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atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by randy100 on 2007-03-11 23:29:55
hi guys/gals is anyone anticipating the new game port by nippon ichi's atelier iris 3 grand phantasm?as for me i am expecting this game to be as cool or even more cooler than its predecesor...btw,i heard that the game is coming up by may 23..i hope its true...anyways,any toughts or comments on this one?

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Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by on 2007-03-12 13:24:25
I saw it, but it doesn't look as good as the others.

Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana was great.

Atelier Iris 2 was too "childish" for me to enjoy, no good humor in it and there were several other problems.

This one might be worth buying though, personally anyway, but I don't think I'll like it as much as Eternal Mana.


Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by kalilei on 2007-03-30 22:41:31
I haven't seen it but I'll probably buy it anyway. I'm a bit of a NIS fangirl. The second one had its good points but I definitely liked the first better--even if my copy was defective.

Dmn you Arlin. I need you back!

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by on 2007-03-30 23:08:32
It seems to be a general consensus that the 2nd didn't live up to the original. It's like that pretty much anywhere you check, so if the 3rd is better than the last it will sell decently. (I'd probably payout)

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by nablix on 2007-03-31 20:57:29
i beat 2 but i think i missed finding a mana or something in 1 cuz i can't seem to reach one of the switches in that room towards the end of the game. its been a while since i even played the game.

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by randy100 on 2007-04-01 22:31:28
well, i really like the second one over the first,it has more animations more music and a touching ending too.

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Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by hotaru on 2007-05-31 23:44:38
i love atelier iris series! (^^) i'm waitin' for the third series!

hi!! i love anime an suikoden!! ad my fs!!

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by nablix on 2007-06-02 00:32:03
Personally i like 3 much better than the first 2.

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by bbob on 2007-06-02 04:09:55
Iris no Atelier: Grand Fantasm was pretty enjoyable, now I'm waiting for the 9th game in the Atelier series which is known as Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsu Shitachi.

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by Dark on 2007-06-02 04:13:12 (edited 2007-06-02 04:15:01)
AR Tonelico's battle system was based FROM Atelier Iris 3.. so I'll be expecting something better than the previous Atelier iris games but something less to Ar Tonelico (BATTLE SYSTEM) [I meant the "Card" Turn-based, Burst Variations, Character Custom]
I'm gonna buy it as soon as I get enough money ^^

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by nablix on 2007-06-12 00:50:40
3 has been getting kinda repetitive to me though its still pretty good. I wish they didn't limit how many skills you have i kinda wanted it to have something along the lines of the tales series with the massive multitudes of moves that you can do with a single form.

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by randy100 on 2007-07-15 18:12:06
i hear ya nab, i finished the game a few days ago and it left me with mixed feelings, dont get me wrong i like it all right, but it just feels that the product was rushed a lil bit, cuz the voice acting wasnt full and also there werent any anime cutscenes with the exception of the beggining.

just hope,that the next installment of the series will fare better than this one tough

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Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by on 2007-07-26 12:15:08
I recently started to play it and it is better than I expected it to be. The characters are fine and the voices are good(When there are voices), I still wish there were more characters though, changing the characters outfits doesn't mean your have more characters to choose from, they did the same thing with FFX-2 and that was plain boring. Anyway, I'd have to say this game is better than AI2 but AI was still a little more exciting and fun to play than this. Still a good game though.


Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by on 2007-08-10 17:10:49
I like this game. It's better than the second one.

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by Dirk Support on 2007-08-16 12:36:05
i like the job system of this game! played it!

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by Lelouch on 2007-08-16 17:06:33
got this game a week ago and I believe it is better than the first one. I liked the job system and I liked the magic bar and burst guage. Though it is lacking in characters

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by May on 2007-08-16 18:25:50
I love Atelier series game~~(n_n)

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by Runa-chan on 2007-08-18 01:28:31
atelier iris grand phantasm is out.(well in my country)
Cause my cuzzn hav played it. It's preety cool but it's kinda weird.
But it's fun to play.
The main character is edge. He's not very cute

Re: atelier iris grand phantasm?
Link | by akira on 2008-02-08 01:18:24
hey2.. anybody knows where could i found atelier iris 3 soundtrack??
please mail me...


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