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anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by kuroineko on 2007-06-11 20:33:10
hi! i want to find someone who can or want to teach me japanese through e-mail and can teach you english. anyone? if you do, please reply this post or somethng and we will see..thanks

black cat

Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by 木庭絢太 on 2007-06-19 15:04:17
i can teach japanese, but my bokokugo is english. i'd rather not do it through email, but through msn. as long as you know some of the basics like the word structure, and how to read most hiragana/katakana/some kanji.



Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by on 2007-08-15 11:17:00
Woww...I'm starting my Japanese Clases on September...I'm so nervous!! T-T And for sure I'm going to need help! So...I would love someone to help me through msn too ^-^

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Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by on 2007-08-15 15:51:18
Try joining this club.

Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by on 2007-09-11 23:28:54
hmmm.. i would rather go for lessons and learn hands on.. better.

Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by Jeanii on 2007-10-03 17:48:34
i only speak a little bit of japanese but i wish i can learn more
i really lyk the japanese culture,im part japanese and chinese mixed with spanish i only know spanish and english,anyone who speaks japanese fluently please!!! can u help me!!!
here iz mii msn


Re: anyone want to teach japanese through e-mal?
Link | by Brianma on 2007-11-24 11:52:16
I have been studying japanese for 2 years but still need help.

My mail is Plz help me a little through the mail, if any of the japanese language expert out there have some spare time to do this.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Boku no nihon go ga amari yokunai. Dakara anata tachi ga boku o oshiete kureru. Hontou ni arigatou.

Narau yori nareyou...makenai youni isshou ni susumemashou.

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