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Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-11 18:36:42 (edited 2008-07-21 20:38:47)
Card goes here, lol.
~An example card I made before this thread.~

Originally the idea of and , I am carrying on the idea for this project.

It was originally called "Gendou Online Trading Cards", "GOTC" for short, but after some talk, I've found some would prefer a "Battle" card game. : /. Yes make my job harder, but I would do it if many people would like that.

So, with so little planned out and how much interest people have in it unknown, I've made this thread to try to answer those questions.

So, for now, please post your opinion on the idea and wither you would prefer "Trading" cards or "Battle" cards.

If this takes off, I'll edit this post to be all pretty! You all want that right? :3 lol

(BTW: The Project email is .)

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-11 19:58:38
its an interesting idea.
i'd like to give coding it a try, but i'm not sure how the game would be structured.

- who controls creating cards? reproducing them?
- how does the card game play? like magic? yu-gi-oh? pokemon?
- do the cards represent anime characters or gendou users? what does that imply about question 1?
- tournaments?
- special powers?

idea 1:
- cards are created for each user, sort of like the for-fun user access cards i created a while back. users would own a number of their own cards equal to their level, which can be traded for cards and/or perhaps "money" (not real money, think GP, although technically, donations of real money would give you more cards, and therefore more bargaining power!).
- cards would have statistics corresponding to attributes of a user, such as number of posts, date registered, level, number of uploads, etc.
- gendou users, that's the whole point of of this idea.
- tournaments could be held with prizes given, users would battle one another. no AI opponents.
- special powers could be introduced periodically to the game, upping the ante. special powers would be given away by admin and/or moderators.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Draconics on 2007-07-11 20:44:10
I think it's a good idea, though as Gendou pretty much said, you'll need to figure out how this is going to work. And of course, as with any game, it should be balanced (well sort of at least). I vote yes no matter the format. ^_^

My idea would be to take an existing card game's rules and make up new cards. You wouldn't have to make a completely new game and instead just the cards. (Though on the other hand, something original might be desired more). Just an idea, of course.

The next witty thing I think of and remember will likely end up here.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by on 2007-07-11 20:44:40 (edited 2007-07-11 20:45:11)
it's better for gendou sama who controls it
everyone can make their own card but should submit it to gendou sama first to set the status.
cards such as magic card should be invented to make it more interesting
better make it like pokemon one

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-11 21:08:16
I have come to a few conclusions:

1. cards depict users. cards will be acquired by trade with other real live players, there will be no "card shops" to flood the market.

2. there is a currency, GP (gendou points), which can be used to "buy" more of your OWN player cards, and can be used in trading with other players.

3. card trading will be done barter fashion, synchronously OR asynchronously!

4. the attributes of a card varies as the user depicted participates in the community. posting, uploading, donating, etc. this is important! it is an investment to trade for a user's card! if they do well, so will the card depicting them. if they do poorly, so will the card.

5. for the most part, game mechanics will be inherited from magic the gathering, since i know it well. please post other mechanics ideas you have in this thread.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by damon123 on 2007-07-11 21:20:58
Well first a few guidelines must be covered.

-How do you win?
Duel Masters: Destory your oppents sheilds and the direct attack for the win.
Yu-gi-oh: Deal 8000 points of damage
Magic The Gathering: Deal 20 points of damage.

- How do I deal damage?
Duel Masters: Using monsters and spell cards
Yu-gi-oh: Using monsters, magic cards, and traps
Magic: Using Creatuers, instants, artifacts, sorceries, lands, and enchantments.

- How do I play a *insert name here*
Duel Masters: By spending mana of a certin color and number to summon monster / play spell during your turn
Yu-gi-oh: You place magic/trap/creatue in the correct zone on your turn in the correct postion
Magic: By using the correct color and number of mana at the right time I can play the card for its effect.

Some things to consider.

-The energy/mana system is bad for somthign like this where all it will do is fill up your deck. Instead take from WoW TCCG and Duel Masters and make where any card in the deck could become energy.

-Keep the life system in a sense or reason. The life one has to start with should be based off of the cards in the game to make sure one dosne't die quickly to a starter deck in a mirrow match.

-Set up a way where users can turn in points earned for more cards to make a deck out of.

-Decided on a deck min/max if needed.

