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Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by yuki on 2005-03-31 19:31:11
i need help remembering hiragana.....its soo hard......can anyone give me tips on how to mak it easier!

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-01 00:17:57

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by #Reia# on 2005-04-01 19:22:11
I think you have to use hiragana in your daily life to remember that. you try to write the thing using hiragana..... or it is good if you try to speak in japanese with somoneelse. (you can ues also hiragana[japanese] when you post some message here.)

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-04-01 20:53:13
ひらがなはそんなにむずかしいとおもいますか? ぼくはさんせいではありません. ほんとうにひらがなをじょうずになりたかったら, [いろは]というはいくをよんだほうがいいとおもいますよ.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by lildjnoodlegrl on 2005-04-02 19:21:53 (edited 2005-04-02 19:24:57)
hey if u want to remember the whole hiragana chart i'll teach u the basics of writing, reading, and speaking japanese!!,

Step 1. The Vowels for Japanese Goes like this:
"A" as in Father
"I" as in Hawaii
"U" as in Cool
"E" as in Seven
"O" as in Oh
Remember how to say the vowels then move on to step 2 (Remember the order that the are in too!)

Step 2. Remember this " A, Ka; Sa, Ta; Na, Ha; Ma, Ya; Ra, Wa; N " U would say it like 'aka, sata, naha, maya, rawa, n'. Say it daily till u know it by heart [the 'N' is pronounced Unn]

Step 3. OK get some binder paper. Set you paper up like so:
N Wa Ra Ya Ma Ha Na Ta Sa Ka A
Ri Mi Hi Ni Chi Shi Ki I
Ru Yu Mu Fu Nu Tsu Su Ku U
Re Me He Ne Te Se Ke E
O Ro Yo Mo Ho No To So Ko O
REMEMBER THIS!!! You will need this knowledge!!

Step 4. OK Now you get to learn some Hiragana!
You will learn two columns at a time till u remember them all!
か ka あ A
き ki い I
く ku う U
け ke え E
こ ko お O
Practice daily till u remember it the 'A' and 'Ka' Lines!

Step 5. Repeat with lines 'Sa, Ta; Na, Ha; Ma, Ya; Ra, Wa; N'
your chart should look like this when done..
ん わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ
り み ひ に ち し き い
る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ す く う
れ め へ ね て せ け え
を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お
there's More to the chart, but i'll teach you that later ^_^

Step 6. NOTE!! ã‚’ O Is a partical for todo something
Ex: Nihongo O Hanashimasu Ka。 にほんご を はなします か。
(Do you speak Japanese?)
There are NO question marks ? nor exclimation marks ! in Japanese only Periods . called 'maru' Which look like mini circles at the end of each sentence.
EX: 。
If you were to ask a question it would be Ka。か。 at the end of a sentence or statement

Also there are no Quotation marks " " in japanese the use this strange things 「 」 I forgot what the were called ^_^ (sorry)
I Hope this helps a lil i'l type more later on ill give you a chance to conprehend this all... Oh READ OVER AND OVER UNTILL IT STARTS MAKING SENCE!!!
- bye bye
(currently in at school 'Japanese 1')
Grrr the spaceing THE SPACING!!!!GRRRR

あなたの思考を見なさい; それらは単語になる。
あなたの単語を見なさい; それらは行為になる。
あなたの行為を見なさい; それらは習慣になる。
あなたの習慣を見なさい; それらは特性になる。
あなたの特性を見なさい; それはあなたの運命になる。

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-04-12 09:51:42
^_^ Oh, I know Hiragana! And Katakana too! ^_^ They're so fun and pretty......
...and then there's that EVIL EVIL Kanji! Who else here thinks Kanji hates them!? Cuz I KNOW Kanji hates me! *glares at the evil little smug-looking Kanji characters*

..Righto! So, is this topic for tips on how to remember Hiragana?
I know Kana!! Can I help?? Pleeeaaassssse?

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Shiriko on 2005-04-27 16:32:34
Do what I do! Randomly doodle hiragana during class :P I am in Japanese 1 at my High School, and have memorized that and Kata soo... it's good ^_^

-----------------------------"it's ok to steal from the thieves, because they stole it first!" -Lina Inverse

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Animeoutcast on 2005-04-29 19:31:27
Will this be like a Japanese Forum class or somethin? Because I would really like that because at my high school we don't have japanese classes so I have to learn a lot on my own.

