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The real Little Dude.
Link | by little_dude on 2007-01-24 23:22:52
Hi everybody, my cat is so cool! He’s a tux.
His name is Little Dude, now you may be thinking, "Isn't that your name too?”
Well it is!
You see I thought Little dude was so cool that I used his name, got it?

He Lounges around mostly, sleeps a lot and likes to eat, but what cat doesn't?
He lives with two other cats, sinki and ponci (they are sisters).
Little Dude does not get along with them and they are mean to him a lot, but he has his defenses. Like when sinki attacks He punches her, isn't that just the coolest!!!
We adopted him when he was two; his old owners de-clawed him (doesn't that make you sad?).

If anyone has any questions about the real Little Dude you can ask me, because the real Little Dude can't type

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by imppy on 2007-01-25 03:06:08
Eep~! I love cats (o3o) and I want Little Dude's picture, to say "kawaii" properly dattebayo~ (>3>)

Could you post some of his pictures~? Or you can just post them at this thread~

I want cats NAW ¯\(º_o)/¯

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-01-25 06:49:57
Nature Lover is here OoO

Show it to me , Pls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-01-25 07:23:09
*moving to waste of time*

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by little_dude on 2007-01-25 19:05:26
The real Little Dude thanks you and he give you all kitty kisses, XXXxxxxXxXXXx!!!

I'm working on getting some pics up, I have to take some of him first.

Little Dude, aka: The cop car, wants all of you to drive safe, Because you don't want a cat to pull you over for speeding, that would just be embarrassing.

Has anybody noticed that cats can teleport, I mean I look at Little Dude and he's on the couch just hanging out, then I look away and do something like get some milk or something and you know like getting milk doesn't take that or anything, so I look back and he's gone, then suddenly out of nowhere he's like right under my feet meowing like crazy because he knows that I have some milk, which totally freaks me out because he just like teleported right there. He's like a ninja.

Well like I said before if you have any questions about the Dude, I will be more than happy to answer them.

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by on 2007-01-25 20:06:06
Heya, LittleDude!! What a kawaii name~~~~!!!!!!!! :333333 Welcome to gendou and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The real Little Dude.
Link | by little_dude on 2007-02-04 13:59:13 (edited 2007-02-04 20:50:04)
Hi Ryoko, thanks for welcoming me to Gendou, the real Little Dude would also like to thank you.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner things have been a bit crazy for me.

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