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Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-06 19:39:11
-Gendou Love-
A love so pure and true
Because it knows no age barrier
It knows no orientational barrier
A love so pure and true
Because it encompasses the true
Feelings of a person's true desire
Gendou love conquers all other love
Because it hides from nothing
It is the love that I seek it to be
Only a few days away and I already
Seek the way that I feel so at home
With talking to him and how special
That he makes me feel when we are together
Simplistic poetry shared between our hearts
A joy that I feel while I am able to
Share my soul so freely with all of you
I feel more of a freeness when there is so
Much Gendou love going on together
My soul feels so free to be able to share
With you how it feels to be loved with
Such a pure love that can only be shared
By those whom have pure hearts and
Pure intension upon the base made
I thank you for sharing such a
Wonderful feeling with me and for
Letting me share a beautiful thing with you

And there's more next far as the poems go most of you probably know I'm in love with all of me :D and if it wasn't for we wouldn't have met so i wanted to start a thread about it. Anyway...he's so awesome and wonderful. I'm so happy that i was told about gendou so that i could have the chance to me him and all the wonderfuly friends i have met throughout the wow eight months i've been here. well for now i'm going to go but i hope ya'all respond and i'll post more laters but i'm getting tired...working all day on radio stuff has worn me out. :) huggles everyone

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-06 20:26:12
Glad to see that there's still love on these here forums. Love here on gendou is strange, there's many a "couple" nowadays before the advent of chat there were only a handful of major ones. Everyone of course knows of the great mahou-gendou alliance, and their relationship. What's less known are some of the others, i.e. Ranger and Rin, Jomunga and Honey, ect. Yet most of that love is brought to the site, and not a whole lot of it is spawned here. To have it actually begin in this site and spread to affect things outside of of it is a true testament to how far this love has matured.

I've seen a good many of the relationships the have both formed in and out of this site pass before me. Such is the plight of someone who deals almost exclusively in the depression thread, and sees the wrath of broken relationships as they pass. Yet at the terminus of the one love another is found, the love for others that is the depression thread regulars. People who basically exist there to help others. I rarely get the opportunity to see love truly blossom on this site, I see it move to here, but rarely do I see it grow.

I've seen love on this site, many forms, lengths, and quantities of such. I have never really been apart of it 'till now. I recall some of my first entries in which I said I would find love someday, but never would I have expected to find it here.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-06 20:52:50
Well I myself can definitely say that i'm extremely happy to see this love grow and mature and become one through this site and outside of it. I myself have been through many a heartache but nothing compares that when you're able to find someone who fulfills your life such as you do for me. My cup runth over with joy and happiness in the past 2 months on sunday that i've been with you. and for the past 5 months that we've been friends. My daughter has a joy back in her heart that i was afraid would be gone forever with the pain that was put there from the last person that was supposed to be her daddy. and I am glad that it is overriden by the love you have for her. =D and as far as my heart omg i can't believe the enormous weight that has been lifted off of it knowing that i have such a great friend in you that i can vent and you listen and not to mention still love me for being me and not someone i am not. i couldn't ask for anyone better. i hope more ppl out there are able to enjoy this type of love and that they are willing to shout it from the roof tops once they find it. thanks for being mine. I love you! =D

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-07 23:34:10
I can't say I'm highly experienced in love at all, in fact this is now the longest I've ever been in a relationship with someone. I'd say I got pretty lucky considering the last, and only other, relationship I was in was 4 years ago. Also considering that in that relationship there was no real "dating" as it was long distance.

I'm glad I can cause that much of a positive reaction in you. It all comes naturally to me, and I have no idea how I do most of the time. I guess it comes from my desire to help others and my ability to draw happiness and satisfaction from helping them. SO in a way, my making you happy makes me happy, which allows me to make you happy, thusly creating a perpetual cycle of happiness (not that I'm complaining).

