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Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by kitw on 2007-03-03 18:48:52
Do you think there should be restrictions on anime, where is it so popular (especially among adolescents like myself :D:D), and because it is so large of a part of culture? Lemme explain:

1. Anime, like other forms of entertainment media, has it's ups and downs. You have love, passion, hate, killing, murder, nudity, and those things. But so do movies like... well I can't say for legal reasons. (But you get the idea.) All I'm saying is that if they have restrictions on movies, whynot anime?

2. You don't see kids going out and buying a porn magazine or a porn movie every week when it's released, so why should they be allowed to go out and buy things like Love Hina?

3. Some parents may find the themes in anime and manga offensive. If they wouldn't read it, why should we?

My feelings behind this is:

We're only kids once, let us be into that kinda of stuff. It's only cartoons, though very interesting and addictive once interested, it's only fake! Let our imaginations roam and our minds run free! If we want to watch some guy taking a massive sword and cut someone in half, let us watch and laugh! If we want to see someone take a stick and turn it into a sword and split the wolrd in half, let's do it together! I say we keep watching and reading these things, because it's only fake and it's interesting! Putting a restriction on anime and magana would be like putting a restriction of being a kid!

I don't think there should be a restriction!

Reply :D:D

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by on 2007-03-03 18:55:54
I agree. I mean, what harm could possibly come (other than corrupting our minds and desensitizing us) from watching somebody get hacked into eighty million pieces? I think anime should stay un-restricted and available to all children, within reason. When I bought Ken Akamatsu's A.I. Love You, the guy at Chapter's said that I had to either be sixteen + or have a parent there. Thankfully my Mom was there :P Same deal when I purchased Only the Ring Finger Knows. I think that kids should have the freedom to read what they want to, whenever possible. I just don't think they should watch hard-core pron XD

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-03-03 19:30:07
Restrictions on anime?
No way...

Movies and anime are completely different!
You cannot compare them because movies are real people performing these acts, while anime is drawn or drawn with computer animation added in it.
But, you can feel the same emotions within a movie, the same way as in an anime or anime movie as well...

Also, parents are naive in comparing anything that looks like cartoon, to be cartoon, where anime is considered to be "cartoon" from the parent perspective?

I'm an anime fan (of course) and I use my style of anime and stuff, in school when I'm in Photography I, and my teacher never gets what I'm doing because he doesn't know the whole side of anime... just cause it looks like a cartoon, hey let's call it one.

Hmm, you talk about how themes in anime/manga can be offensive, sometimes, to parents.
If they wouldn't read it, why should we?

So, if they don't watch anime or read manga, then we don't have to only if they want to or do so?
Parents can watch whatever they want, and they shouldn't be one judging what their sons and daughters are watching/reading (appropiate anyways).

Regarding porn and Hentai, the same rules apply with them.
You have to be, what, 18 years or older to purchase porn/hentai?
I'm not even sure most parents know that you can dL anything, anime, hentai, etc. through torrents and stuff on the internet.

Anything else besides porn, can be watched by anyone; same with anime, too.
And also, Love Hina is just extremely ecchi, no hentai in it.
I never seen it before, but I don't think it has all that "stuff" in it.
There are restrictions in movies, anime in Japan, etc.
Theres something called "ratings" for the preferred age group to watch the movies or anime, whatever... XD

So, from this nonsense... for me, "no" for restrictions on anime. ^_^


Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Mamuro Suzuki on 2007-03-04 02:55:45
For Me Watching anime is just my hobby

Cartoons is different from anime , cartoons is made specialy for children, but the anime is for every one who likes to watch anime.

I think its better to have parental guidance than saying that anime is something that is bad for children, not all animes has that ecchi thing or hentai thing some animes have moral lessons and its good for children

"The World Is UnFair"

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by kitw on 2007-03-04 08:11:43 (edited 2007-03-04 08:14:50)
Back again (lol)
I agree with everyone, why should we have to suffer because some people think it's offensive?

Yay anime and manga!

I think anime and manga is a way for people to express themselves in a way that's not possible through other ways. You can create a character on paper and put them in any pose, doing any act, and it makes sense because that's what anime is; fantasy (give or take a few.). This style of art is always appropriate for one to express themself!


Still voting for no restrictions on anime and/or manga!

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-04 09:33:00
Hmm, restriction on anime and manga. Although i believe that some restriction is required having too much is bad too. I've already thought about it for quite awhile, like why Tokyopop has age ratings on the anime and manga they released. I for sure wouldn't want my 9 year old brother to watch Black Lagoon with me and learn how to cuss like 'Two-hands' Levi or Sister Eda or start punching the other guy thinking it was okay.

Restrictions are fine, in my opinion, as long as it's age rating. Other than that, no I wouldn't want anime and manga to have other kinds of restriction. Think about it, if they have too much restriction, anime wouldn't what it is right now.

