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Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Hyuuga on 2004-06-02 19:02:05
My favorite anime is Naruto. Since I watched it the first time, It became an adiction. I like it because, the images are really good (the movements are very well done) and the plot is excellent too. Also, I like those animes that shows the stories of diferent characters and there are a lot of them. That is why, I like Naruto that much.
Please, why don't you tell which is your favourite anime?

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by jarudin on 2004-06-03 13:21:31
I dont have a favorite anime, but Naruto is definently one of my 'tressured' ones. I also liked: Last Exile (great 3D animation, chars and plot), Rurouni Kenshin (duh), Witch Hunter Robin (nice atmosphere), GITS: Stand Alone Complex (kewl :] ), GTO was nice too, .. (and probably alot more).
Currently watching: Hajime No Ippo (30+ eps) and Green Green (5 eps), both seem ok so far :)
I dont like series like: Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Groove Adv Rave, Star Ocean EX .

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by CondoR on 2004-06-10 14:16:21
i have to agree, i dont like cat girl nuku nuku either;) but i think my favourite anime has to be king of bandit jing because it was the first one i saw (bear with me i only started watching a few months ago). i also like it because, and this is going to sound weird, it is sooooooooo predictable. but jing is cool regardless.

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by panegryst on 2004-06-22 13:01:01
my favorite anime is Rurouni Kenshin (the two OVAs, called Samurai X:Trust & Betrayal and Reflection in the US) because it is an intelligent, deep look at not just my favorite period in history but traditional Japanese culture in general as well. Most importantly, it delves into the psychological effects of and motivations behind war and killing (most of my favorite anime have something to do with this - Gunslinger Girl, Noir, etc.)

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by sephy on 2004-06-15 14:40:10
My favorite anime would have to be Jin Roh: The wolf brigade. Its a great anime because it adds an interesting perspective of the aftermath of World War 2. After the Soviets ended the war in Europe (well actually the Soviets and Americans in germany) The Brits and Americans went onto full alert and went to the pacific. Many of the japanese thought we were coming in for occupation rule but just like we are doing in iraq going in helping the people, helping rebuilding the economy etc. we leave. This is where the movie takes place. The japanese goverment was having trouble controlling the publics outrage to the govermants way of doing things. The police force had its hands full with controlling a good number of people. So they created a special task force called the wolf brigade. The main character Fuse the captain of the wolf brigade stumbles across a young girl on one of there patrols. She is holding a bomb in her hand ready to blow it killing her,him and his comrads. She pulls the pin and one of the soldiers pulls fuse down protecting him from the blast.Fuse is charged for not performing his duties during combat. He was stripped of his rank and asked to go through training again. He meets a girl whos name is Kei. They date and come to find out that the girl who blew herself up was infact keis younger sister. The rest of the story tells of the pain and suffering fuse goes through.(Thats not all but i cant give away all of the story) All in all this is a great story, if you happen to see this movie at blockbuster or something liket that get it! Its a bit of a complicated anime but is still good. It took me about twice to fully understand it. This anime will always be on my top list.


Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by gendou on 2004-06-18 19:13:22 (edited 2005-05-15 11:58:34)
the next person who says samurai x is banned! i hate licensing because of stupid crap like that. the show's name is KENSHIN.

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Hyuuga on 2004-06-19 20:51:57
I agree with you Gendou. I always say rurouni kenshin. I don't know what I was thinking

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by phant0mh0b0 on 2004-06-21 02:16:08
Samurai X...ew....doesn't even that gathering of licensed anime on cartoon network call it by its real name? Rrurrouni Kenshen, with the accent?
Now in response to the question at hand, I'd have to go with Evangelion. The fact that it was the first "real" anime I watched ever might be affecting my answer, but I like it for it's detail and the religious inuendos layed out through the series. The characters were nicely diversified, all with rough pasts (although I don't think they ever talk about Kaji's past in the anime? I think his was pretty messed up.). Oh and of course, the wonderful voice acting. Strictly in Japanese audio only though.

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by ChaosKaiser on 2004-06-21 05:00:14
It would be naruto for me. The series absolutely rocks... with those cool move, cool characters and cool songs... Everthing bout it is jus cool!!
Other anime i like: Full metal alchemist, chrno crusade and Ragnorok the animation.

