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what's the best anime in town!!!???
Link | by kuroda akira on 2006-12-23 04:10:25 (edited 2006-12-23 04:11:36)
give me your top 5 minna san!!!list it....
.rurouni kenshin
.honey and clover
.the law of ueki
.negima!?(second series)

give me more you guys.!!!!

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Re: what's the best anime in town!!!???
Link | by hamano takumi on 2006-12-23 04:23:35 (edited 2006-12-23 04:25:46)
my top 5 isssss........

Negima (all series)
love hina
l;aw of ueki
jigoku shoujo
fate stay night

Re: what's the best anime in town!!!???
Link | by on 2006-12-23 04:29:43
I think this is already a repeat thread or there are thread similar to this one.


Re: what's the best anime in town!!!???
Link | by imppy on 2006-12-23 04:45:21
So many repeated threads @___@

Re: what's the best anime in town!!!???
Link | by kuroda akira on 2006-12-23 05:36:11 (edited 2006-12-23 05:36:41)
sorry you guys I think i did'nt check the forum before creating a new thread sorry. hontoni gomennasai minna-san.

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