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Favorite Same Sex Pairing?
Link | by on 2007-03-25 11:07:24
Gomen if this has been done before but I was looking through a few pages and it looked as if it hasn't.

So, tell us your favorite same sex pairings, which anime and why?

I'll start with Bleach!
MatsumotoxOrhime - Because they are way to bored in that apartment of Orhime's, ya dig?
RenjixIchigo - Because that'd be way hot. >D
ByakuyaxRenji - <333 CaptainxSubordinate is a must.
RukiaxOrhime - Jealous of each other, or do they just want each other?

KaibaxYami - Oponents or just sex buddies?
YamixYugi - A bit to much to do when not dueling.
KaibaxJou - A fine line between hate and lust and they have deffinately crossed it.
MaixTea - Being on the sideline get's boring.
Yami BakuraxBakura - It's a master-slave relationship.

Envy x Ed - Because skirts and beans go together.

I'll edit when I think of more.


Re: Favorite Same Sex Pairing?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-03-25 11:14:28 (edited 2007-03-25 11:15:26)
there was one similar to this, but yet a little different...

tough one...let's see....

Chad x Ichigo -two big, silent types. what else can you ask for?

Zero no Tsukaima
Louise x Siesta -i don't know why, but fighting for the same guy make them look like they want each other, in a good way

Kyoshiro no Towa to Sora
Kuu x Setsuna -now don't they look good together?especially during the bath scenes...

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Re: Favorite Same Sex Pairing?
Link | by on 2007-03-25 11:32:38
Ah. I almost forgot, IchigoxIshida.

and how in the world is Ichigo quiet?! I mean, he can be at times but at other times it like x.x woah!


Re: Favorite Same Sex Pairing?
Link | by 9117 on 2007-03-25 18:43:21
prince of tennis
shuichro oishi n eiji kikumaru

Re: Favorite Same Sex Pairing?
Link | by animeluve on 2007-03-25 19:14:42 (edited 2007-03-25 19:21:29)
I'm a sucker for Yaoi :)
These are the pairings I like

- Yuki/Shuichi (one is frail and fragile the other is aggressive and dominate cute sometimes strange pair)
- Tohma/Suguru (yea I know its incest but I like it being a forbidden love)
- Shuichi/Hiro(best friends ,cute)
- Tohma/Yuki (seems to make a good pair)

- Naruto/Neji (They both need someone to love. And I think its hot)
- Neji/Lee (Team mates Lee's obsessiveness, kindness and Neji's sometimes coldness balance out)
- Naruto/Itachi ( Its just hot)
- Kiba/Shino (Shino seems like he could keep Kiba in control)
- Kakashi/Iruka (I just like it, seems like they'd go good together)
- Kakashi/Sasuke (student and teacher, its forbidden. I just like it)

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