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What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by imppy on 2007-01-20 21:26:21 (edited 2007-01-26 22:04:02)
Spell out your name and see what does it tell you~ (nicknames are accepted)

There's a possibility that I can update the meaning at least once every week or two tebayo~

One exclusive rule is to not use FAKE names~ use your real name or just a nickname~ oωo

Basic rules apply (e.g. no spamming, 4 posts, no godmodding)

Note: A slight change, if one letter in your name exists twice or more, then the meaning would have a higher possibility that it is "TRUE" XD let's make it that way so it would be fun (o3o)


A- You like to squeeze your friend's ass
B- You're a holy person
C- You're the next SAVIOR of the people
D- You're like to eat fetus
E- You are bald
F- You eat like a monkey
G- You have fear for h0m0s
H- Damn gorgeous
I- You feel horny today
J- I love you
K- You talk funny
L- You like noodles...NOODLES
M- You have a very bad luck
N- Your chest hair is curly
O- You have big boobies
P- You were just caught buying prostitutes during World War 2
Q- You dress weird
R- Girls will chase you, no matter what your gender is.
S- Hairy legs
T- You drink coffee a lot
U- Quiet type
V- You have great friends to rely with
W- You are very fact you have half brain
X- You are bossy
Y- Future celebrity
Z- You like to eat pregnant women


N - You are the sexiest person alive
I - You are a great sense of style
K - You like to try new things
K - You like to try new things
O - You like to jump around naked

I dunno if those were true oωo but I like it~! I'm SEXY~! XD


N- Your chest hair is curly **whut~!? I dun have chest hair~
I- You feel horny today **I do~!? Maybe
K- You talk funny **Maybe...sometimes.
K- You talk funny **Yeah yeah...
O- You have big boobies **O.O Why would I have boobies~!

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by sai on 2007-01-21 01:44:03
Heheh... Interesting... Where did you get all these definitions from anyway? XD

A- damn good kisser -------------> I've never even kissed... Dunno about this :P
L- You live for pizza-------------> Probably right XD
V- You are the funniest person in the world.-----------> o rly?
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style-------------------> Definitely wrong :D
N- YOU ARE THE SEXIEST PERSON ALIVE--------------------> Ooo yeah!

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Lady Maia on 2007-01-21 01:59:14
G- You're kinda mean. [. . . sometimes . . . o.o]

E- You have a nice ass. [WTH? O.o]

L- You live for pizza. [YAY for Pizza~! :3]

B- good person. [err... o.O. . . sometimes. o.O]

R- absolutely HOT. [+________+ Evaporate~!]

E- You have a nice ass. [<_<;; do you really have to say this again?]

T- You're loyal to those you love. [hehehe~ I am. ^^ wai~!]

T- You're loyal to those you love. [For the love of God. YES, I am.]

E- You have a nice ass. [. . . +_+ you know I really hate you right now, right? +_+]

M- success comes easily to you. [It does? . . . then I should be really really rich right about now. RICHER THAN BILL GATES~! woot~]

A- damn good kisser. [errr o.o .... oh, look. An ant~! *pokes the ant*]

I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style. [:D maybe~]

A- damn good kisser. [aidodiduwa~. . . . huh? *takes off earphones* did you say something?]

*insert epic picture here*

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 02:09:18
think i'll use shinjiXDDD

S- have great legs.> sort of true..if you see me in real..^^
H- You have a very good personality and looks. > i doubt..
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style> not sure..
J- Everyone loves you > i am NUTS..


Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by baka~yarou on 2007-01-21 02:16:21 (edited 2007-01-21 02:23:32)
B- good person > really? ^_^
A- damn good kisser > omg would like to be xD
C- you're wild and crazy > ya~ that's right xD
H- You have a very good personality and looks. > WTF? xD

B- good person > never been xD
A- damn good kisser > huh? xD
K- You like to try new things > maybe? xD
A- damn good kisser > wtf is this about? xD


Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by imppy on 2007-01-21 04:29:10
@ Sai

oωo From my psychotic brain XD I'll change the definitions maybe next week or the week after that tebayo~ so boredom will not rise oωo

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-01-21 06:58:35
K- You like to try new things (yep, although i prefer to modify those new things...)
A- damn good kisser (dunno...never kissed before)
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for (hmm...) about my username...

