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The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-06-15 01:40:23 (edited 2008-03-08 01:30:20)
Okay , I believe this will be the new Malaysian thread (X continuation at all) for all Malaysians here In Forum . So , firstly , I will introduce myself ^^ . I'm Angelus , formerly known as Hmmmm (Yes , I know , weird :P) , I'm 19 coming 20 and I'm a Malaysian too XD (YIPEE !!) .

Here , I shall explain the rules (nothing much , but do obey the rules more >.<) :

1. Do speak in any 'understandable' language , Malay and English for example (I don't think not all will understand Chinese nor Indian language here XD) .
2. No negative actions are allowed in this thread , constructive ones under certain conditions will do ^^ .
3. Talk anything that only Malaysians know about <-A~~WHAT?
4. Have fun , enjoy , bergembira selalu XD .....
5. This is NOT an instant messenger , do introduce yourself to everyone , although it's tiring and not in need , but do it !! tunjuk kesopanan anda di sini .
6. If any one of you (not from Malaysia) who wants to learn some basics of Malay Language , do ask and we'll start it ^^

Now , I shall begin the topic for today , nya ?

Let's see .....

What do you think about the 'Green Day' in Malaysia ? Are you with it ? Opinions .....

I'm with it . I'll be rooting for it's success 'cause Malaysia is really polluted these days >.< . I can't stand the stench release by the river nearby (Rubbish full) and the factories nearby really do annoy me a lot 'cause they release their fumes at midnight !! Someone got to do something with this problem . That's why I'm supporting the 'Green Day' programme ^^.

Oh , another question , what do you think about th dubbed anime shown in our TV ? (It's a sub-question only :P)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by forest on 2007-06-15 01:52:47
I thought making a continuation of the Malaysians thread wasn't allowed? Me ish afraid of the lord, and getting banned ~.~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-06-15 02:38:11
I believe it is not a continuation 'cause the previous thread is about anime (mostly) and the thread name is "Any Malaysian Luv Anime" but this thread is more on general where you talk other things that only Malaysians know about ^^ and the title is "The Malaysians Thread ( I )" (It does sound different)

But I did inform to Gendou about the new thread without the continuation . and I did ask him to tell me if I did something wrong about this thread . Honestly , I too don't wish to get banned too (O___O)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2007-06-15 04:04:45
yay the malaysian thread..
i understand chinese but not indian...
forest-san,i think angelus wont get banned, just it will be locked lol!!

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by on 2007-06-15 06:38:18
well, long as the thread doesn't have any continuation of the previous thread...i guess it's ok...

so,here is what i think on 'Green Day' programme...

well,i'm with it too, Angelus...this programme will make those litter-bugs and ignorant individuals and groups realize what they are doing can create unhealthy and dirty the environment...this problem will not solved until the authorties take some actions....

on ur sub-question...

i don't like Malay-dubbed anime on our TV...i feel kinda weird hearing it and i don't even understand a single word of it's meaning...but it's funny though...



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by forest on 2007-06-15 16:00:17
Well, i guess it's okay...

I agree with you guys on the Green Day program, really hate those jerks throwing their trash everywhere. Maybe if i had a gun and a license to kill... >D

And about the Malay dubbing, really sucks. They sound weird and i can't understand a single word... I watched Digimon, and it actually made me lose interest in it.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-06-18 22:21:05
O.O , this thread falls behind really quick !


(O.O)* , you're on fire ! ICE , where's ICE !? . Well , you can't go killing about , but there is a way to wipe 'em all , get the same meteor that wipe out the dinosaurs to wipe 'em all out ..... wait , that could wipe us all out ! OoO .

Well , I'm trying my best to make sure this is NOT a continuation and I hope it's NOT at all -_-*

@Honey Ko

O.O , L-L-Locked ? *shivering*

@Heavenly Angel

I REALLY hope so ..... it's nerve-wrecking .....

I live in Ayer Keroh once before , and it's situated opposite a factory site *bummer* and the place stinks 24 hours everyday ! factories letting out toxic fumes in the middle of the night , dumping waste in the morning , rubbish in the afternoon ..... that's why flooding happens more often in my place *Furious* . We can't do much 'cause foreign workers depends on it to support their lives ..... what should I do .....

