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random and odd facts.
Link | by Nanahara on 2007-05-11 19:17:06
1. Commercial chocolate-covered cherries have embalming fluid in them.
2. Flies digest food by immediately barfing on it. the vomit digests the food, then they eat the vomit.
3. We drink dinosaur pee.
4. Microscopic bits of rats and bugs end up in canned food.
5. Green is not considered an eye color by scientists.

know anything else?? please tell me!

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Re: random and odd facts.
Link | by gendou on 2007-05-12 13:12:32
I will not allow this to continue unless you can provide evidence for these so-called facts.

1. This is completely false. There are similar active chemicals (methanol, ethanol, etc.) in embalming fluid that can also be found in some food preservatives, but food manufacturers NEVER introduce formaldehyde (the main ingredient in embalming fluid) into food products. This is clearly against FDA regulations. (source)

2. This is completely false. Strictly speaking, vomiting is the regurgitation of stomach contents, and house flies never regurgitate their stomach contents. What they do is technically spitting (or drooling), not vomiting. (source)

3. This is completely false. Pee contains uric acid, and the last time I checked, there is no uric acid in my tap-water. It is true, however, that most of the Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in the water molecules we consume did at one point in history reside in the body of ancient organisms, including large land reptiles of the Mesozoic era.

4. This is true. Most often it is droppings.

5. I am a scientist and I consider green an eye color. Blow me.

Re: random and odd facts.
Link | by forest on 2007-05-13 02:21:40
Gendou-san, pardon me for spamming, but you scare me -_-"

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