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The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-06-17 22:44:39 (edited 2007-09-11 03:34:27)
For you what are the 3 most important things the world? This is anything and everything in the world. Mine are:
1st Life
2nd Love
3rd Friendship
1st I think life is the most valuable thing in the world. I would gladly take my own life to save two others : 3
2nd love..... I love, love :3 I think next to life we should want to find love, and if we do cherish and honor it. I think it is selfish for so many others to cheat on each other T.T', when people like me who would be the best lover are left alone... as I say to all my friends "The most important thing in this world is to love and be loved," whoa don't I sound like some kind of poet, and so majorly cool!
3rd the lesser but just as important friendship. I will do anything with-in reason to help a friend. I think group of friends are sometimes greater then a loving couple. The good thing about friends is that sex should be out of the topic, and this make for some real cool times.

Well I want to know what others think... I wonder if anyone is like me :3
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket DON'T SLAP THE MONKEY!!

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-06-18 05:26:51
1-Purpose-The reason I do anything, there has to be a pupose. Feeling like you have no pupose is horrible.
2-Acceptance-Self acceptance, acceptance of others, and others acceptance of myself, as well as accepting of things that cannot be changed.
3-Kirei-Beauty and Cleanliness. If there were no beauty in the world, it would be unbearable. It is really hard to be feel good sitting inside an ugly dirty place...(like my house O.o). :P

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-06-18 06:12:11
in the world..
1.) self-worth: without this, you would become lost and confused in this world → like a cold kitten in the streets.
2.) good friends & family: they are your life-supports, keeping you up and giving you a purpose to live.
3.) absolute euphoria: this can be brought on by love, fun or peace (based on your preference); it can be your fuel, pushing you to go on living :)

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-06-18 07:01:11
1. relationships-family and friends, you gotta have those.
2. introspect-i like to analyze myself...and it's good to see and know your own flaws well.
3. will-power-...i don't have a lot but's important.

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-06-18 07:26:16
1: That would probably be people. As much as I like them as well as dislike them, I don't think I could live without many of them.

and then from their I agree with Celeriter for her second and KD for her first as my third. :3

And you're s o g l a d ,
No one can see inside of your

T i r e l e s s M i n d .

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-06-20 17:35:09
1: Freedom... to make choices

2: Knowledge... to achieve wisdom

3: Mistakes... to learn from, and be better because of them

I was a person back then. I could smile and laugh and... feel. All the colors... all the hurt... all the laughing... it all went away. All of them.

They used words like brain damage... and cerebral trauma. But even then I understood. I was safe... safe from the bad thing.

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by × on 2007-09-10 22:39:29
1. life
2. freedom
3. food and snack!

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by Kumiko Reika on 2007-09-11 03:08:00
1) Good Relationship- Family and Friends
2) Love
3) Self-worth and the power/strength to survive thru life.

I've resigned myself.

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-09-11 03:18:45

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by Sartol on 2007-09-11 03:20:59
1st- obviously, life. It's a precious thing that should be enjoyed and cared for tenderly.
2nd - Spirituality/introspection/inner connect. The spirit, looking for it and connecting with it, will help set one to be who they are, for the spirit is the template that makes us who we are. They are not our shadow, but we are theirs.
3rd - Love/friendship something that seems to be sorely lacking in this day and age. Where the words "I love you" is thrown around so casually and without meaning, that love is just a silly idea. While friendships come and go, with friends either drifting away or becoming enemies for backstabbing you.

"I am but a mere shadow that wanders these halls." - excerpt line from a poem of mine.

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-09-11 04:48:42 (edited 2007-10-16 02:24:59)
God,Family and Friends
Computer with an Internet connection
Anime ^.^

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by Sprity on 2007-09-11 17:31:38
Well it depend show literal you want to get XD


those are the top three. Without you have no life lol but in a more personaly way they change.

1. Love - Family, friends, self love, life love. Love is love it's needed. We're social creatures we need others to love and to love us.
2. Inner wisdom/understanding
3. Desire - we take this too far sometimes. But in order to find purpose in order to want to even bother getting up each day we need to desire something.

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-09-12 12:19:52
1- Love [from family and friends(i think that to live happy you need both)]

2- Self wisdom [know what you need and what you want... it is essencial!]

3- Freedom [to do all that you must have freedom]

i think wich one of them are essencial, none of them can be out he other :3

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by killer on 2007-09-13 20:49:48
LIFE (Love, Family, Friendship, Career)

FREEDOM (IDEA, opinion & self wisdom)

Primary needs (Clothes, House and Food)

long life....

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-09-13 22:20:49
1. My Parents
2. My Brother n Sister
3. Good relationship/understanding with others

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by mjia on 2007-09-14 04:16:16
1. my family
2. animes n manga~
3. friends

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by koyatogashi on 2007-09-16 01:05:53
1.Life(Family and Friends)
3:Anime and Manga

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by LiKun on 2007-09-16 01:40:03
1. love from family and friends
2. freedom
3. happiness

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by on 2007-09-16 01:43:52
1) Love
2) Life
3) My family

Re: The 3 most important things in world?
Link | by qwe on 2007-09-16 15:25:19
1. Purpose
2. Will
3. Action

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