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Uses of ずっと
Link | by cami-chan *^__^* on 2007-04-16 16:01:21
searching on the vocabulary I read that ずっと means "direct, straight, all along, the whole time, all the way, for a long time, throughout, by far, far and away"

now, if i want to say: "always in my heart" can I translate it with "心にずっと"?

thank you for your help!^^

I'd choose to be a daisy, If I might be a flower, Closing my petals softly At twilight's quiet hour; And waking in the morning, When falls the early dew, To welcome Heaven's bright sunshine, And Heaven's bright teardrops, too.

Re: Uses of ずっと
Link | by Eiko on 2007-04-16 16:37:50
ずっと心にいます。would be better usage. You usually want ずっと before (not after) what ever it is you are saying is forever/always.

Re: Uses of ずっと
Link | by cami-chan *^__^* on 2007-04-17 00:52:51
Thanks a lot! ^O^

I'd choose to be a daisy, If I might be a flower, Closing my petals softly At twilight's quiet hour; And waking in the morning, When falls the early dew, To welcome Heaven's bright sunshine, And Heaven's bright teardrops, too.

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