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Need some help.
Link | by クラッシワヤー(CrazzyWarrior) on 2007-03-19 21:29:49 (edited 2007-03-19 22:27:56)
Yes I will say it is homework, but im not asking you to do it for me, just wanting some input.

I got to do a report in my japanese class on 3 intresting Kanji's. Now I am studying Kanji on my own outside of class, but I was wondering some of the people heres opinions of some intresting kanji's and why you find them intresting. I asked my sensei what qualified as intresting and she basicly told me that the different radicles and how they come together to make a kanji, So I ask, What are some of your intresting kanji's and why?.

NOTE: Im not asking everything I need, I still need to look for history and some some stuff on the kanji's so unless you want to help with that too all I am asking for is a Kanji and why you find it intresting. After I get some imput I will take ones I like and look into them a little further. Im not having you do it for me ba anymeans, I just know there are thousands of kanjis so wanting a direction to follow if you willing to help, otherwise I will just have to venture on my own(which I am looking on my own right now too. so yea, any help is appreciated.).

Thanks everyone.

Re: Need some help.
Link | by pinkrms on 2007-03-20 15:00:07
I find 豚 (pig) interesting. I happened to be looking at a list of animals in kanji and wondered why 豚 was the only one with 月 in it. My parents didn't know, so I looked it up on the internet. What I found out was that 豚 is a kanji made up of 月, 豕, and 叉. The 月 stands for 肉 (meat), the 豕 for pig, and the 叉 for 手 (hand). Together, it is expressive of the offering (by hand) of pig's meat to god.

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Need some help.
Link | by クラッシワヤー(CrazzyWarrior) on 2007-03-20 21:11:42 (edited 2007-03-20 21:18:05)
That is intresting, just the 豕 is pig and 豚 is aswell.

豕(inoko) is pig/hog.
豚(buta) is pork/pig.

Thus leads me to think that the second is for the meat of the pig itself, while the first is the animal. I could be wrong, and thats not complete info, just based on info I got from but yea its intresting that the animal has moon in it.

Im not sure where you got 叉,肉,手 from in it but they too add a bit to it, you mentioned that the 月 stands for 肉, which is kinda hinted at with what I said above, but I dont know where the fork or hand comes from.

Re: Need some help.
Link | by pinkrms on 2007-03-21 12:56:18
I got the info from here.
The kanji 豕 is from the shape of a pig raising its tail.
If you look at this, you can see how the kanji 月 came from three shapes; that of the moon, of meat,and of a boat. In 豚, the 月 is representative of meat.
The kanji 叉 comes from the image of holding something between the fingers of your hand.

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Need some help.
Well that is indeed intresting and I might look further, but I dont think(tho I may be wrong) I would be able to have it ready intime for the report. Anyone else have anything? I got to have it by tomarrow or I will have to find some others on my own, which I may end up doiung anyways's.

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