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by hyacinth on 2005-04-30 22:56:44
I'm currently learning japanese too at my school! I made a chart listing all the hiragana and how to pronounce them on a big poster card, then I hung it on my wall. Flashcards work too, btw. Good luck! ^.^

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by KrnPakRat on 2005-05-12 02:04:50 (edited 2005-05-12 02:06:23)
Anyone here see Samurai Champloo? Remember the episode where Mugen tries to learn hiragana and he always gets confused with the symbols. It's easy to get confused, espeically since some symbols look really similar to others like 'me' (god, i wish i had a japanese insertion tool) and 'nu' for instance. I agree that using the poster idea and the flashcards is a good idea...that's what helped me. A good way to remember some of the symbols is to use mneumonic devices and just remember what they look like, basically a memory aid. For instance, I remember that the symbol 'te' looks like a giant T so that kinda gives you a clue of what it might sound like. 'ta' looks like a "t" connected to an incomplete "a" so that's like a big giveaway. 'ki' looks like...well..uh a "key" with two wedges on the top and the handle on the bottom ^_^. For 'mo', it looks like a saxophone, because it's a hook with two slashes across it, and i remember from the Simpsons that Homer plays lisa's saxophone and starts saying "sax-a-MO-phone, sax-a-MO-phone" (yea, i know that's a cheesy memory aid, but it works OKAY). Anyways, just visualize the hiragana in your head and see if you can make it look like a funny shape that can help you memorize it easier. Then once you start practicing it, it becomes easier. Japanese in high fun. I learned some japanese in collge, and we had to memorize all the hiragana in a span of a week O.O! TAIHEN!!!

and also to comment with Shippo91234...Kanji really really really really is can only be my friend, if there's only one way to read it dammnit! Too bad there isn't =(! No more ranting, me be quiet now.

Ano, anata wa anime-junkie to itte hoo ga ii deshou ka?

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Xera on 2005-05-19 05:12:41
My school doesn't teach Hiragana too, so I'm learning on my own^^

Thanx to lildjnoodlegrl for the tips, it actually makes sense in my case since I'm used to reading right to left in Chinese class. And the flashcard and poster thing seems like a good idea, I should try that.

Hm, I might be going off topic here, but could anyone help me with remembering Katakana? It's very confusing...@_@

Btw, Kanji isn't evil...just, hard to remember, even if I have Chinese classes...-_-

Thankies again!^^

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Little Chi on 2005-05-19 18:56:46
yeah, hiragana just confuses me...but then again, I've never actually tried to learn it, just picking up bits and pieces all over the place. ^_^;; Anyawyz, I agree wtih Xera; kanji isn't evil. It really is just plain old memorizing. But since I know Chinese, I guess I'm used to it...

Itetsuku hoshi no yami e
tsumugu inori ga
Tooi anata no sora ni
todoku you ni?

-Radical Dreamers

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Evader on 2005-05-25 23:25:03
I just got out of one year of japanese in college. We were expected to learn hiragana in two weeks.

Then katakana in two more weeks.

Somehow, I managed with hiragana. It just . . . makes sense. But katakana is just . . . gaaah. Hiragana doesn't look too redundant. KATAKANA looks redundant.

アイウエオ a i u e o
カキクケコ ka ki ku ke ko
サシスセソ sa shi su se so
タチツテト ta chi tsu te to
ナニヌネノ na ni nu ne no
ヤーユーヨ ya - yu - yo
ハヒフヘホ ha hi hu he ho
マミムメモ ma mi mu me mo
ラリルレロ ra ri ru re ro
ワーーーヲ wa - - - wo
ン     n

Yes, it's the same set of letters as the hiragana. Katakana is not like lowercase in english. Imagine if, in english, we always worded all onomontopeias (crash, bang, pop) in a different color. Always. We don't pronounce them different, we just write them different. It's kind of like that. Katakana is for sound words, and foreign words. All engrish you hear is twisted into katakana. Pocket Monsters? Poketto monsutasu. Po ke (small tsu for emphasis) to mo n su ta su


Los Angeles?

Yeah, it gets pretty nightmarish.

The worst part of katakana is that any of these symbols will wind up being a part of random kanji- so when you see them, your brain flashes to kanji, as opposed to katakana. Finally, when you try to think of hiragana, it won't take too long because they all get used moderately often in practice. However, if you aren't really, really submerged, you'll never see half the katakana- and when you see a random english word you have to transliterate on a test . . . you can remember the hiragana, but not the katakana . . . GAAAAAAAAAAA.

And kanji . . . well, when you learn a kanji's meaning, you can read something, kind of know what it means, but not be able to say it or spell it (in hiragana). Or, if you learn a given word and kanji with one single reading of the kanji, you'll mispronounce it. Like 日(bi), for example. 日 is 'bi,' 'day.' But it can also be ni. 日本 - nihon, japan. If you know 今(ima), which means 'now,' and you see 今日, you think . . . now . . .day . . today! Imabi! --And you're half right. Yes, it does mean today. However, it's pronounced kyou. Why? Who knows. You can dangerously forget things like that for tests- just because you understand what the sentence you just read meant doesn't mean you can say it or spell it out in hiragana.

