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naruto pairs galore
Link | by bleucosmos on 2006-12-10 01:23:52
who is your favorite pair in naruto?
can be battle pairs or love pairs or team pairs...anything with pairs!

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by akiko22 on 2006-12-10 07:20:11
Me and Kakashi!
'cuz he's hot!

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by Nosebleed Rey on 2006-12-10 07:41:50
hey! is thsi thread suppose to be here? you should place it in the anime section! waheheheh!

~fav pair?

Jiraya and tsunade! toad meets slug! wahahhaha!

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by bleucosmos on 2006-12-17 02:36:13

gomen ne if ya think i should put it there but my reason is: it's kinda crowded there...


but mah fave pair is kurenai and kakashi...

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-12-17 02:59:48
i'm not exactLy an avid fan of naruto but i think hinata Looks adorabLe with naruto :)

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by imppy on 2006-12-17 03:01:07 (edited 2006-12-17 03:02:33)
Let's see...Sakura and Naruto, Kiba and Ino~! ^.^

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-17 03:13:04
hinata-naruto is a nice paring

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by bleucosmos on 2006-12-17 03:57:12
what about battle pairs? who do ya guys think has the best tandem?

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by imppy on 2006-12-17 04:31:06
Battle Pairs, you mean good partners in crime?

Ara~ Naruto and Sasuke would always be the best partners in crime ^.^ combination of their Rasengan and Chidori~! Weeh~!

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by Sagara on 2006-12-17 06:11:52
Battle Pair: Hidan and Kakuzu

Love Pair: Dunno

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by bleucosmos on 2006-12-20 04:59:42
i like the tandem of Zabusa Momochi and Haku....

they really know each other!! and care too!!! even tough and cold-hearted Zabusa cried when Haku died just to save him!!!!

i cannot protect you without a sword.... but i cann't embrace while holding a sword...

Re: naruto pairs galore
Link | by Nanahara on 2007-05-08 13:23:28
battle? heh heh... Sakura against me... i'll get her back for killing Sasori. Maybe Kabuto against Deidara. They both are amazing.

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