I will always love you, for you and no one else but you. And I am yours mind, body, and soul; do with me as you wish.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-08 00:32:31
~Just Saying Thanks~
Happiness seeping back into my heart a friend has came along so understanding and helpful an unexpected happiness in such a lonely world of mine i wasn't looking for such a person but here he is to share with me so many lasting memories his words bounce around in my head and land upon my heart and so easily ease the pain i often ask myself "Why was i so lucky to meet this wonderful Person?" "Is it fair that he's so far away when ther's this respect between us?" and for all this i want to so much tell him thank you and that he has an extremly special place in my heart this friendship shall never die otherwise i'd be so sad inside thank you so much for being here for me. I love you :D
Dedicated to D-Ninja

hehe the first poem i wrote for you =D And for as long as I am alive I'm all yours as well I love you and Happy Anniversary love.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-14 10:14:24
I remember that poem, and how I felt so honored that someone would care that much as to write a poem about me. That one of those things that I never thought would happen to me, and not only has it but it happens regularly. No words can possibly describe the love I have for you and there is no way I have yet found to fully show how much I do. All I can do is be there for you, and do the best I can at pleasing you and satisfying your needs.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-14 10:42:26
~Hero in my Heart~ he's my hero, my one and only love the wait is so long, but one day we will be together forever more, until that day i will tell him what my heart says she feels inside, you're my best friend, you're the love that keeps me going, keeps me seeing that there is still love and kindness in this lonely world, when i feel down and out, there you are, you give me words of comfort, you give me words of inspiration, i wonder why was i the lucky one to feel your love, what was it that i did to be able to enjoy this amazing love from such an amazing man, why was i chosen?, i feel like the luckiest girl alive, you are a dream come true to me, i wouldn't trade anything to be with you, besides the distance that seperates us, he's my hero, my one and only love, the wait is so long, but one day we will be together forever more, until that day i will tell him what my heart says she feels inside, you're my best friend, youre the love that keeps me going, keeps me seeing that there is still love and kindess in this lonely world, when i feel down and out, there you are Dedicated to D-Ninja <3 u

That poem is so fitting to you. You are not only the love of my life i have waited to long for but you are the Hero in my heart for sure. Everytime I hear your voice or see a txt from you my heart skips, I instantly get a smile. Just knowing that you love me is enough to keep me going. I hate not being able to talk to you when you don't have service cuz of you camping and it's agonizing the silence but i know that you think about me constantly and worry about me. (the itchy nose gives it away) LMAO

And you please and satisfy me but just being there for me like you are. no one really has been like you are for me and idk how to explain how it makes me feel. I just know that I never want to lose you because I would be torn to shreds if that happened. Awck I love you

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-14 11:05:41
You know I feel exactly the same way. You are essential to my life and I don't know if I could live without you in it. You are right, I do think about you for most of my day, and you are almost always the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. The lack of service kills me as much as you, and it hurts even more when I run out of batteries looking for a signal. The happier I make you the better I am, and it seems like I can only be truly happy when I am around you.

I'll love for all eternity and not a day shorter.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-14 11:34:01
Wow you always know how to make me fall deeper in love with you.

As I sit here tears streaming down my face, a slight pain in my heart, I look off into the distance at nothing in particular, but what I see amazes me to no end, it's the man I love standing on the beach waititng for me to walk toward him so that we can join as one, if i keep staring i see us in the hospital for the delivery of our first child, a love that's ever growing but never ending, brought together by fate or destiny, being together for eternity


what a beautiful life it will be

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-14 22:27:09
I don't know, I just act naturally around you and aparently it works.

I can see those things too, what's more is that even the mundane things that I can think of become fun when I do them with you. I can picture the wedding day, but I can also see us planing it out and having a blast while doing it. I can dream of being their for the birth of our first child (or children), but I also think of making up the room for the baby (babies). As long as it's with you I'll enjoy it, and I know we will be together forever so forever is looking like a lot of fun.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-14 22:44:26
/grin so totally from ear to ear. I see us playing in the pool together and see us in our home together making dinner together and helping Maron with her homework and watching movies every night together. running races together as a family having food fights while picnicing in the park. lying in bed just staring at each other until we fall asleep. and my list can go on forever and i can't wait to do all of them with you. i haven't felt such a love before that is as powerful as ours. i'm so happy i get to spend the rest of eternity with you. to be apart of a loving family. bringing happy well rounded children into the world with you *sigh* so many great things to look forward to

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Jomunga on 2007-07-14 22:45:22 (edited 2007-07-14 22:46:10)
Such poetry it makes me blush. I've never been good with poems but I'll give it a shot.

