Make An Anime Game!
It's easy. I'll post a name for the anime, then someone else posts a plot for that anime. It can be any kind- even Hentai & Yaoi. Then the person who posted the plot for the anime posts a name for the next one, and so on. Here's the first one: Anime: Make-out Tactics
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?
He was turned to steel,
In the great magnetic field,
When he travelled time,
For the future of mankind.
Re: Make An Anime Game!
Plot: A group of guys made a bet to see who could get this cute girl to make out with them first. This proves harder than expected, because this particular girl has severe intimacy issues. However, while courting this girl, they all fall in love with her, but she finds out about the bet and doesn't trust any of them. Anime: Blue Eyes |