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Sadest anime ever
Link | by darkkaos on 2005-03-28 22:47:09
For me, Fruits Basket and Grave of the Fireflies.
Fruits basket, because of those the suffering certain Characters have. Especially that young kid, his mom doesnt even recognize him (cries; ;)
Grave of the Fireflies just because... yea.... sad...

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by kara-chan on 2005-03-28 23:42:53
I haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies, but I've heard how depressing it is. But for me the saddest anime is

1) Trigun: That shows starts all humourous, but it gets so depressing later on that I almost start crying.
2) Steam Detectives: A beautiful anime with a gorgeous soundtrack to match. But ther last couple of episodes were just...
3) Now and Then, Here and There: Okay, I have never seen this anime before, but I saw a stunning fan video(check link: that made people cry. The anime is unusually realistic and apparently it rates high on the depressing anime poll. ^__~

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Funsch on 2005-03-29 02:24:13
The saddest anime for me would have to be Onegai Teacher in Episodes 10-12. They were very sad and depressing episodes.

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-03-29 02:36:48
Dear Minna-san,

The Sadest anime ever? I would vote for Rurouni Kenshin - Seisouhen!! Naruto - the part where Naruto-kun was being ignored!! The part whereby Haku had died for Zazabu!! The part where Naruto-kun finally had his recognition!! Bleach - the part where Orihime and her brother were parted!! Fruit Basket - The part where Tohru-chan embraced Momiji-kun!! The part where she finally convinced kyo-kun to go back with her.

And lots more...all these scenes makes me cry...T_T*sniff, sniff* pass me the kleenx please!!

ja mata ne,


Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by 明 on 2005-03-29 05:02:01
agreed to darkkaos.


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Renato on 2005-03-29 05:50:08
Well, I haven't cried when watching an anime, but I think the saddest I have seen is Saikano, the were quite a number of sad parts between Ep. 4 - 7.


Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Jun-san on 2005-03-29 11:06:06
I would say Kono minikuku mo utsukushi sekai was really sad... The ending was so depressing... Mahoromatic had sad ending also... Oh yeah GTO! Man that had stupidest but sad ending! That ending really sucked! How about Video Girl AI? Man that anime was old and classic... Also that dramatic ending was so heart shaking! well! gotta go

I love anime. I live anime. Do you anime?

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Keikunmx on 2005-03-29 14:44:09
you guys have never seen Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, or Saikano, also elfen lied (tooooo sad).

If you hadn't seen this animes, you don't know what a sad anime is

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by darkkaos on 2005-03-29 15:22:44
i havent seen much of kimi ga nozomu eien, but the first eps itself really was sad...
Saikano... omg.... (thank god i cant relate with those characters...)
i totally forgot about now and then, here and there.
that really was a sad anime....

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by SiLenT KilLEr on 2005-03-29 17:49:48
the saddest anime i think would be princess TuTu cause the ending sucked so much... Myuto should end up with Akhiru not that byotch ass Ruu (a coke whore all the way!!!) when i was watching TuTu for the first time i thought that is was an awsome show but the ending... god... the ending sucked so much..... i also think Mythic Sluth Loki was a little sad expesialy the last episode... when the adult loki was with the pink haired girl on the bench, i was like PROPOSE to her.... but noooo.... they just talk and also angelic layer's ending... the girl i forgot her name should end up with the guy who sucks at angelic layer and shouldn't end up with the champion guy cause i think he should end up a VIRGIN!!!! LOL JK.... only kidding..... evangelion also had a sad ending... i mean the movie.... when misato dies and when asuka's eva was turned into meat scraps which my bro thought was the coolest moment on TV history...... maburaho also had a sad ending cause the boy got cloned so he could do IT with all the girls... i don't get it any way.... so hope u enjoyed my reply and THX... please reply mine about anime sex scenes...LOL JKJKJKJK.....

I love anime... i like cardcaptor sakura, love hina, one piece, chobits, daa daa daa, pita ten, mythic sleuth loki, angelic layer, mabuharo, tsubasa, gravitation, saiyuki, galaxy angel, inuyasha, read or die, fruit basket, ruroni kenshin, neon genesis evangelion, alien 9, mermaid melody pitchy pitch.... and more... i think.... i also like LINDSAY LOHAN all the way baby!!!!

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Zelkiiro on 2005-03-30 09:13:04
The only anime I've ever seen that moved me to tears are Fruits Basket (the end of episode 25 slammed me) and Voice of a Distant Star (the ending did it for me).

"Now, now, kids, Daddy loves ya, but Daddy also loves Star Trek, and in all fairness, Star Trek was here first." - Peter (Family Guy)

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Bambi on 2005-03-30 11:11:00
Fruit Basket, Grave of the fireflies, and Voices of a Distant Star, Mai Hime...also Gankutsuou Episode 18(yeah i cried).

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by david on 2005-03-30 14:58:33
when choujii died.. sniff.

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by SHA on 2005-03-30 16:05:20
i haven't seen a lot of the anime people have listed(or i've only seen it in korean with no translations or anything) and even the one i'm thinking of i haven't seen all of it yet, though i know a lot about what happens in the future. anyways, to me a really sad anime is Hagaren i mean think about, it starts of okay, i mean they meet a girl whose beliefs they must crush because cornello is just a fake profit, which isn't so sad, but then you learn about there past and the death of their mother, the death of the rockbell's, ed's hatred for his father, and then there was that one guy who wouldn't see it when the woman he'd loved got old and denied her his love, and when tucker makes a chimera::sniff:: out of nina::sniff:: and alexander::sniff:: and then scar kills them::SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB:: i...i...can't write anymore about it; it's just so so sad:'(

**We are all strange in a normal way**

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Odecam on 2005-03-30 16:43:11
U don´t know what a Sad Anime is until you see Elfen Lied. This is the saddest,with no comprarison

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by kirikus on 2005-03-31 09:19:28
My saddest anime of all right now is Air, before it was elfen lied of course but it's not match to Air. It's just so sad that i cried in the end, like a baby too....since this anime is romance

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Pokkets on 2005-03-31 18:34:10
I tink saikano was pretty sad. Cuz everyone died in a horrible way! No one just DIED. They had to make a huge scene. Specially Akemi. I cried at her death scene. *sniff*

Image hosted by"When life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your stupid lemons."

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Brickman on 2005-03-31 19:54:31
So far... I think Air was the saddest. I knew it was coming, but it was still too sad for me to the point where I cried. Haha, that was the first anime I ever cried on actually.

Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-04-01 02:31:10
Oh dear,

I've forgotten 1 sad anime, it's Chrono Crusade!! The ending was too sad, I wanted to forget about it!! Chrono and Rosette died!!



Re: Sadest anime ever
Link | by Keikunmx on 2005-04-01 13:54:24
thank you for spoiling me the end of CC

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