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Living in Japan
Link | by on 2007-02-18 16:50:38
If for example, I want to live in Japan, I heard that you can't live there unless you're Japanese or married to a Japanese or related to a Japanese.. Is that true? Coz if that's true, then that means I can't live in Japan T_T

"Keep smiling; it makes people wonder what you're up to."

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by R3A♥a.k.a♥MoShinoSinG YouR HearT OuT!! on 2007-02-18 16:55:58
wha?! is that true..i thought u just hav to like...migrate there by messing around with documents and stuff like that....sure many foreigners live there coz they like it, don't think that's true

but i'd reali find out 4rm ppl who really know

i sorta had this plan of living there for a while in the back of my head..well..when i start working after University that is..still far ahead

luv travelling!


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-02-18 20:38:41
Hey guys,

Ok @ Seitei and REA

Thats is not true, u can still migrate to japan, but its a very hard task to do. The most easiest thing to do is to marry a japanese, no doubt about that. HOWEVER if ur going to live in japan with either A) Japanese Wife, or B) Being a non-japanese will make ur life miserable. (Since I too used to live in japan with my mum being japanese, but since my dad was a forigner he still couldnt get the japanese passport.) Why i say living in japan as a foriegner is miserable speaking from experiance. Believe it or not, japanese are cruel racist against other races then thier own.

But from my experiacnce, ive got...
1) Bullied (In all years from 1-12) simply cuz i wasnt japanese
2) Found hard to find work since i was a foriegner (Due to an stupid presupposition of foreigners are crappy in japanese and have a different culture)
3) Will be the most difficult thing to get citizenship, yet a japanese passport.
(Oh and if u are holding a non-japanese passport and marry an japanese, i think japan doesnt allow dual citizenship, so u, or ur partner will have to give up ur one of the passport making it harder to visit the other coutry due to visa etc...)
4) (I think ill stop)

Thats the bad news, but u can still migrate without being married etc. Thats just the easy way of getting in there. Well also there is going to live there via business related stuff. Ne way Good luck to all u who want to live in japan.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by shah_ho_nam on 2007-02-21 10:58:49
hmm... i heard it's rather easy stayed there (Obtained PR) my friends were there since 99' and all they complained are only about toll ticket and petrol. They had a great car too. But they aren't malaysian anymore

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dolphindk on 2007-02-22 12:14:28
Hey there DH86, what you replied just there made me wonder quite a bit. I've always had the impression, that japanese people are to be very tolerant to people, who are not of japanese origin (perhaps that only counts for tourists?)

So what you said concerning being bullied surprised me quite a lot; Where were you living in Japan if you could please answer that? And was your race the one and only reason people bullied you? If that's the case, I'll think twice if I wan't to settle down in Japan, that's for sure.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by on 2007-02-22 13:02:31 (edited 2007-02-22 13:04:04)
Bullying and discrimination happen just about everywhere regardless of what race you are. You can't judge things by one area or isolated experience. After all, it depends on whether the people your around are accepting or not.

Yes, do to the population, land area available and other such factors, those are some of the only ways to live and work there. Of course applying for citizenship is one way to live there without simply finding a Japanese woman to marry. I think the same thing applies in other countries too.

Things like you as a person and your worth also affect your ability to live there (Or anywhere).


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-02-22 21:11:13 (edited 2007-02-22 21:42:48)
@ Jonathon, ur absolutely right, things just depends on the life style u have, and the surrounding that there is.

@dolphindk, the thing is that i'm an austrlian (now i live in australia btw) . Yeah i was pretty much the only one australian there, being called "ur not a human at all" pretty frequently, and my sister was constantly called "sl*t" and so on. But thats my case. Dolphindk, ur right about many people thinking that japanese are such an nice friendly people towards any1, but thats just the real surface. The reality is that there is many japanese out there who cant be with foriegner, or dont want to be associated with them. Mainly due to the lack of foriegn language spoken, and especially a great preassumption that japanese have towards the inability to speak english.

I'll tell u guys another 2 funny story about being a foriegner in japan. These are people who i just know, just friends from japan.

