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New Getter Robo
Link | by muryo on 2005-03-26 18:07:55
Hello I'm new here and my latest anime purchase is New Getter Robo from Geneon:

This rehash of the original series is awesome, has anybody seen it?

Re: New Getter Robo
Link | by Lastor on 2005-04-25 18:04:33
dude, you posting some topic that majorities of this forum people(not me) doesn't like mech anime , or just mech fans wannabe , example like : gundam wing fans , and seed/destiny fans...
so don't expect any reply in here

well, the new series is great in beggining , steady or so-so in the middle and great in almost ending chapter....
They make a change about the character...remember the old getter robo?
Ryoma ,Musashi , and i forgot... they are a good boy
Now, they make those character sounds like badass guy.with a different background from the old series.

kid these days doesn't know the difference between "true anime" and "anime for marketing purpose"

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