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cutest girl in negima
Link | by magi_sensei on 2007-03-11 04:24:13
i just wanted to know which character is the most loved in negima u can choose only one mine i obviously nodoka miyazaki cuz she reminds me of a girl i have a crush on :)

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Re: cutest girl in negima
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-03-11 12:48:44 (edited 2007-03-13 15:53:57)
Oh, I'm currently watching this anime.
A few nice ones are:

These are just a few that I kind of like.
Also, Kugurazaka Asuna, Saotome Haruna, and Chizuru Naba are pretty nice, too. :D
2-A Mahora Students 1-15, here.
2-A Mahora Students 16-31, here.

Edit: OH!
They look so much better/hotter/etc. in the OVA. (O,O)
The ones above, are just a few in the anime, but ALL of them are llke better in the OVA. *gasp*


Re: cutest girl in negima
Link | by on 2007-03-29 00:50:54
OMG! REALLY^^ lol my Sis LOVES Negima/ mahou Sensei!!
ill tell her!! later ..oh an of couse MANA Tatsumia IS a Tanned BABE!!


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