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Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by kitw on 2007-03-14 15:48:36
If you could pick... 5 (6 at the most) things about Japan that facenated you the most, what would they be and why?

Here's mine:
1.Anime- Yay! No futher explaination needed.
2.Music- So many different varieties, and it's fun to listen to, whether you understand it or not.
3.The cute singers!- Like Kayo Aiko and Ayumi Hamasaki!
4.The culture and history- So much history wherever you go, so much to see and learn about.
5.Sakura flowers!- They look cool, and they smell nice... *Looks high* Hehehe.
6.Samurai!- Yay! They're cool because they have big swords and cut stuff up.

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-03-14 22:00:57
um ok in no particular order...(though i think something similar is on the japan thread but im bored so...)

1. samurai: noble warriors with the worlds best melee! the though of jumping 20 feet in the air alone made me like the the stealth abilities of these warriors are the best!

3.henta-er i mean sentai hahahaha: colored costumed heroes that inspired the power rangers...MASKMAN FOREVER

4.CUTE school girls: only in japan!hahahaha

5.anime: what better medium to show my favs than anime! and anime and cartoons are not the same!hahaha

Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-03-22 19:00:48
Here's mine then~~!

1. Anime - No need to explain. It's part of my life.

2. Manga - I love reading manga. Only manga and it took most of my folder space.

3. Music - Jpnese songs are good to listen to. We can sing along nicely~!! J-Rock also beat the rockers~!

4. History and Culture - I just love their history..

5. Technology - The source to the latest technology are in Jpn. I love tech things~~!

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Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by on 2007-03-22 19:18:47
My top five:

1. anime/manga - 'nuff said
2. snacks - mmm...tasty
3. art - I like their art very much especially landscapes
4. gadgets - they always come up with cool stuff from cell phones to that toilet that measures body fat.
5. music - my fav artists are there!

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Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by on 2007-03-27 19:03:06
1. it's a small country with franchises all over america.
2. they export alot of stuffz
3. sushi yummmm sushi r yummmm
4. school girl uniforms
5. mt. fuji

Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by Raizo_O on 2007-03-28 01:56:35
1. economy
2. music and anime
3. i love traditional japanese house!
4. onsen
5. definitely the girls

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Re: Favorite Thing About Japan
Link | by craving for moar on 2007-03-29 07:14:15

Top 5 Picks About Japan:

1.) "The samurai warriors of lore"

2.) Kawaii schoolgirls

3.) Anime

4.) J-Pop

And last but not the least...

5.) HENTAI!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (nah, just kiddin'...)

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