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Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by kitw on 2007-03-04 16:14:02 (edited 2007-03-04 16:15:44)
I agree.

I can see putting a restriction on it like, if you're 9 years old and you buy Love Hina, no that's not alright. But if you're 14 or above, I say knock yourself out. (Not really, because that would hurt.)

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Katayoku no Tenshi on 2007-03-05 03:47:54
Well like it or no there are restrictions on Anime. Like all visual media there are age restrictions placed upon them and that’s a good thing. I don't think I'd want my 12 year old sister to watch Elfen Lied or Gantz or ... Urotsukidoji.

Of course censorship is bad.

'Censorship is telling a man he can't eat steak because a baby can't eat it.'

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Sir Bon on 2007-03-05 06:38:10
I wouldn't know about those. When I was a teenager was during a time when dirt was young. LOL. Back then, I could go into Suncoast, buy hentai, and they wouldn't even check my ID because anime wasn't a well known thing back in the 90's. They would just look at the tapes and laugh o themselves at why they would have an over 18 only sign like those for Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell and Dragon Knight (when I bought Dragon Knight, I remember how the clerk looked at it and said that it was dumb - how could it be over 18 only when it's just a cartoon).

...and who yo daddy, huh?  WHO YO DADDY?Where's your god now?  Here she is! Death is certain, the hour is not ~Gankotsuoh

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2007-03-10 16:18:10
I'm not quite sure about what you mean by restrictions, it seems like you're arguing that because Anime is... well... animated, people of any age should be able to view any anime show, and that is, quite frankly, a very bad idea.

You need to understand Anime less as a genre and more as a medium, you wouldn't show a kid a ridiculously violent film any more than you would let them watch a ridiculously violent HBO series or a ridiculously violent video game, what merit of the animation medium then, means that its fine for kids to watch a ridiculously violent animated movie?

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Ama-kun on 2007-03-11 03:59:18
Well to some extent... I mean I wouldn't go get my 7 yr old cousin and make him watch Elfen Lied (SP) I mean I have seen some scenes that frankly are a bit gory-blood-disgusting.

Also some anime contains plot summaries or graphically explicit things that could traumatise young children remember childhood is an "imprinting" phase therefore if they see or hear something wrong they could get the wrong idea and think it is the right behavior, since kids don't have the capacity to discern wich is right and wich is wrong untill around the age of 8 or so.

You wouldn't show porn to a 12 yr old, so why should they watch Hentai?
The bottom line is... Well there should be ratings on anime but only as a guideline not necessairly a legal purpose. Kind of like to tell parents or aunts or uncles that there is a fundamental difference between Pokemon and Moonlight Lady (wich is Hentai and wich I haven't seen but I've heard so much about it -_-')

Personally I've noticed that some liscencers put a rating on anime dvd's. I went to HMV to buy Kannazuki no Miko and while I was contemplating the box in all it's glory thinking of how it was going to become mine *har har* I noticed on the back a small white textbox that was part of the cover (and not a sticker) that said "Suggested 16 and up". (Kannazuki no Miko is distributed by Geneon Entertainement).

I thought it was a good thing becasue it "suggested" 16 and up adn therefore wasn't enforced by law but it was a guideline. So I think that'S a rather good compromise.

Amaya desu. My name means night rain. I will make akward moments even more akward. Baka.

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by kitw on 2007-03-11 13:57:32
The stores around, where I live anyway, (and every few stores sell anime/manga...) don't have any suggestions up. The guys that work at the stores are usually anime or manga fans, and they recommend certain ones or give you their opinion, but there's never an actual sign up anywhere. I think it was at Chapters I was at and they have a crap load of manga, and they're one of the only stores, and they have it all mixed together. All series are together, but they have like Love Hina next to Bleach and Inuyasha next to something else. (can't remember what it was, but it wasn't related.) I think they should at least categorize them by genre at least. Like; fantasy, teen, school, adult, life. Or even put them in alphabetical order. So some little kid doesn't go up to get a Pokemon book or something and see a naked kid on the book next to it. (A manga kid, not a REAL kid. If I saw a REAL naked kid on a book I'd have to slap 'em. *slap slap*)

Anyway, there's my thought for now.

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by oram on 2007-03-11 14:32:56
ya i agree 100%

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2007-03-11 14:34:26 (edited 2007-03-11 14:59:35)
They do need to categorize Anime, They do need to have restrictions, Normally Countries do have their own rating system... The problem here is there are people that doesnt give a damn on what it is as long as they make a sale... (and or tired/lazy to actually organize them) The Shop for example... If it is indeed an Anime shop... It could be organized in a way so that the more younger people are unable to view the more mature titles... But in a regular Bookstore they usually organize it by Magazines, Graphic Novels, etc... (However I have seen some newer shops paying a better attention in organizing their books now)

Put into account the cultural upbringing of a person... The reason why they dont care is because to some... They see Anime as a Western Cartoon (which is normally the stuff that usually influences good deeds and all-around love... ) and usually start generalizing it as one and the same...

