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Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-10 18:04:09 (edited 2007-05-17 14:58:30)
Official Gendou Avatar Tournament

Here we are yet again, a brand new contest, run by myself and Kazuma.
However. This is radically different from anything that has been done before.
This here is an avatar tournament, and the winner will be decided by you.

Here's how it's going to work. If you would like to enter, you must send me a PM with the subject "Avatar Tournament Entry".
In the message, you will send me your avatar of choice.
Because this is a tournament, you will only be allowed one entry per person.
When I have received a sufficient amount of entries, the tournament will begin.
Every week, I shall post two randomly selected entries, for you to vote on.
These shall be posted (hopefully) every Sunday.
You will have until the following Saturday to cast your vote.
You may not vote in the round containing your avatar.
The entry with the most votes wins, and shall continue on.
This tournament will be single elimination: one loss, and you're out.

When all is said and done, there will be one person left standing. He/She shall be our winner!

Here are the rules for entries which shall be enforced.

All avatars must follow the rules of No more than 200 x 25 pixels in dimensions.
Only ONE entry per person shall be accepted. Make sure it's a good one.
That is all.

How To Vote!

When casting your vote, please follow these simple rules:

Give a reason why. Simply saying "it's better" doesn't cut it.
After your vote, please update the counter for each person.

For example, a vote could look like:

My vote: Gendou
The border on the other one detracts from the overall
feel, and the text color and position could use work.
Gendou: 3 / Sheep: 2

Click HERE to submit a tournament entry!

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-10 18:07:54
Nice. I see you like the idea of Kiran (I think). And using the members to vote, lol! (no offence...)

My question, is there a kb limit?

Also, when you get a "sufficient amount of entries", will there be a deadline to submit a avatar?

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-05-10 18:16:20
hmmm gendou rules so i think is 100Kb....

wow!! nice link and kazu !!!

great idea guys ^^

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-05-10 18:17:02

I guess there is KB limit of 100 KB. If not, why do we have to have this tournament? (We are going to use the avatars we made, right?)

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-10 18:43:19 (edited 2007-05-10 18:46:03)
I did not limit the avatars to 100kb. You may do with it what you wish.
Even if you would not be able to use them on Gendou, entries for these types of contests are meant to be original creations made specifically for the contest.

Using members to vote will remove any reason for you to complain about us not getting results in fast enough.

And, there wont be a deadline (yet), but I reserve the right to end the entry period at any time if and when we get enough entries to hold a good tournament.
Otherwise, keep your eyes open for a deadline.

And ToD, me and Kiran had the same idea, although I'm pretty sure I thought of it first :P

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by Terror on 2007-05-10 18:55:54
So, no kb limit and the sooner the better I take it...

Better get working on the new TOD avi....

(You do know that with a no kb limit, I could go animation mad....)

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-10 19:01:58
Such a thing is encouraged. But be warned, not everyone likes animated avatars! :o

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-10 19:55:36
Hey it's another contest thingy! :D

I'm gonna do my best this time *_*

Sadly...I can't make my entry anytime soon -___-'

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-11 05:48:06
so it means that even i extend my size to 100 kb....can i still use it

as an entry? then if that's the case, I should start my avy!^^

ill join as a participant! ill submit mine this sunday

You can visit me there!!

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by nightfaller on 2007-05-11 21:16:57
Uh, I dont understand it at all, were going to submit an entry and vote right? :O

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-11 21:18:46
Yes. You submit an entry in PM form, not by posting it here. To do so, click the link in the first post.

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by nightfaller on 2007-05-11 21:22:08
Thanks Link~!!! I'll join, but i'll PM the ava to you later... will still make it... BY MYSELF...><

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-12 10:25:18
I have completed the randomizing program that will choose who faces who.
Considering I only have one entrant so far, looks like I'm getting ahead of myself.

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by Kasla on 2007-05-12 10:36:39
[This is a comment posted by Kazuma to show his presence and participation in the contest]

Errr~ Do your best peoples! ^^

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-16 13:40:59
Well, considering this thread is getting 0 replies, and I only got 2 PMs with
entries, I can only conclude that nobody is interested in this. If this is the
case I will end the tournament and we could just do another signature contest or

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-05-16 13:50:22
hmmmm let me guess....

Key and me?


sowwy but i realy liked the idea ;_;

C'on ppl!!! Let's send avatars to link!!!

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-05-16 13:54:49
They might just be busy with school work or something.


Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-05-16 13:57:46
think i'll participate as well. just need to look for that picture....

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by on 2007-05-16 15:03:04
Actually, I haven't submitted anything for this... as yet. :3

Hmmm, I'm not sure if I will enter or not. DX (I most probably will though) :3 I don't think you should close it as yet... rawr.

Re: Official Avatar Tournament
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-05-16 15:31:37
ugh wasn't you key? DX

wrong guess XDD

anyway i think we could do some marketing XD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

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