This is enough to chew on and get started I belive. Dependeing on what is siad next I will then add the next step.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-11 21:40:17 (edited 2007-07-12 07:10:50)
Post A (after Gendou's first post):

Wow Gendou, I'm quite happy you like the idea. Of course, I was trying to take it slow and get these ideas in one by one, but I like some of these ideas. You'd like the slogan that was made up with it. "Gotta rape them all."

It seems you like the Battle card idea, but it was originally a "trading card" idea.

To explain my basic idea of both:

Trading: There would be many cards to choose from, from Gendou members (in and outside of Gendou), emotes from chat, etc. Each member would get an amount of "GP" (or w/e currency) based on their stats and contributions to the site that could be spent on different cards to go along with their own "free" card of themselves. Members could also put up requests/offers (public or private) for cards for other members to trade (not live).

Battle: Though this idea is new to me, I did have some ideas. Using the same GP/buying system, members could buy cards to make their own deck to use in battles against other members (I dont know how live would work, but I do know "inactive" battles would be hard to program...). Each card would have health, attack, defense maybe, special effects, etc. (An example I thought of for Special Effect: Psoplayer card: "Help you find a shortcut to that HTML, draw two cards.") Anything past that I haven't gotten to yet.

Gendou, to answer your questions (and think about them as we go):

~ I was originally going to, but if you could make a "program" or something for automatic cards, that would be nice. Picture, text, and data of stats (how to make stats, what to base them off, idk...).
~ Like I've said, I'm not to sure. I've played Pokemon and Yugioh, never Magic though. I'd like it do be original, but maybe pull ideas from them all. I do like the idea of "Crimson VS" from .hack/GU. A "leader" card and three "unit" cards which helps the "leader" cards fight each other. (hmmm)
~ The main "characters" of the "game" would be Gendou members, but maybe bring in "favorite" anime characters to mix it up. Maybe make the anime characters the "cheap" "characters" for people to make their deck out of and the "member" cards would be stronger cards for more advance members to use (so it would be harder for people to use other "people")
~ Tournaments? I'd save that for later, but maybe start with a "league" thing where members are ranked on their "buying power" and number of wins and loses. Maybe get tournaments setup when the basics are all done.
~ Special powers? Dont know what you exactly mean. Maybe allow mods to give "reward points" for doing good things, much like the level up rewards. One point would be needed for many cards, 2 or more for better maybe. Maybe make special cards only gotten by these means that would really improve one's deck, or maybe even make a second personal card.

To reply to your ideas:

~ Like I have said, not only would I like the stats to determine card strength, but also the amount of money each member would get, but make donating real money to the site would give the most money maybe.
~ Yes, most likely depending on how the game was played. It might turned out to be something that doesn;t need them all, but at least some will come into play.
~ Yes, but I do like the anime character idea as extras.
~ Yeah, but wait on those. Maybe add a "betting" system for normal battles as an optional part of the battle.
~ Still not sure what you are getting at.

Another thing, if character cards are automated, maybe allow members to "customize" their own cards with their Nickname, a picture, maybe a personal saying or something to go somewhere.

Out of ideas now... lol.


Post B (After seeing others post):

Seems like many people would prefer battle idea.

@Kaoru: "Support cards". Yes a possibility.


1. So you get multiples of your card and trade it for other's, expending the collection. Not bad, but it seems to limited. More variety would be nice...
2. Same as above.
3. Yeah...
4. Yes, but will each card be upgraded as the members "improve"?
5. I know nothing of Magic... I do like the C.VS idea I mentioned before. If you want full rules, just ask. (I've written alot right now.)

@Damon: Good points.

(Edited for spelling. :P)

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-11 22:37:11 (edited 2007-07-11 23:43:05)
i have identified some pitfalls to avoid:

1. people registering multiple accounts to "trade" with, sucking up all their gold/cards in unfair trades (because who cares if one rips off one's self!) this can be avoided by not allowing trades for X number of days after sign up, plus careful monitoring.

2. how can one begin playing with the "starter" deck consisting only of copies of one's own character card? the solution may be that n00bs need to battle other n00bs at first, but this seems kind of limiting. maybe there can be some sort of n00b protection system, or n00b training, where they can earn their starter deck while learning the rules. this would be a little like "giving away" cards, which is against one of the main principals, but i think it's scope would be easily limited as the cards would be static and weak, but plentiful enough to go around.

