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Solty Rei's Ending ????????
Link | by lucaspascua9 on 2007-03-09 04:49:09
Does anybody know what how long did Roy wait for Solty to return?

- Alright I know that he waited 5 years, then we see Rose and the other characters all grown up. And also after the closing credits we saw Roy and that Geek in space looking for Solty. They indicated Many Years Later. Man I wish they have put the specific year, so that I wouldn't thnk this much.

- My real question is that how long right after the five years? What 3,4,5,6,7 or more years? If anybody knows pls answer. I really want to know.

What do you think about the ending?

- I just want to know what do you think about the ending that all *^_^*.

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