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The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2006-12-29 08:18:58 (edited 2007-01-09 12:56:39)
Inspired in "Gendou user's CRUSH! the REPEAT"
(i hope don't have a iqual tread >.< )

*The objective is guess who is the assasin who mudered someone*

1~the one who will give the clues is the detective chef
2~minimum 5 clues
3~the others detectives (everyone) will have 24 hours after the post of clues to find the assasin
4~the first one who guess right will be the next detective chef and will give the clues


You can post how many times you want (just remember of the 10 post in Waste of Time)

If you are The Detective Chef you can do a history and give any tipe of clue BUT DON'T GIVE VAGUE CLUES PLZ


Let's try ok?

"Here we are in Gendou City, and in the street i see a poor corp.
Luckily, the assasin left some clues...
1~he was seen in a bar here in gendou city befor comited the murder
2~doesn't look like has a parner/lover. But has someone how adimires him
3~like a normal guy, he has idols
4~tried to expread a gossip... something linked a magic ¬¬'''
5~His face? I don't know, like everyone in"

Here i leave the clues
it is easy, just to begin ^.^

LET'S HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok ok is quite old and nobody posted befor DN for some opnion (THANKS A LOT DN)
i took of the rule 24 hours
plz if somebody wants to play and think that has something to change PM or post here
i don't to give up from this game o/

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-01-09 12:50:14
ok, I haven't seen this before, and is kiond of old, so I'm gonna ask Draginfly if we are gonna play this... but if Dragonfly wish to continue this, maybe the rule of 24 hours should be taken off...

just sayin...

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by on 2007-01-09 13:08:01
@Dragonfly: So the game is... we need to say one name that we suspected as the assasin.. right??

Then,, i'd say... Dakota/Fratello..

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-01-09 13:19:41
is too obvious ¬¬''''
gomen ne ^.^''''
so you can invent a new assasin if you like to rEI ^.^

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by on 2007-01-09 13:40:42
Hmmm.. interesting ^^

then,, the next clues are:

1. He joined an RP in Gendou City
2. He's 18 years old
3. He likes to make a long post
4. at lvl 10 when i make this clues >.<
5. has been registered here for more than 1 year...

@Dragonfly: am i doing it right?? i'm not really good at making clues ^^

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-01-11 14:20:12
wow!! thats a hard one, let me think....


level 10...

it kills me, I have to look for it

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by on 2007-01-11 16:52:56

haha...i'm probably wrong, but he DOES fit the descriptions funny enough ehhehe...

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by on 2007-01-11 17:39:13
Yeap.. you're right mrtakeiteasy-san ^^

The murderer is Moggle xP

It's your turn to give some CLUES ^o^

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by on 2007-01-12 16:19:56
Woa, Seriously? Never saw that coming ahahaha ^^;;

Here are the clues ^^;;
1. Only registered a couple days before I posted this up
2. This is a woman
3. She has already posted over 40 comments
4. She's lvl 4 at this moment

Is that enough clues? not sure if I'm doing right, but have fun trying ^^

Re: The detective game!!!!(update)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-01-16 08:46:21
hard one, Pink Paragon maybe?

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