You still have a long way to go padawan...

First lesson... You shouldnt compare Cartoons and Anime as "the same"...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by on 2007-03-11 16:07:09
As a parent and anime fan, I am compelled by my responsibility to my children, to monitor their intake of all things in their lives. As they learn, and grow, and yes, demostrate responsible behavior. They gain freedoms.

My children are not mature or responsible enough to watch whatever they want. It's that simple.

I am very open minded and allow them to watch quite a bit of anime, and to read manga. My 10 year old son loves to read Fruits Basket. He does not have the maturity to read Berserk.

Both he and his 6 year old sister have seen all sorts of anime from Azumanga Daioh to Pokemon and more. They have seen what I have allowed them to see. That includes bath scenes in shows like Tenchi. I restrict their viewing of anime to what is approprite to their maturity level.

Beyond that, I monitor their online activity, their games and everything else. Its what parents are supposed to do.

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Daimian Nightwing on 2007-03-11 19:35:32
Restrictions on Anime/Manga? NO F****** WAY!!! I would die first before a restriction on anime on a global scale could be implemented! Besides, those parents who care monitor their children anyways, so... yeah.

On the side of manga, there is already a rating system in place on them (Seen that little thing on those manga? Yeah, the one that says "14+" or "Teen" on the back.) So if parents still complain on those, shouldn't they feel ashamed that they don't know what their children purchase on BOOKSTORES on all places? I'm sure that they also accompany them too! Parents like that could be blind, on a litteral sense (which is ok, I won't condemn them.) or the other meaning (Those I will let them burn in the hot flames of fan fury), which ever the case. This also applies to some anime (you usualy download them anyways...). If you are a parent that knows what anime/manga is and don't want your children to see the... "dark side" of them, show them good and nice anime. I would only tell those parents to show their children Japanese Dubbed, English Subtitled, anime. Why? It helps on their reading skills. I know it did, helped me on my english spelling and reading.


PS A shot out to all the humans who think anime and cartoons are the same:
BURN IN ANIME FAN FURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death is just another great adventure...

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by Mirai no Yume on 2007-03-13 13:50:25
I've found that most anime at large isn't really geared toward any specific "age group"-- it tells a story, and either you're mature enough to understand it, or you're not. Age is just an arbitrary factor. For instance, my mother was waaayy overprotective of my sister and I when we were children. As a result, I had to learn a lot of things about life by being taken by surprise in the outside world, where no one could "filter" anything.

My friend, on the other hand, his mother let him read just about anything, even when he was still in grade school, and the two of them would talk all about it. Nothing was taboo. As a result, he was very mature and level-headed for his age, whereas I was very intelligent, bookwise, but had a great deal to learn about life and people in a very short time when I was older.

Most parents start with the assumption that their children are too stupid to figure anything out-- likely the same assumption their own parents imposed on them when they were children. That is one thing I will give my mother credit for; though something of a prude when it came to sex and stuff, she at least didn't treat me like I was an idiot about other things.

The tragedy is that, because many parents choose not to be parents, others will keep trying to think up restrictions as a substitute for common sense. Quite possibly the most misnamed thing in the universe.

Mirai no Yume

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-03-13 22:18:16
restrictions huh...

well its is necessasry..i dont wanna see a 5 year old watching hentai...but the problem is most people,like my parents see anime as pornography...just because girls wear mini skirt and big blossoms doesnt mean its porn! sure some anime show nudity but that doesnt mean that it obscene or anything...proper restriction must be employed...

and like what others said it depends on cultural upbringing so what mightnot be obscene or gory for some might be too much for others...

Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by dh86 on 2007-03-14 03:13:26
This things arent that easy than u guys think so... its just a complicated issue not only with the restrictions, but also on the cultural aspects.

I mean seriously, japan just has a different culture where kids r actaully tolerant, and parents aswell in many of the weekly/monthly manga magazines released over there. And also porns in japans r sensored anyway. With western culture, we r trying to b more `humane` but just results in many of the kid to be blocked from alot of things, which some parents wouldnt mind.

In the end mangas and animations in the coutries other than japan, the parents should be more aware of the things wat kids watch and etc, same goes with any other things.

Im old enough to be an adult, so i do watever i want to do lol


Re: Restrictions on Anime?!
Link | by eureka25 on 2007-03-15 16:07:54 (edited 2007-03-15 16:08:36)
Yes, i think anime might have it's restrictions. like movies or shows like "the oc"(i never watch that) have restrictions. where do you think they got most of the plots for other animes? well, not all of the animes, but still...

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