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Galaxy Railways audience
Link | by Saturn2888 on 2007-03-04 23:50:55 (edited 2007-03-04 23:53:19)
What is the target audience for Galaxy Railways? It seems to be teenagers, but much older ones because of the recurring themes. Also, in Episode 4 of Galaxy Railways II, the captain said it had been 1 year since Bruce died, but in the real world, it'd been 3 years. I can see why they did that, but it also show how long it takes to produce a storyline. What's really neat is that both GR and GRII are the same, but very separate animes. One's not able to be compared as better or worse than the other.
I like how, even that Bruce is dead,
the anime is still able to move on. After the first one ended, sequel was the last thing on my mind.

Apparently, there's a movie, was this done by the same group? Is it complimentary to the series in any way or is it just a good watch?

Oh, another question, anyone know what Bruce's message was to that spy lady? I'm lost as to what she meant by that.

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