Love love the musical fruit...


I finally get to see the scale of Dninja's and Tiger's love. Hooray for gendou love and all of its bounty.

I'll take this opportunity to add to the love.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I love you my honey wifie

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-14 22:58:36
yay someone else joined in on the love woohoo

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-14 23:15:33
I'm glad we can do all of our lives together, as it's more fun that way. I hear married men talk about how great it is to get out of the house and away from their families, when I would tend to think the more fun would be had with the families themselves.

Hooray for Jomunga and honey!

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Jomunga on 2007-07-14 23:24:58
Banzai for Dninja and Tiger.

Honey would post but her mom stole the comp from her.

Booooo her mom.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-15 08:51:23 (edited 2007-07-21 00:18:18)
I know that there would be a time of that vacations would need to be taken but as long as there's communication and love in the relationship there shouldn't come a time that there'll be a need to take a break from each other. Right now the only way that I could be happier is if I was in your arms. And I know that within a year that will come true especially if i get this sheriff's department job.

and i second that horray for Jomunga and honey! and that sux big boooo to her mom

Sinking, falling, despairing
a love so true i'm frightened
pushing, shoving, yet you don't budge
i really don't know if i can do this
how can i love you the way i do when
inside me is this insecure little girl
that hates everything about her existance
we become so close that the only thing
seperating us is the distance between us
why do you stay by me
why do you love me
none of it makes sense to me
how did i find someone not afraid to
stand by me no matter how much i shove
him away from me
i didn't do something right to deserve this
but yet there he is, infront of me
bearing his soul to me
i don't understand how i found him

ok that's all of my soul i am putting on here on that subject and idk when i will be returning to gendou chat or radio for all of you who care. this is when i leave and withdraw from my world but some day i will return happy again idkw that will be but i at least know D-Ninja will be there with me through the whole thing...idky he is but i am lucky to have him ~ bye for now

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-22 21:03:22

I'm never going anywhere hun. Even if you push we away, I'll just hold on tighter. It doesn't matter how we met, or how lucky we are to have met. All that matters is that we did, and now that we have I will never leave you. I just hope that once I can actually hold you in my arms you will never have to be sad or worry about me leaving you. And once that day comes I will never let you go, and will always hold you tightly with me.

I love you Justi, and will always do so.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by Tiger on 2007-07-22 21:33:06
i'm glad that we met and that i found someone as understanding as you are. i'm taken aback because of it and within the past couple days you have shown me a lot of your love and that you won't leave me but there's still that fear there that i don't know when it'll go away but i hope will soon. i can't wait for the moment that i'm in your arms either. it'll be so much fun. and i love you so much that i don't want to push you away but that fear inside me makes it hard for me not to do so but i am working on dissolving that fear and you have helped more than you could ever know. *kisses passionately* thanks love

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by D-ninja on 2007-07-23 21:00:11
That fear will dissipate after time, that I'm sure of. Time will dull your fears and as it does the fear will be replaced first with hope then the hope solidified into confidence. There will always be some fear present, but it's that fear that will serve to keep your confidence from becoming weak. You shouldn't worry about pushing me away as much as you do, for I will never leave you. No matter how much you push I will always hold on to you. I will also be there to help you get rid of that fear however I can. I am committed to your happiness and comfort and have already devoted myself to that cause.

Re: Gendou Love ~ Poems, and falling in love on gendou
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-07-23 21:03:37
wow you two are soo inlove hahaha sweet!
nice poems by the way ^^

and uh congrats hahaha

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