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what will you do if you sad?
Link | by SnydeR on 2007-02-26 02:22:12
write about what will you do if you sad

Re: what will you do if you sad?
Link | by -KuSoJo- on 2007-02-26 02:25:01 (edited 2007-02-26 02:25:39)
if im sad...i would usually listen to my j-pop collection..or if im really depressed..i tend to cut myself..then pour alcohOl..on the Cut...HAHA..^___^
yea..i sing a happy song..and tell myself to smile..or draw smiley faces..^_____^


Re: what will you do if you sad?
Link | by on 2007-02-27 09:55:16
I think that goes in the Other section, plus there is a Depresion Thread for that...^-^ This section is only to say Hi, and to introduce yourself!

Why don't you try overthere?

Remember to read the rules ok? ^-^

Have fun!

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Re: what will you do if you sad?
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2007-02-27 18:45:33
Like what pame said....this goes to the depression thread^^

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: what will you do if you sad?
Link | by on 2007-02-27 18:48:00
Wrong topic.. ~_~'

You're supposed to introduce your self here ^^

and since i never seen you before..


ahoY~~ oddhie-san!! welcome to Gendou...

i'm rEi.. Nice to meet you...

hope you have a lot of fun here.. but makes sure to read the rules,, okay???

And if you need help,, just ask... we'll help you ^^

OKay then.. Happy posting..

And see you around ^o^

Here's a gift for you =)

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