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Link to a site
Link | by Magi Neko Sama on 2003-11-04 16:10:39 (edited 2005-02-19 12:26:30)
Hi, I'm Gendou's helper Kitty *nya?`*

You all are welcome to check out my site Gendou made for me! ^_^

We're still doing some final touches to it, however. I would love it if you all would drop by the site, check it out, and sign my guestbook if you feel like leaving a message. ^_^

contents of the site:
ART - my own CG and pencil drawings
COSPLAY - pics of me and some friends at cons
LINKS - friend's sites
POEMS - just one at the moment
FREINDS - about them; includes a link to gendou's site
LIVE JOURNAL - my thoughts for the day

"If one is to become a lady, one must not chew on her chopsticks!"

Re: Link to a site
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2003-11-04 16:05:18
Yes its really nice to meet you to! and such a wonderful thing that gendou did making a website for you. lol

Re: Link to a site
Link | by animemasta_sesshoumaru on 2003-11-04 21:27:38
lol for the cosplay i liked the one with sakura's brother stealing her toy ( it was funny lol)

Re: Link to a site
Link | by Fongsaiyuk on 2003-11-07 07:15:24
I really luv ya site maybe you can give a few pointers, even though you didnt make it, but you mustve had a saying in it? :D

Re: Link to a site
Link | by Kami on 2004-04-17 05:27:47
Hey, I have always wanted to see you on the site. Its been such a long time since I have been on. Glad to see its still up and running. I see Gendou got you a pick of a kitty for your user... Thats coo... Hmmmm... well... I'm gonna go listen to some music XD

Darkness is simply the absense of light

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