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Key, The Metal Idol
Link | by hitchi on 2005-03-25 10:39:27
Has anyone ever seen the anime "Key: The Metal Idol"? It has 13 TV episides and two OVA episodes. All three DVDs are available to me for a total of about $25. I am seriously considering buying this anime. From what I've read, it sounds really interesting, and I can relate to the main character. So, is this anime worth the money or should I stay away?

Yuki Kajiura > j00

Re: Key, The Metal Idol
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2005-03-25 19:19:42
I really really liked Key the Metal idol... it is very interesting, but at the same time, the story gets weird. It involves science and stuff, kinda like Lain, if you've seen that anime (didnt like it tho). You get sucked into the series by just watching the first two or three episodes. I say you should go for it!!! ^.^

Re: Key, The Metal Idol
Link | by NerdboyHimself on 2005-03-28 10:55:43
Lucky. I paid a lot more for it.

The series is pretty good, though. Very early-90's feel to it, though. It'll take you back.

NerdboyHimself. Taking down bosses, eight at a time.

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