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Link | by Chuunin on 2005-03-28 17:48:10
Can anyone explain the ending of Gilgamesh to me....I'm at a loss.

Re: Gilgamesh!
Link | by pepsi kunai on 2005-12-21 06:20:43
huh? what do you mean your lost? in the lyrics? the song? or what?


Re: Gilgamesh!
Link | by camui on 2006-01-02 22:47:46
Ummm shouldn't this be in the music forum or something?


Re: Gilgamesh!
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2006-01-03 23:53:14
chuunin wasn't referring to the end credits sequence - s/he's referring to the end of the entire series.

aside from that, this thread is over 10 months old. i don't think this chuunin would hang around that long for the answer, let alone still has any interest in it.

Re: Gilgamesh!
Ok this series is still bothering me. I saw it about 6 months ago and still cant figure out what it was about. If you can explain what it was all about please let me know. I have tried searching but that which I have found does not answer the question. so if anyone knows pleas reply.

(Sorry for bringing this topic back up, had its own, but admin locked it saying a repete topic, so I will pose the question here and see if anyone has anything for it.)

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