OK, that was random. I'm done.

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by WhyMe on 2005-05-29 03:27:33 (edited 2005-05-31 06:37:12)
Well, I'm currently in Grade 12, and we had Chinese at our school for two or so years, and I learnt it, and then they culled it. No prob, I wanted to learn japanese. So anyway, I'm planning to do a 4 Year Beginners Japanese Language course at Uni. Hopefully I'll pass.

Anyway, I know Hiragana should be learnt first, but I'm actually trying to teach myself Katakana. So far, I know a little over 60% of them or so, but I haven't had that much time, and I'm in Exam Blocks right now, so yeah.

For katakana, I've found the easiest way is to go 5 at a time -- starting at アイウエオ and then just continuing on with the ka-ki-ku-ke-ko etc.

But that's just the way my mind works, I guess.

Anyways, regarding Hiragana, I will personally probably learn it in the same pattern as I am trying Katakana (which I'll hopefully learn these holidays). Also, you characters in hiragana like へ (he) and ん(n) are either really simple(ん), or identical to their katakana counterparts. Just persist and you will get there!

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by gaara_hisoka on 2005-07-14 23:19:10
Hi I'm a newbie here... nice to meet you all... ^__^

Well if you're finding troubles while remembering hiragana, i suggest you use it for writing your diary... XD works on my friends

But if youre still confused by hiragana, well try to spend more time to memorize them all... heueheueheueheu

I prefer memorize hiragana than kanji...

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Akura on 2005-07-15 18:56:07
look at hiragana like a million times (-_-)...that's how I like me and buy (or borrow) jap books

"How 'bout a little less questions and a little more shut the hell up?"

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Shiro on 2005-07-28 12:23:42 (edited 2005-07-28 13:01:31)
This is how I did it...

...find pieces of text written only in hiragana, or find a friend who's studying Japanese or knows Japanese and have them find a big text and put it all into hiragana (and again into Katakana if you need to)...or you can look at big texts without having someone transcribe them and only focus on the hiragana.

...try reading the text without trying to figure out exactly WHAT you're reading. If you find a symbol that you're not familiar with, look it up. Keep doing it until you can read the whole thing without having to look up a particular character.

...also, try having that friend give you other pieces of material for you to try also...just make sure your friend won't get frustrated with you and is willing to help you as much as you're willing to learn... a random text I pulled out of nowhere):

『スパイラル・アライヴ』は月刊少年ガンガン連載中の『スパイラル ~推理の絆

This is from Shirodaira Kyo at the end of volume one of Spiral Alive. Now
have someone put it all into hiragana for you to practice on. Or actually,
why don't you just practice on this one...? ^^;

ぱいらる ~すいりのきずな~』 のさいどすとぉりぃにあたります。ただし『すぱ

And in Katakana if you needed it (though it looks weird...)

パイラル ~スイリノキズナ~』ノサイドストーリーニアタリマス。タダシ『スパイ

There you go! ...have fun....

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Chimie on 2005-07-30 00:46:25
All of these are good ways to remember, I learned both in about 2 weeks each, (Not too difficult), Ive only been studying for about 9 months thought, so my kanji isnt very good, only like half of Joyo kanji (900) memorized (笑)

Anyways, Just write the Charts over and over again, No peeking untill you fill in all you can. Memorize the patterns, さ[サ] and き[キ] look the same in hiragana and katakana, remember that. し[シ] つ[ツ] Notice for these the way the lines go, the one for Shi, the two dots are verticle, the same as in hiragana, tsu is horizontal, like in hira. Little things help.

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Michishirube on 2005-08-22 13:21:57
I used manga to help me learn. I took a kana chart and matched the kana on the page with the kana on the sheet until the kana was stuck in my head. And I haven't forgotten it since. You could try using that.

Re: Remembering Hiragana!!!
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-22 16:38:53
Dont memorize the hiragana horizontally, do them vertically, that's how it's supposed to be learnt. That's how uni lecturers do it too. Coz in JP, things are traditionally read vertically. So it would be

A, i , u , e ,o
Ka, ki, ku , ke , ko........ etc.

And it's helps if you associate each hiragana character with a pic or something like:

no for no smoking; or
ne for a hole in the net
re for something resting against a wall
o for on the green
wo from Olympics (looks like a discus thrower)
ke for keg (beer kegs)

there you go, it sould be easier this way. Coz I didnt do JP for 5years until i took it up again in uni. But I still remembered my hiragana coz i learnt it the way I was talking about. Still have a problem remembering certain katakana though

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