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help what anime is in this picture
Link | by Mamuro Suzuki on 2007-03-04 08:33:45

what is it is it an anime or a bishouju it looks kinda cool

"The World Is UnFair"

Re: help what anime is in this picture
Link | by on 2007-03-04 08:45:36
Thats not an anime....the pic is from a "adult visual novel" aka H-game called Gekkou Carnivale by the game maker Nitro+

One of there games can be seen in my profile called "Jingai Makyou"....they are also the same company that is working in collaboration with Typemoon on the "visual novel" Fate Zero...which is the preqel to Fate/Stay Night.

Here's the link...remember it is an adult game site Gekkou Carnivale by Nitro+

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