As for the dubbed version , I agree too . The voice acting is the same and the same old mood-destroying speech really bores me off . The english version is much better (Though it's still bad to me) . That's why I never once watch the dubbed anime more than 4 episodes 'cause after that , the voice acting really makes me wish I could smash my head on to the wall ..... of shame .....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by forest on 2007-06-18 22:56:58
The main reason so little people are in this thread is because most of em got banned, remember? -__-

It's a good thing they didn't dub Bleach, right? I don't think they can dub anime with so many characters.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-06-18 23:21:05
Well Bkno9 is back ^^ (An old member of the previous thread) . I hope he notice this thread :P . But ..... but ..... IWISHKANA_CHANWILLBEBACKTOO *Shrugs face really hard*

That's the good thing , Malaysia don't really have much Seiyuu XD !

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by forest on 2007-06-19 01:24:38
That still doesn't explain Digimon and Prince of Tennis though XD

*checks list of anime*

... that means Suzumiya Haruhi might get dubbed! Oh noes! :O

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by bkno9 on 2007-06-19 09:36:18 (edited 2007-06-19 09:38:23)
hiya minna-san~! XDD

what's this? a new thread for malaysians?? XD I din log in for 2 weeks bcos of exams.. when I came back, not only was the old thread far was locked as well~!?~!? WHO WAS IT THAT DISPLEASED GENDOU-SAMA??

oh yes.. I must pay my respects.. *bows head in respect*

... AiCeD ... orcaz ... redberrie ... akuro ... Atelier ...

Rest In Peace guys..

Well then~! XD

hullo~! it's been a long time, your new place has connection d? or are you still going to cyber for your daily dose of Gendou? Kana-chan was posting less and less in the locked thread cos the guys were talking about pc games, I hope she sees this thread as well XD

Do you guys know if we have anime conventions here in Malaysia??

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by on 2007-06-29 03:12:25
anime conventions in malaysia???...i think there is one but i'm not so sure...held by Sun Comic or sumthing...but i know there is a cosplay competition...


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by DeAngelus on 2007-07-23 00:09:58
Me too , never heard it O.O .

@Burger King
Well , I hope so ..... *SOBBING HARD*

Nyah , this thread is falling behind , and I'm not as free as before as I'm trying to complete my comic >.< !!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by Tessa on 2007-07-23 10:03:56
err... i was away from gendou for way too long... malaysian here too... i'm elysia... nice to meet you all... and... really haven't heard of any anime convention before... hope there'll be one...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2007-07-24 00:41:28 (edited 2007-07-24 00:42:01)
the 'negarakuku' in youtube is funneh

p.s. hi koala a.k.a elysia :3

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by Tessa on 2007-07-24 03:57:56 (edited 2007-07-24 03:59:36)
hi hi honey'ko... thanks for the add on friendster... ^^ you and jomunga look so nice together... i love the cloudy in kuala lumpur recently... just... it gets so cold during the night... >_<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by eidrag on 2007-07-25 09:09:12
hi, i'm eiman...
for the very first question.... I will support it... but nobody care about dat day... "kisah ape aku.... aku punye sukela" =jawapan org ramai.
2nd Question... Dubbed Anime? Watched anime sebab nak dengar dialog yang klakar...
pernah tengok Initial D kat TV3? camtula kalau amik dari china punyer translation.... baik xpayah buat dub ni.... baik letak sarikata ajer...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by areniece arekeylah on 2007-07-25 15:38:34
hye guys......

im new here and from malaysia but living in us right now...hehe...

i've never heard bout the green day before....since when??

rasenye x de dlm paper pn....maybe tlepas pandang...

bout the dubbing anime....honestly i hate it......either its dubbed in malay or

english.....i prefer read the subtitle and learn a lil bit of japanese rather

than hearing the skema and kinda weird....

sincerely..... me......(^_^)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by Tessa on 2007-07-25 19:34:40
welcome anisaqilah san... ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( I )
Link | by areniece arekeylah on 2007-07-25 23:30:54
thanks koala.....(^_^)

sincerely..... me......(^_^)

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