I know this one guy called Y, (ill call him Y from now on) hes born and raised in japan, now hes in korea though. He has a korean father, and a 2nd generation korean living in japan mum. Y's mum still holds a korean passport, from the day when she was born due to japanese thinking "shes a children of a foriegner", that means that Y is officially a korean, although he spended 18 years of his life in japan. He doesnt speak any korean, and speaks perfectly normal like a japanese, but soon as his name appears (obviously has a foriegn last name) made him a prime target be picked on. Ofcourse he always had friends, but only japanese. He now got sick and tired so he went back to korea, dunno wat hes doing now though.

Another story is of a friend M, hes a cousin of Y. M is a son of sister of Y's mum, but she married a japanese man. So therefore M was granted with a japanese passport, and had more of an luxury of being free, and not have to worry that hes a korean, and can be japanese, with the name he had. He still lives in japan and is about to finish highschool. Ive seen alot of him, but i never saw him getting bullied, or hav any trouble.

Even name gives the creeps to the japanese, as seen as a bit abnormal. Im not sure whether this is true for all things, but ive seen alot of tv shows as a kid, and even now on youtube, about the problems foriegners face in japan 2day. Foreigners r all inside a database for foriegn institute, and all of them have to carry a so called "Gai-jin tourokusho card" (translates to migrants card) and these people have to carry with them all the time as one of thier ID. If not and get caught by the police they get fined about 100000 yen, or get in jail or something like that. I hear stories even the police discriminate against these foriengers, as in one tv show i remember this japan born korean guy speaking to a tv telling that hes been called a "non-human" by the police.

I know that these stories maybe a little bit over reacting etc from me, but thats wat i c from japan. I still respect the coutry since it is my one of my home. Im just saying this from experiance, and that its important that if u hav the intension of living there u r going to live in a foriegn land.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Sean  - 渚音 on 2007-03-05 19:46:12
You're absolutely right dh86, it seems nice. But there are things like that everywhere in the world. People are ignorant, can't accept others. I myself was teased, being a half kid, they all called me (some insulting prefix)-gaijin even though I had a japanese name, but I looked Japanese. Same with my mother who was american. She was on a TV show in the 80s called night jack. It was pretty popular and people seemed to like her, but she still needed her fan-mail filtered because there would be mail from ignorant people, telling about how dirty americans were and telling her to go back to america. But even after I moved to the USA, I live in a small town, consisting of 95% whites. So obviously people called me jap, chinc and other asian oriented insults. It is just the cruelty of the world. But I made friends and they accepted me, in both cultures, so there are people in any culture who are mean and racist, but also people who are accepting and caring. I have a couple of friends in Japan who are australian and moved back and forth to australia, I guess there are a decent amount of australians in Japan.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-06 21:37:35
@ Sean,

yeah there is alot of japanese in australia, but im not sure whether if im lucky or not, cuz there isnt many japanese in sydney, compared to other cities like gold coast and brisbane and perth. But there sure is alot of other ethnicity around here.

Atleast where i live now, i dont really get called anything and just enjoy my heritage


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Eiko on 2007-03-07 16:57:17
Japanese hate Koreans more than nearly all other races. Never have been able to figure why that is so. About the only other group that might be hated worse are blacks. I think it might be because Koreans may be the closest to Japanese while blacks are about as far as you can get in appearance. Koreans are too similar, yet different, so they are very much hated for being *almost* Japanese, while blacks are sooo different, they are very much feared and therefore, hated.

But it also very much depends on where you are. You'll find less discrimination and bigotry in large cities with tourist attractions than in small farming villages. You'll also find less discrimination when dealing with people with a lot of education (as in college graduates) or those who have studied abroad in high school. But again, such opportunities tend to exist more for urban dwellers rather than rural ones.

If you go for business, you'll find that you'll see very little discrimination and bigotry against you where ever you go.