If practice makes perfect and no one is perfect... then, Why do we practice? ^ ^ <(=';'=)>

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Sanza on 2004-06-22 12:11:52
my fave anime would have to be Gensomaden Saiyuki because it's another series based off of the Chinese folk legend of the Journey to the West, which is still quite popular. I like the fact that the characters are completely different from what they should be, such as a chain-smoking, gung-ho, swearing, drinking priest as the main character. (And priests were supposed to be holy... heh... not in this story.) The characters are awesome and the art is really nice. It has lots of laughs, drama, and action, too which makes it quite interesting.
another favorite of mine is Fruits Basket. Not only is the series original and cute, but it also has a deeper meaning to the things we take for granted and how thankful we should be for being where we're at. it has a lot of comedy, a bit of magic and romance as well, plus a lot more tragedu and drama. those two by far are my fave to date.

"With a strength I can be proud of, I live only for myself, and only for myself I'll die. I'll never die for someone 'cause I know the pain of who remains alive. This is my pride." - Genjo Sanzo (Gensomaden Saiyuki)

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by mikazuki on 2004-06-22 13:43:22
Mine would be Fruits Basket. The only bad part is that it's too short. Another one would be Pretear. Dunno why. Just got hooked on it first time I saw it.

live today coz yesterday has gone & tomorrow never comes...

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Kami on 2004-06-24 09:27:39
i dont really have a fav anime at the moment cuz i havn't seen as much as i would like to. I liked gto but i'm not sure what my fav is. I need some money so i can get me some more anime... need a job....

Darkness is simply the absense of light

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by orphen on 2004-06-25 21:41:15
Well my fav anime has to be fair by most, the gundam series, altho i feel i like Neon genisis Evangelion. I dont know which i like the most??

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by miroku on 2004-06-26 00:22:38
I would have to say that my favorite anime would be at the moment Naruto, however there are a few other anime that i am currently watching that seem good so far, like Shura no Toki, and Gantz(kinda wierd)

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Sango on 2004-06-26 05:54:38
I'm what you might call an otaku I love all things anime and,manga. My personal faves right now would have to be Di Gi Charat, Tokyo Mew Mew, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, and Furuba aka Fruits Basket.
I go for action, yet stuff that is kawaii and has some romance in it.

Hiraikotsu! ja ne 4 now.

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-06-26 15:26:15
Furi Kuri - Fooly Cooly, Meitantei Conan - Case Closed... Case Closed wth? anyways my favorite has to be Kido Senkan Nadesico~ the first half was just funny, the second half and the movie was pretty serious ~O_o~

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Aya on 2004-06-27 15:45:56
MY #1 favorite anime of all TTIIMMEE has to be Inuyasha, bcoz i just lov all of Rumiko's works! and then i like Wolf's Rain because it's rather original and the artwork is awesome, and i like FLCL even tho it's only 6 episodes...and i like Chobits, and Love Hina, and X, and Rurouni Kenshin, and...RAVE MASTER!!! YEAH. and a lot more that i just can't think of right now...^__^;;

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Momo on 2004-06-27 19:54:36
ok im going in the way i first saw my anime(starting back in first grade!!!)just because i love all my anime!!Sailor Moon,Outlaw Star,Dragon Ball(all of em),Kenshin,Yu Yu Hakusho,InuYasha,FLCL,Trigun,Chobits,Wolf Rain,Hellsing,Fruits Basket,Rave Master,Witch Hunter Robin,Cowboy Bebop,X,Comic Party,Azumanga Daioh,Kalido Star,and i think that may be all for now.^-^

It's all fun and games untill Snape ends up in a banna suit....

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by shinobu on 2004-06-28 01:36:18
ummm i tink i will go whit ai yuri aoshi i like the romace and the comdey in it^^

Re: Which and why is your favorite anime?
Link | by Vanguard48 on 2004-06-28 05:00:03
I have quite a few myself, but my a few fav's would probably be
Getbackers (chibi ginji...who wouldn't love it?)
Fruits Basket (great characters and comedy)
Ultra Maniac (super duper funny! great ending too ^^;)

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