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arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 04:59:06
I like this game, so I want to revive it.

Here are the rules from the previous thread:

What you do is you post something about the person above you, then something about yourself, and lastly something about the person who posts under you. it should look something like this:

^ (fact about the person above you)
> (fact about yourself)
v (fact about the person who posts under you-it can be funny)

I'll start, but I'll just do the last two since no one's above me.

> Is hyper today!!
V Is happy!

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 05:13:48
^ got a new Signiture

> hapy cause theres a continuation to a game I like

V Happy about this as well

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-10 09:56:34
ppy indeed

^ happy

>very happy

V very very happy

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by Huy on 2007-02-10 11:05:46
^ Is very happy
> Uberhappy XD
v is older than me?

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2007-02-10 11:07:49 (edited 2007-02-10 11:08:14)
I wish!!

^ is older than me by a year
> is younger than Huy by a year
v is 999999999 years old XDDD

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 11:50:14
wah~~ nope you wrong ^^ i'm 711 yrs old.. will be 712 this tear ^o^

^ is YOUNGER than me

> is old...

V hmmmm.... wears glasses ^o^

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-02-10 11:50:43
nmot that much, onlñy gendou can have that age :P

^ very young
> 890 years old Dragon
v under 18 :P

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 11:59:47
^ 1# fan of Pame

< Still recovering from the fever =_=

v Is 18 yr. old and up

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 14:40:05
Nope. =D

^ still has the frypan sign in her ava
< needs to make her ava shorter so she can put the sign in
V doesn't have the frypan sign

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 15:58:34
Yes, I don't have it.

^ Not 18 yet.

> Not 18 yet either.

V Oldest Gendou member!

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-10 20:22:02
Arrow arrow arrow!!! my favorite game!!! wiiiii

Nope, I'm not the oldest one XD

^ 17?...16? anyway, not 18 yet.
> Old enough for voting in my country... XD
v Able to vote too?

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-02-11 04:48:35
^ loves arrow game ^^

> i can vote XD

V in some ocasion thought that i was a boy XD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-11 07:59:37
strangely um no actually...

^ can vote

> also can vote but wont

V will vote

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2007-02-11 08:06:11
Im not old enough >___<

^ likes the maskman 0___o
> spends little time infront of TV
v watches tv 24/7 XD

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-11 08:19:40
Watch TV 24/7? No.... more like being in front of the computer... :P

^Doesn't spend much time watching TV.

>Used to watch TV a lot.... but not anymore.

VUsed to be a "TV addict"....

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-11 10:35:06
I am a tv addict to date

^ can be found in front of a pc most of the time

> has ton of schoolwork to catchup

V has more free time than me

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by Huy on 2007-02-11 11:40:10
Yes, just finished all the schoolwork. XD

^ very busy

> finally has free time

v likes to bathe?

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-11 14:23:31
yep! >:3

^VERY busy
>just got a new avy and siggy XD
Vloves veggies :3 (to be specific, cabbage)

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by on 2007-02-11 19:40:44
veggies (cabbage).. hmmm.. like it but not my favourite ^^

^ got Noir character as the avatar

> me has to make new avatar

V will participates in gendou nostalgia week ^^

Re: arrow game ver.2
Link | by MissMin on 2007-02-11 19:46:08
^ likes neon genesis evangelion

> doesn't know about gendou nostalgia week

V likes chocolate

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