B- good person (uh...dunno)
L- You live for pizza (yeah!! PIZZA!!!)
O- You like to jump around naked.(i don't)
O- You like to jump around naked.(i said i don't!!)
D- You have one of the best personalities ever (maybe, maybe not)
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for (aww...i'm embarrassed)
M- success comes easily to you. (i wish it really did)
O- You like to jump around naked. (for the 3rd time no!!)
O- You like to jump around naked. (uh...i give up...)

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Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2007-01-21 07:01:46
lol I want a turn!

T-your loyal to thoes you love (sounds like me, I'm a lap dog to my friendsXD)
A-damn good kisser (I have no clue, never kissed anyone)
Y- one of the best bfs anyone could ask for (I'll belive this one =p)
L-you live for pizza (that is true)
O-You like to jump around naked (ORO~?!?!? O_o I don't ever remember that happening)
R- Absolutly hot ( is it just me or are we all Sexy O_o)

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Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2007-01-21 07:10:40 (edited 2007-01-21 07:11:29)
R- absolutely HOT hmm.....i don't know about that....^^

A- damn good kisser Never kissed before -______-

B- good person HOHOOHOHOHO this is SOOOOO WRONG XD

B- good person MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style Definitely True. I know how to mix and match my clothes^^

T- You're loyal to those you love hehehe....*dramatic background music* dun Dun DUN DUUUUUUNNNNNNNN~~!!!

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 07:15:11
J- Everyone loves you [Quite the opposite actually.]

O- You like to jump around naked [ahahahahahahaha, Not in your life.]


A- damn good kisser [Never kissed and never been kissed before.]

T- You're loyal to those you love [I believe this is true.]

H- You have a very good personality and looks [Personality, probably not. Looks, not a chance.]

O- You like to jump around naked [When hell freezes over.]

N- YOU ARE THE SEXIEST PERSON ALIVE [Already said, not even remotely true.]


Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 07:26:26
This looks interesting...i'll give it a go ^^


I - You Have A Great Sense Of Style [well...not really]
Z - You like to eat babies [O_O!!!!!!!!]
U - You are really chilled [i keep my cool in pressure situations]
M - success comes easily to you [I WISH!!!]
O - You like to jump around naked [O_O!!! How you find out about that!!!]

Real Name:

W - You are very fact, you have 2 brains [not sure about that :p]
A - damn good kisser [well.....]
R - absolutely HOT [why thank you!]
R - absolutely HOT [are you coming on to me?]
E - You have a nice ass [ /)~(\ ]

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Silent_Soldier on 2007-01-21 07:47:31
Well I want to give this a try too!

C- you're wild and crazy (Hmmm true sometimes)
H- You have a very good personality and looks (Why thank you I do try ^^)
R- absolutely HOT (Well you noticed thought I was going to have to tell you ^__^)
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style (hahaha yeah once in awhile)
S- have great legs (Ummmmm....................O_O!!!)

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Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 09:12:49
D - You have one of the best personalities EVA!!

A - Damn good kisser!

R - Absolutely HOT!!

K - You like to try new things!


Well....doesn't that seem kinda familiar with the Dark we all know and love in the Manga and anime? XD


Ok, my real name...

J - Everyone loves you. ((Everyone at least notices me. XD))

O - You love to jump around naked. ((COLD DAY IN HELL I WOULD!! >D))

H - You have a very good personality and looks. ((Maybe so...))

N - You are the SEXIEST PERSON ALIVE!! ((That's what I always say. XD))

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by shinigami_shadow on 2007-01-21 09:41:23
@Lady Maia: Kekekeke~ *glomp* o.O

@Shinji: BWA! No pessimicitivity...if that's a word...o.O...I'm positive EVERYTHING stated there is perfectly true.

@Jonathon: okay, let's get something straight here - EVERYONE LOVES YOU. NOT THE OPPOSITE. It's actually an understatement. Everyone WORSHIPS YOOO~! Kwe!
XD *glomp*

@Dark: kekeke~ the ONLY not-pessamistic person in here! Woot~ kudos for Dark san!
Okies, let's go with TORI:

T - You're loyal to those you love. [Well, I try. ^-^]
O - You like to jump around naked. [You KNOW IT! Uhm...ehe...let's just say this: NO NO ANNNDDD NO.]
R - Absolutely HOT [Hmmm am I? Interesting prospect. XD]
I - You have a great sense of style. [Kekeke~ so what exactly do you call "sense of style"?]

