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Link | by lildjnoodlegrl on 2005-04-03 16:27:36
Hey does anyone have the complete list of all the japanse kanji...
^_^ im only in japanese 1 and they don't teach kanji, they only teach hiragana and katakana

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Re: Kanji
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-03 16:44:46
yes, i have compressed all of the kanji characters into the period at the end of this sentence, so look closely.

Re: Kanji
Link | by Freedom-Justice on 2005-04-06 15:37:05
they dont? in my level 1 they teach hiragana/katakana and some kanji's along verbs /adjectives / phrase formuling etc.

anyway, what u ask is almost impossible. i've read somewhere that the japanese society doesnt know all the existing kanji's (more than 10.000).

ã?©ã?†ã?? よã‚?ã?—ã??ï¼?

Re: Kanji
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-04-10 08:26:43
Hey Gendou, have you said reminds me of an an episode of family guy when Peter says he could say all 50 states in a quarter of a second (and just does a scream).

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Kanji
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-04-12 09:56:50
There's nearly 50,000 Kanji, and that's a lot.. Nihonjin only need to know about two thousand of those characters, so--*puts work book away*--Nope, I don't have a list neither. ^-^U But I can recommend a few good programs, if you like. And a book.

Re: Kanji
Link | by KrnPakRat on 2005-05-12 02:18:41
well, there really is a lot of kanji...I was privelaged enough to meet a man who knows literally every kanji known to man...but he cheated because he has a photographic memory ^_^. Kanji gives me a headache sometimes, due to the fact that there are On and Kun readings for Kanji, obviously referring to the different ways of pronouncing different kanji combonations. Like Moon's On reading is I believe Tsuki and it's Kun reading is Getsu (or the other way around, i ferget). My suggestion is to buy a kanji dictionary and learn how to use it, especially the use of the radicals found in most kanji. It's a really useful skill to have.
Interesting note: I don't know how to write the kanji for "cat" but I know how to write the kanji for leukemia O.o...go figure, huh?

Ano, anata wa anime-junkie to itte hoo ga ii deshou ka?

Re: Kanji
Link | by lildjnoodlegrl on 2005-05-26 14:36:25
thankz that book may help

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あなたの習慣を見なさい; それらは特性になる。
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Re: Kanji
Link | by pangtay on 2005-06-21 00:30:01
I am learning by a book Japanese and I have a site were they have over 900 Kanjis. .Just by looking at them makes me lazy. . .And I just know like 40 of them o_O well, those 40 are from another site anyway, so thats why I get lazy with the other webpage, anyways is really big, so thats why XD. . .I really need a book for the Kanjis . . .

Re: Kanji
Link | by gaara_hisoka on 2005-07-14 23:54:28
Well if you need a book (dictionary) for japanese kanji, i suggest you look for a dictionary by Andrew N. Nelson it's quite easy to use them and the index of kanjis are quite complete. But you must know first the basic of writing kanji...

Re: Kanji
Link | by Chimie on 2005-07-30 00:48:29
猫 Cat

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