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Sean  - 渚音 on 2007-03-07 17:20:22
Koreans hate Japanese too, I was once at Souel airport in korea, and the baggage checkers looked at our name, realized it was japanese, told us that it was ashame our father was japanese, and was talking to some other guys, pointing and laughing. I think its like old hate thats existed for a long time.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-08 16:58:15
This whole issue is a problem throughout, if the statement about business of what Eiko said is right, yeah sure, they might not be racist at all and so on, but then i do believe that japanese have this idea of rather being with the same kind. Thats why i see alot of same race sticking with each other in universities here, and tell u what, that pisses me off alot.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by iYoda on 2007-03-08 19:01:17
Yeah I have to agree there too. I hate it when people have to stay in ethnic groups, espcially in the U.S, if it still happens. I honestly don't see why everyone just can't get along with others. Heck, I'm Korean myself and I have nothing against the Japanese. No, it's not because of their anime. I never had a problem with any race to be honest...

Everything I say is a lie. Except that. And that. And that...

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Eiko on 2007-03-09 18:42:49
what I have found in university settings is that it ethnic groups tend to congregate, not because they are racist, but because they need comfort. Especially for exchange students. They are in a new place, new country sometimes, and there is culture shock. It's a huge adjustment and it's easier when there are others you can relate to around who you can ask about stuff you couldn't ask a "native" because you are too embarrassed to do so. Believe me, you get a lot of exposure to other people just in your classes and everyday life and you don't relax because you don't fit in. Finding your particular ethnic group clique can be a huge relief and a much needed break from all the "wierdness" going on around you.

In general settings, where you are in the minority if you aren't white or black, a lot of times, it's for self protection from bigotry from others. It's safer, if nothing else. It wasn't that long ago when lynchings were common.

Racism is taught.. on both sides. Parents pass it on to their children and it takes a long, long time to unlearn hate like that. The majority tends not to see the minority and the minority is afraid of the majority. Even if the overt racism isn't there, the fear lingers from past experiences. Getting over racism is usually a long, painful experience.

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-10 22:47:41
Whoa! this topic is gone off track alot, i just want to set things more straight, and i am pretty curious, has any people here whom lived (ie: not holiday and things like that, rather more of living for atleast 6months for work or study) experianced something like this sort of experiance? or has any japanese people seen or actaully done these sort of things?

srsly, i only hav a few experiance and couple of example of it, if any1 can tell, it would b good, and can warn some other gendou people about japan. Cuz i really dont want some people to hav a crappy exp. in japan thats all.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Sara on 2007-03-11 16:08:10
Man you guys are starting to scare me. I actually am going to Japan to be an anime cartoonist, but after what dh86 wrote I'm not so sure anymore. Man I should stop reading comments TT_TT

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-12 04:05:20
@ sara, thats from wat ive seen from my experiance and the media, and if ur going there for a business it shouldnt b too hard, but be prepared for rejection.

The bottom line is that there r still going to b problems if u r intending to go live there, and it isnt all like "anime" or "manga" ish, those r in the end, fiction and there for out entertainment.


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by animefanrk2k on 2007-03-12 15:14:27
For the record, there is a distinct reason why stereotypically, the Japanese and Koreans don't get along. It's all just bad blood and history. They've always fought and warred with each other, so of course, they don't like each other according to stereotype.

As for me, I couldn't care less. (I'm Korean by blood only)

It's funny because when I went to Japan, (short time visit XD) Japanese people actually thought I was Japanese. XD


Re: Living in Japan
Link | by on 2007-03-12 17:35:24
I have plans on going there, im saving money from commissions and now im studying jap. language.

PS: I hope i can make it.

Re: Living in Japan
Link | by Eiko on 2007-03-12 18:48:42
It's not just history. Japanese have been at war with other groups too, but Koreans are hated worse than any other.

In any case, it's not that bad. It's like saying that you'll have a bad time in France if you are an American because all French hate all Americans. It's just true enough to be a stereotype or generalization. Bigotry exists where ever you go, whether Japan or France or the US.

A friend of mine lived there for years as part of the admin team of a program similar to JET. He actually had to get his business cards changed so that people didn't think he was a native Japanese, he's 3rd generation Japanese American, but with a Japanese last name. He had to separate himself _out_ in order to have more fun living there.

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