Now let's go with my FULL name:

V - You are the funniest person in the world. [BWAAHAHA~! NOOO whoever made this up is funny, because I'm just...NOT!]
I - You have a great sense of style. [Again with the style? Why why why?]
C - You're wild and crazy. [Ehe~ I've been told that many times it's TRUE or not is questionable though. XD I'm crazy and wild in the chat, as some will tell you...kekeke~]
T - See Tori
O - See Tori
R - See Tori
I - See Tori
A - Damn good kisser. [Uhm...I've been told that before...dunno if it's true...hopefully~! kekeke~]

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 11:45:46
Ooh cool!! Me try! :33

I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style [O.o I do!??! scary O_O]
R- absolutely HOT. [ermm...that's impossible -.-; that's what my friends say O_o]
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style [...]
S- have great legs. [now this i'm sure is impossible...I HATE MY LEGS T____T omg, that sounds weird O.o]

S- have great legs. [not AGAIN!!! T_______T]
U- You are really chilled. [uhhh...okay...o.o;]
Z- You like to eat babies. [i do? maybe...xD]
A- damn good kisser [nope, never kissed before]
K- You like to try new things [I do!!!! weeOoOoO~ at least one thing is correct =_=]
U- You are really chilled. [O_o again?]

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Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by on 2007-01-21 12:15:29
Let me try this ^^

R - absolutely HOT... @_@'

E - you have a nice ass ~_~'

I - you have a great sense of style O____o;

Hmmm... let's try the username ^^

A - damn good kisser... Wha...??!! I never kissed someone ^^

Y - one of the best gfs/bfs anyone could ask for... hmmm.. dunno about this ^^

A - damn good kisser... AGAIN??!!


A - damn good kisser.. What the... *sighs*

M - success comes easily to you.. hmmm.. it's a good thing ^^

I - you have a great sense of style... hmmm.. not really xP

C - you're wild and crazy... hmmm.. true... true... *nods* and maybe you should add psycho too >.<

L - you live for pizza.. YEAP.. GO GO PIZZA!!!

O - you like to jump naked... O_____O no.. no... NOOOO~~~

W - you are very smart.. in fact,, you have 2 brains... Hmmm.. not really smart ^^

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-01-21 12:47:25
let see

F- People totally adore you (*blush*) :DDDD *Toni Toni atack*
A- damn good kisser *Blush²* OMG
B- good person HUahuahua who knows
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style... Realy!?!?!? Thank you
A- damn good kisser *Blush³* OMFG
N- YOU ARE THE SEXIEST PERSON ALIVE fiu fiu if some one say that to me i faint =^.^=
A- damn good kisser=^.^=

S- have great legs.---> this is a lie
E- You have a nice ass.huahuahuahauhauahua
T- You're loyal to those you love. yeah of curse ;)
O- You like to jump around naked.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

D- You have one of the best personalities ever HOHOHO... that is a lie too
R- absolutely HOT. Vixi...
A- damn good kisser... no coments :DDDD
G- You're kinda mean. HOHOHOHO this is true +___+
O- You like to jump around naked.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
F- People totally adore you
L- You live for pizza... kind of....YO LOVE PIZZA!!!!
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for *blush*

very fun imppy!!!!!
great game ^o^

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by imppy on 2007-01-22 03:27:30
Weeh~!! It's a little something I thought about when I just got uVer bored (=3=)

Let's try my nickname:

I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style (I do? O_o)
M- success comes easily to you. (it IS true)
M- success comes easily to you. (yush, a double XD)
P- You are popular with all types of people. (I am~?! I'm not popularrrr (o3o))
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for ¯\(º_o)/¯

Weeh~! This IS fun oωo

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-01-22 03:35:57
wow this weird hahaha

Z- You like to eat babies.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
A- damn good kisser
R- absolutely HOT
T- You're loyal to those you love
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style
C- have great legs.
U- You are really chilled.- you're wild and crazy
S- have great legs.

ok so im a popularly hot,loyal,stylishly wild and crazy person that eats babies and have good legs...

well looks like you got it right my man!

nowbringin the babies!

mmmmmm babies!hahahaha

Re: What Does Your Name Tell You? *new defintion set *
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-01-22 03:54:09
K- You like to try new things
A- damn good kisser
A- damn good kisser
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for
U- You are really chilled.
K- You like to try new things
I- You Have A Great Sense Of Style

So... I like to try new things, is a good kisser (lol!), the sexiest person, one of the best gfs anyone could ask for (For real?), I'm chilled and has a great sense of style!

Truthfully, I'm the queen of kissing people at the cheeks! I love trying new things? No way!

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