from my sister's. it can't play some mp3s...especially those with lyrics or pictures embeded to it).i really love it removable SD card feature XD

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-12-09 02:29:36
mine is d old generation opid's experiencing some problem as my itunes version is d latest one rite now.but i love it so much!!

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by *nickie* on 2006-12-12 06:19:57
mine's a CREATIVE ZEN NEEON. it's a b'day gift from my uncle:)

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2006-12-12 10:43:55
it is my PSP... :D

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2006-12-12 11:10:02
3rd generation iPod (40GB) and iPod Nano (1GB)

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Tasche on 2007-01-10 01:17:16 (edited 2007-01-10 01:17:37)
i use a Creative Vision:M 30gb better than those icrap,ipoo,ipooed,isuck machines...sry if i have offended you

the only ipod i would get is anything under 3rd gen photo.

ppl who have ipods are sheeps...

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2007-01-10 01:32:26
first generation 512mb ipod shuffle.real old,u can call that.but i love it so much.a gift from my brother^^

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Aki Kaede on 2007-01-10 05:20:19
Mine is the Creative Zen 20GB, only available in Asia!

届かなくても 追いかけて

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2007-01-10 09:12:01
ZOMG!!! 20GB *gasp*

I won't be jeallous <.> Even the fact is my mp3-player is always full xDDD

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by on 2007-01-10 11:11:37
This is mine. Samsung YP-T9JAB 4GB. Way more space than I need since I have a PSP 2GB for videos.

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Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by Code_Kira on 2007-04-18 09:15:34
I had a Nano, but it broke:(

"I will not become a mere memory"

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by gemmy_adik on 2007-04-18 09:35:01

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this is my FIRST mp4.. and i love it!

it's cute and small! ^____^

it's my GRADUATION gift from my father! so i'll treasure it even if it's only 2GB!!! ^___^

(i don't like the color though, but i have no choice.. )

1,3,7-trimethylxanthine addict. they tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no. =D

Re: What's your mp3- player?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-18 14:12:07
Some MP3 player from SanDisk.
1 GB, not too large but I still have 400 MBs or so left of space so I'm pretty good.


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