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Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-02 15:59:39 (edited 2007-06-20 12:05:16)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

!!!!!!Current Battle!!!!!!

~~~~~~Pending Battle~~~~~~


~~~~~~Gendou Admirals~~~~~~

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket - Ok, I made the game, so obviously I'm one. Besides, how are you going to fight me? I see all moves and health. ^^

~~~~~~Trial Version~~~~~~

New strategy game here. Gendou Forum Battleship. Here's the basics.

- There are 4 teams. As a test run I'm just going to call the teams Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.

- Each team consists of 3 battleships.

- Finally, each battleship has 2 people commanding it. One person is the Captain and the other is Lieutenant. So basically the Captain normally controls the ship and the Lieutenant takes control when the Captain can't. (In this case that would be when one member can't get online too often or can't for some other reason.) Of course, you can do it alone if you want.

~For testing purposes I'm going to use Gundam Seed as the battleship theme~

There are three ships for you to choose from with three different stat advantages and weaknesses.

Archangel Class(Attack type)
Health - 1500(Medium)
Attack - 300(High)
Defense - 20(Low)

Kusanagi Class(Health type)
Health - 2000(High)
Attack - 170(Low)
Defense - 65(Medium)

Godwanna Class(Defense type)
Health - 1100 (Low)
Attack - 220(Medium)
Defense - 100(High)

Here's how it works.

Everyone starts in a random place. The places or spots you can move to are done up like this.

- You can move to 1 of 2 pages in one of the sections of the forum. Attacking is a whole different story.

- When you move your ship to a place and it's empty, your ships stops there, however if there is a ship from another team there you attack.


~Jon's ship moves to Gendou City page 0. No other ship is present.

move #2

~Jon's ship moves to Waste of Time page 1. Bloodymoon's ship is present. Jon's ship fires on Bloodymoon's ship causing 140 damage.

All of the moving will be done through PM of course so that everyone can't see where everyone else is, thereby removing all chance of excitement. You are free to talk among your team mates and call them through PM for help (This is the only time your allowed to give anyone your location.)

Damage works like this.

Attack power of your ship - Defense power of opponent's ship = Damage dealt to opponent

When your health reaches 0 your ship is sunk.

So, who wants to give it a shot? Let's see if I can get this working. Oh, and yes this is a game by the way. A big game.

P.S: All the surviving members on your team at the end of the game get the title of Gendou Admiral.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by craving for moar on 2007-05-03 01:35:58
Hmmm...sounds fun...

What if I jump out
of this speeding jeepney?
Fly without wings
Reach for the grey-painted heaven
And out into the sea of infinity?

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 01:39:52 (edited 2007-05-03 11:16:41)
Hmm... If all the moving happens trough PM then how do we know if there is somebody in the location we are moving to or not?
Or are we all going to send those PM's to you (please no! that would be too much work for one person =3)

EDITT: I meant that will be too much work for you Jon, once again o.o *is amazed*

Aatata! But you know myself and that I won't have too much time for this T___T
It's boring if im out all the time >:3

*consideres consideres*

I think I'll pass this time (too)


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 11:05:34
I inform you of everything that happens as a result of your move. (Or inform you of anything that happens that concerns your ship.)

Sign up and try. You don't need a second in command person, you can sign up alone. I think it would be fun to try. So sign up today.XD


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-05-03 11:15:08 where should i sign up?

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 11:23:03
Just put down your name (Username or nickname, doesn't matter.) and which ship you want to use.

If not a lot of people sign up then I'll just send whoever is ready out. This is mostly a trial to see how it works out.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 14:05:03

Do you want the signups here or via PM?

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 14:12:16
Here please. That way others know who is in the game.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 14:18:14

Name: nickmasterinu/Terror of Death
Team: Red
Ship Type: Archangel
Ship Name: Twilight

Red all the way! (lol)

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 14:25:27
Alright, now we just need at least one other member (or more) to sign up so we can try this idea out.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 14:35:49
If we send you our "Move Requests" to you, will we automatically fire at someone in the same place or will you give us a option to fire/hide/flee (if we can)/etc.?

Also, if we enter the same space as a person, are they told about it or do we "enter the space quietly" and give our position with an attack?

Or even better, can the ships give you a "always" command, like:

When entering a space:
"Always fire at opponent found."
"Always keep silent."
"Always ask for command."

When attacked: (But I'm guessing we have to tell you too....)
"Always attack back."
"Always flee to random space (not silent)."

Just a suggestion...

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 14:50:32
Mostly it's what you said.

The person who enters the same space as another person is the one who decides whether to make the first attack or flee. You can tell me to repeat an action every time you enter a square if you feel like winging the whole thing.

One thing though. Once both ships have attacked each other there is no fleeing. So if you attack and the person returns fire, you neither can run. So know what your getting into.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 15:32:26
So, is there any way out of the battle then besides winning/losing?

Or is it "Lets run a ton of attacks in one PM and then see who doesn't die...?"

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-03 15:34:04
If you want to quit you can. I'm not making people stay in the game.

But before that there needs to be a game. I wonder if any of the people who posted here are planning to play.


Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 15:35:25
No, I'll play no matter what, its just I'm trying to get all the rules/whatever down before we get too far....

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by craving for moar on 2007-05-03 18:38:48
Huwow! So signing-up's started huh...


Name: raider009/Nero

Team: Red

Ship Type: Kusanagi

Ship Name: Celeste

What if I jump out
of this speeding jeepney?
Fly without wings
Reach for the grey-painted heaven
And out into the sea of infinity?

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-03 19:31:01
Welcome to the fleet comrade.

Now all we need is a opponent....

(Also, how long will this run?)

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-05-03 21:56:15
Name: bloodymoon
Team: Blue
Ship Type: Archangel Class
Ship Name: Concerto

i'm the first person in blue...maybe? XD

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-03 22:21:05
Interesting, I wish there's an html-based code for this kind of game T_T it would be more fun XD are you sure you can handle the PMs, Jon? :/ btw, one question, when you're in one team, you don't need to have the same ship as your team members, right?

Name: Imppy

Team: Blue (I'll join with you Kay XD)

Ship Type: Godwanna

Ship Name: Overlord

Re: Gendou Forum Battleship. Avast ye!
Link | by on 2007-05-04 06:19:23 (edited 2007-05-04 06:20:14)
Ill join here!



SHIPTYPE: Godwanna


*joins KAY and IMPPY!^^*


so the captain would be the one to decide

if the ship will move or not...the lieutenant

are supposed to take over if the captain is

not around...but how would we know if the ship move...

through PM or posting?


does Lieutenant have the rights to perform an attack?


do we have any commands aside from the one you posted?

for ex:

Name: raider009/Nero

Team: Red

Ship Type: Kusanagi

Ship Name: Celeste




SHIPTYPE: Godwanna






JON this game is very interesting! why dont

you make any html codes for this one...^^

You can visit me there!!

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