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Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-19 14:59:26 (edited 2008-12-10 15:38:54)
Well... there a sure to be a fans of romance anime, such as Kanon, Shuffle, Air. And i guess some of you would like to discuss it, ask questions, share pictures. For that reason i'm going to create a club, that does all of this :)
I'll also try to make a list of all worthy romance anime, known to a club, as well as how many club members supports it :) That'd make a list of recommended animes :) The short name for club is KyTe (Composed of first and last letters of Key-Type). There IS a requirement to join - you have to have watched at least some romances :D Oh, and if you have msn and you're using it - pm me your address. Well, the sole meaning this club has - it's a group of people, that chat with each other :) And it's not like you can only chat about anime. It's just that some romance-lovers would like to talk with other romance-lovers :) Anyway, if someone wishes to join - write here. And pm me your msn address. By the way, This name has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Kingdom Heart. Key is a game-creation group, that created Kanon, Air, Clannad and One.

List of members:
flaming fighter

List of known romances:
Canvas 2
Kanon 2002
Kanon 2006
One Kagayaku Kisetsu e
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru
Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku Wo!
Kimagure Orange Road
Video Girl Ai
Ah! My Goddess!
Love Hina
To Heart
To Heart 2
Canvas Motif of Sepia
DiGi Winter Garden
Maison Ikkoku
Romeo x Juliet
Saiunkoku Monogatari
Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
Ai Yori Aoshi
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō
Hayate no Gotoku
Seto no Hanayome
Nanatsuiro Drops
Midori no Hibi
Kashimashi Girl meets Girl
Lovely Complex
Fushigi Yuugi
Nagasarete Airantou
Zero no Tsukaima
Memories Off
Sentimental Journey
Yume de Aetara
Legend of the Last Labyrinth
Hanbun no tsuki ga noboru sora
Gundam SEED
Wedding Peach
School Days
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun
Mermaid Melody
Shamanic Princess
Soul Link
Maria-sama ga Miteru
Kodomo no Jikan
Da Capo II
ef a tale of memories
Myself ; Yourself
Asatte no Houkou
Wind ~A breath of Heart~
Honey and Clover
Strawberry Panic!
Final Approach
Mamotte Shugogetten
Uta Kata
Saishu Shiken Kujira
Sister Princess
Tenshi no Shippo
Aoki Densetsu Shoot
Hungry Heart Wild Striker
Yoake Mae
Zaion I wish you were here
Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan
Miracle Girls
True Tears
Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by BlakBladeKnight on 2007-05-23 10:38:26
Hey there Moogle. ^.~ KyTe Member: UnisonOfSoul aka: BlakBladeKnight and FlameAxel

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-24 13:49:33
Well, hello. Although still no new members :) Well, might as well make a signature with a link here :) I'm sure there are romance-lovers here... just that noone reads "other" :)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Huy on 2007-05-28 04:26:15 (edited 2007-05-28 08:49:03)
I'd like to join, but I don't really have the requirements. I don't have msn and I only watched Air. I'm currently watching Kanon, dunno witch one. Btw, is there a difference between them?

The msn problem is easy to solve. But the other one...


Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by MM09 on 2007-05-28 04:50:13
I'd like to join.

I've only watched Tsubasa Chronicles,and Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu(sorta romance)

I can't use MSN MUCH,but I am on frequently.My mom doesn't like the concept of "online chatting"

Personally I hate the word -.-

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-28 13:13:28 (edited 2007-05-28 13:18:24)
@MM09: Well... I wouldn't call tsubasa chronicles a romance. Dunno about the other one. But that's okay. As long as you join :)
@Huy: Well, you've watched and are watching... that fits the requirements quite well :D And as for Air and Kanon. Well, they ARE different. Air is a romance in only about 10% of it. Most of it is about a curse. While Kanon is more of a romance. I'd grade it about 30%. Air has a bad end. Kanon has a happy end. But they are both serious. Well, i'd recommend Kanon over Air. Most of people would do opposite :D

Cool, new people came :) I already felt desperate about this club :)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by on 2007-05-28 19:50:08 (edited 2007-05-28 19:50:48)
HI moggle~~~~

See you have a nice club going on XD i came here by accident o.o pressed on your siggy/ava thingy XD

I wanna join...but i have currently only watched shuffle and love hina....i think ill be watching new animes this month XD and what a list you have there XD can i join XP

P.S i will send you my msn after you give the green lite to join your club.

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by MM09 on 2007-05-28 20:09:04
Really?Well I'm abit upset there most likely won't be a season 3 to Tsubasa so I decided to read the manga from the start.This club will be great for getting ideas on my love story.By the way,which ones have half naked girls so I can steer clear of them -.-

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by *~Ivonne~* on 2007-05-29 02:28:49
OMG! I can't believe I've never watched any of those before! Am I abnormal or something?? T_T.. and what's "Key-type"?


Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-29 08:18:30 (edited 2007-05-29 08:20:43)
@Blueberries: Well, shuffle and love hina is already pretty good :) Sure you may join :D
@MM09: Really? I think there will be... at least it seemed so in the end of second one :) Emm... You mean which romances can be considered ecchi? Canvas Motif of Sepia, Maison Ikkoku (sort of), One (there is normal and 18+ ones), and i guess Love Hina (some bathing scenes)
@Ivonne: Nope, just that most of those are pretty rare. I'm really sure that only a few watched Canvas 2... I myself heard of it from Unison... and even less watched Canvas Motif :) And as for Key-type... Key is a company, that made games: Kanon, Air, One :D Well, i wrote it in the first post :D Key-type means Key-alike.

Wow, looks like making a sig really helped :D Before i made it - noone even answered :D

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Huy on 2007-05-29 09:08:34
@Moggle: I meant the difference between Kanon 2006 and 2002.

I have 4 episodes of Canvas but the quality is bad and the bitrate or something is too much for my computer, that's why I only watched half of the first episode.

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-29 10:00:31
@Huy: Well, the Canvas 2 is pretty good. There are two great characters on my opinion. But the main ones i dislike... And as for Kanons... Well...
Kanon 2002:
13+1 episodes.
Mai -> Shiori -> Makoto -> Ayu -> Nayuki
Kanon 2006:
24 episodes
Makoto -> Mai -> Shiori -> Ayu -> Nayuki
Kanon 2006 explains more. Kanon 2006 Yuuichi has a real character, while 2002 one is a bit characterless. Kanon 2006 has more humor in it, while 2002 is more serious. Well, graphics and a slight event difference is obvious :)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by MM09 on 2007-05-29 10:19:49
Well there was supposed to be a Season 3,but the people who were working on it had some kind of conflict with Bee Train the studio it was being made at.

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-05-29 10:33:38 (edited 2007-06-01 13:32:22)
@MM09: Well... even if it wouldn't be the same guys - i guess they WILL make season 3... since tsubasa's pretty popular :)

Btw, my usual time online is 22:00-23:00 (London time)

Good... five people in the club - five people in the msn. Everyone was gathered. If any of you have less than four people from the club - tell me about it - i'll tell you the missing ones (in the msn that is)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by on 2007-06-01 15:26:27
Heya Moggle, I'm in i guess =D, hehehehe,

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by on 2007-06-01 15:49:12
Whoa!!!??? never realized this was here!!! WOW!....ONE?!...that is going WAYYYYY back before Key was even born!!!

I would like to be a part of this club...i do have MSN but i hardly use it that often....but i'm here on Gendou often (work depending :P)....if you need someone who has played the "games" & if there are any differences between the game & anime i can be of help.

Anyways how do everybody feel about the rumors/possibility of Jun Maeda-san may retire (or has already done so) after the release of Little Busters!....the rumor is that this will be his last game for Key. If it is true it is a sad day...he is responsible for writing the stories for AIR, CLANNAD & KANON....some of the most memorable music compositions are from him....& wrote the lyrics for songs like "Last Regrets", "Kaze no Tadoritsuku Basho"...he also is responsible for founding KEY in the first place...after he left Tactics....If the rumors are true....or if it is a reality...he will be deeply missed!

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-06-02 13:38:54
@Mreasy: Sure... just pm me your msn address :)
@Izumo: Wow... actually a person, that's pretty good at romance :) Cool :) So, you've actually PLAYED, not only watched Key... Jeez... even i haven't done it... since i don't want to play hentai, while clear versions have no translation... At least i haven't found them. Anyway, send me your msn :)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by on 2007-06-03 01:12:20
@ Moogle-san
- heh...thanks but i'm no expert....i'm not the kind of person who breaks down every single detail & analyzes it to the most miniscule detail. I just enjoy them for what they are ....great, memorable series.

Not all of the games are H-games....when AIR, KANON, & CLANNAD came out they had very little adult content...CLANNAD has absolutely none. Yes...unfortunately they never been translated...though a few sites are working on patches.

Anyways....since i don't use MSN that often....i kinda forgot what it is....i do have my email address...that may be it....but i have to check. I'll PM you once i find it....or remember :P

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2007-06-03 13:26:30
@Izumo: Well... neither of us here is an expert too... some even never heard of what Key is :D And as for H-games... even if it has a bit of adult content... i don't really want it :) And sure, i'll wait :) Btw, here, discussions will happen as well :) So don't really worry about it :)

Re: Key-Type romance discussion club (join us)
Link | by BlakBladeKnight on 2007-06-06 10:54:27
Hi again XD...Seems no one is here a lot x.X;...*pokes all* JK ^^ KyTe Member: UnisonOfSoul aka: BlakBladeKnight and FlameAxel

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