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which songs for each singer..??
Link | by Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket on 2007-02-03 23:20:11
Which song do u think are the most awesome and cool from any of this singer..?

Utada Hikaru:
Kawada Mami:
Do as infinity:
Yuna Ito:

In my opinion, they are:

1. Simple and Clean- OST Kingdom Hearts and Hikari Lights
2. Hishoku no Sora and Radiance
3. i love almost all her songs..
4. Fukai mori and Oasis
5. Pureyes and Endless Story

If u want to tell another song, please mention the singer.. Actually anybody is fine, but hopefully u guys will reply for the 5 i've mentioned above..! ^^ thx!

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