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Devil May Cry 3 CutScene
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-04-16 19:08:30
Dang i Been Trying to Kill all 100 in the cut sceen in normal mode at the end of defeating vergil, i get to 99 but i don't have enough time to kill the last guy ( that grim reaper looking thing). ANy body kno a fast way to kill? and kill the last guy too?

Re: Devil May Cry 3 CutScene
Link | by luminous on 2005-04-26 19:38:45
try using gunslinger style. Then while your at the ending credits. press square and circle(alternately) rapidly. Sometimes when it reached 99, not only the grim reaper(big guy) is the only demon but there will be some common demons that will spawn.

Re: Devil May Cry 3 CutScene
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-05-08 09:02:45
I thought the easiest way was when you killed the regular demons with either ebony and ivory or kalina anne and for the reaper use the sword to first slash to parry with his scythe and then use the trickster style dash to move out of the way for the second slash and start thrashing at him. I actually killed 143 demons b4 the time ran out bc the number of demons lady kills get added to the score.

well for tose ppl that dont know wat the extra ending is ill describe it to ya.

Vergil falls to demon world and stands on one knee since he's tired. He sees the tri electric orbs in the sky that is red and says he will bcome the prince of the demon world since his dad was king of the demons. and rushes to try and defeat the red orbs in the sky which is actually "MUNDUS" ahhh! from DMC1 and you know how it turns out, Vergil loses and gets his soul taken away to serve MUNDUS as Nelo Angelo.

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