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Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by gendou on 2006-12-09 15:39:34 (edited 2006-12-10 10:18:12)
Hello and welcome to Cryptography Challenge 8!
The object of this game is to discover the secret message.
This game works a lot like Wheel of Fortune.
Does that make me Vanna White or Pat Sajak? :P
Anyway, choose a letter to guess, and factor the product of two primes that appears!
You can guess as many times as you like, there is no penalty for guessing wrong.
Good luck and happy factoring!

Click here to play


Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by on 2006-12-09 15:44:38 (edited 2006-12-09 15:45:00)
H! (Am I doing this right?)

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by gendou on 2006-12-09 15:49:48
yes, the first word is hi.
you won't be able to accidently put the wrong letters in place, it will only fill them in if you are correct.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-09 18:32:15
drat...the message was kinda...meh....

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by gendou on 2006-12-09 18:33:33
what, you don't like zim?! come on! gir rocks.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-09 18:36:49 (edited 2006-12-09 18:38:44)
yea..i like zim XD. and Gir's the wackiest 'robot in a dog suit' robot ever XD.wait this is from Invader Zim!? "O_O"

edit:drat...Engineer beat me to it...

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-12-09 18:42:09
Yeah! I'm number... zero?


Oh well, zero's the hero!

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Charcol on 2006-12-09 21:57:14
That was fun, good way to while away an afternoon

~Immersed in Music~

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by on 2006-12-10 00:11:14
Cool challenge... this time I felt more related with the methods... this one was more numerical than the last one ^_^

I hope I did it right =P.

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-12-10 03:01:50 (edited 2006-12-10 03:02:36)
lol..this one is a bit more challenging...i have to do trial and error by dividing with lots of prime number "-.-. i almost threw the calculator wait...cryptography challenge 7 is much more challenging than this...

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Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Kit on 2006-12-10 03:53:51
o_o The message is really... Never mind... And I agree that challenge 7 is more challenging... I totally gave that up...

Loneliness have always been my friend...

Until the day I find you...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Raijinili on 2006-12-15 16:13:17
You people got to use calculators? How unfair!

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by DasSchlafendeEtwas on 2006-12-15 16:27:42 (edited 2006-12-15 16:27:58)
Wow, I just tripped over these games here and tried this one.
Took me about a hour to write me a PHP-script, which solves those products for me. xD

Dunno if it was the right and best way solving it, but well... I got it! =3

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Kit on 2006-12-15 17:25:29
I use my java program though... ^^; Calculator give me big time when getting prime numbers...

Loneliness have always been my friend...

Until the day I find you...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Zangetsu-san on 2006-12-15 18:01:41
oh well the message was kinda boring, but solving it was pretty easy. not that much of a challenge.

The curtain which falls at the end will be pulled down by my sword - Kuchiki Byakuya, 'Bleach'

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by gendou on 2006-12-15 23:06:25 (edited 2006-12-15 23:07:46)
not much of a challenge, huh? try #7!
it was too hard so i had to make #8 easier.

by the way, the message you called "kinda boring" was hanging outside Einstein's office for many years.
apparently, you don't share his tastes (or mine).

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by on 2006-12-16 13:33:25
Boring?... no way, man!
[sarcasm] ok then go solve the 7, genius. [/sarcasm]
I found it interesting and fun... dunno about anyone else. BTW, I was totally thinking of making a script but then I thought that would be kinda cheating ^_^.
Who am I kidding?... I would totally have done that, it's just that I don't know programming that well, and I don't own a software for doing it so T_T.

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Raijinili on 2006-12-18 11:52:54 (edited 2006-12-18 11:53:04)
If you did it with a calculator, of course it won't be as fun. I'm trying to figure it out by hand.

And no, it's not because I can't use a calculator. I've programmed a prime factor program on my graphing calculator, and I can do it again in a few minutes. Not that I need to, since I still have it.

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by on 2006-12-19 20:34:33
is dividing each number by each prime number until you guess right the only way to solve this? or is there some other method that's more advanced...

Re: Cryptography Challenge 8!
Link | by Raijinili on 2006-12-21 19:41:54
You can eliminate a lot of them with just the last digit.

If it's even, then one of the prime factors is 2 and the other one is easy.
If it's 1, then the last digits of the divisors are 1/1, 3/7, or 9/9.
If it's 3, then the last digits are 1/3 or 7/9.
If it's 5, then one of the factors is 5 and the other one is easy.
If it's 7, then the last digits are 1/7 or 3/9.
If it's 9, then the last digits are 1/9, 3/3, or 7/7.

He's obviously not going to give the easy cases, so you'll have to work with the other four odds, which give either 200 or 300 possibilities when you also look at the second-to-last digit.

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