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Thanks Gendou!
Link | by ilovehikarunogo on 2004-06-01 21:00:42
Hey gendou thanks for adding my request im really grateful, can u tell me how u get those songs?

Re: Thanks Gendou!
Link | by CondoR on 2004-06-01 23:48:59
i was just curious what song you requested. i wanted to see if it was one of the ones i voted for.

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: Thanks Gendou!
Link | by gendou on 2004-06-02 02:43:17
well, ilovehikarunogo, sometimes nice people to upload them which helps a lot. for easy ones i just use google. for new singles i hit up the forums have some nice people who sometimes help me out. also if i get stuck on a song, i either give up and ignore the request, or if im in a good mood and people pay me $ i go on irc and @find it.

Re: Thanks Gendou!
Link | by jarudin on 2004-06-02 09:18:21
I have all the Hikago OPs and EDs .. tell me which ones to upload ;)
My List - Tripod/Lycos seems to be down temporarily

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