3. how to trash cards you, nor anybody else, wants? where to buy "n00b cards"? there will be a sort of "shop keeper" account, a user that never logs in, but always accepts trades. you can give the shop keeper any card, and he will offer you nothing in return. you can trade to receive any n00b card, or any discarded card (?) and will be asked nothing in return. maybe character cards have a certain intrinsic value to them, so n00bs can't acquire unfairly powerful discards by powerful but careless players. then again, maybe not! camp the discard pile, lol!

4. games will have a time limit. there will be a downtime window at 2:00 AM (or whenever). no games may be started that collide with the downtime window. this allows for no games to be going when stats are updated (during the downtime window). this will prevent card's stats from changing during a game.

5. it occurs to me that the the stronger the player, the more of their own cards they can "buy". however, stronger cards should be more "rare", in general. this can be rectified by setting a ceiling on the number of cards available to a constant number.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-07-12 03:51:45 (edited 2007-07-12 04:19:14)
nice idea guys!

well something similar was made by jonathon a few months back
gendou TGC

maybe this can help

as for the battle system maybe you can use the triple triad card game system in ff8 its kinda simpler than pokemon or digimon (i think)
triple triad
triple triad rules

well i hope this online card game can be fully realized ^^

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-07-12 06:18:22 (edited 2007-07-12 06:18:54)
welll... i ahven't read it all..
but it sounds very fun...

I would like somethiung like Yugi-oh (mnostly because is the onlñy card gamne i know how to play.. ^^")

And we can use the Jonathon's models... no??

we should ask him =P

Also... in the battles... if you lose...
You have to give one card to the winner...

how's that?

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-12 08:06:43 (edited 2007-07-12 10:43:42)
Crimson VS Rules (from .hack//GU, a possible way to play or base play off of):

There are two sets of cards: "General" (now known as "G") and "Unit" (now known as "U") cards.

"G": "Leader of the Deck". The two "G"s fight while possible "U" cards give backup. How they do will be the main factor of winning or losing. (Would be the member in question at start, but as they progress, they could very well buy/trade for other people's "G" cards.)

"U": Unit cards are backup and are first to fight. If they win, their special effects (like adding/taking away attack/life, total defense, etc) will be used in the "G" battle. These cards are more common than the "G" cards. (Could be the anime characters, or have all members have both a "G" and "U" card version, but the "G" card is more personal and hard to get while the "U" version is quite easier.)

Each card has these stats along with a name and picture: Attribute, Charisma, Attack, and Life:

~Attribute (Trinity): In a sort of "Rock, Paper, Scissors fashion, there are three attributes. It was something like Assault > Shield > Snipe > repeat. Having a attribute beating the opponent is a good thing to have, but you never know what your opponent may have. (Picked at custom card.)

~Charisma: (Cost): Each card has a "charisma" value. For the "G", it determines what "U" cards can be place in a deck, and for the "U" cards, its how much of the "G" charisma you take up. To be explained batter later. (Determined by Forum and maybe chat records.)

~Attack: "G" card only. Its the base value of attack strength a "G" has.

~Life: "G" card only. Its the base value of life a "G" has.

(For both attack and health, maybe use other factors to determine a value of points one could get to distribute to attack and health (or maybe add more to charisma).

How to make a deck:

A deck is made of one "G" card and three "U" cards. First, one picks a "G" card that suits their needs. Then they choose the three unit cards for their deck. The charisma count of all the unit cards can not go beyond the "G" charisma count or it is not a valid deck.

Using the unit cards and their special abilities, you can make different deck styles. Drawing out the game with a high life general and many defense "U" cards to draw out the game till the end and win by most life, or a hard hitting, high attack deck to try and win quickly. Its all up to the user.

How the game is played (though I'd think we'd want to try to make one where a user is involved):

Each player picks a deck and the game is played automatically. First the unit cards battle. The first "U" card of each deck is pitted against each other. The winner is chosen by the higher charisma value, but if one card beats each other with a attribute, they gain an extra charisma point for the battle. The winner get to keep their card for the "G" round, the loser's card is discarded, and if a tie, each card is discarded. This repeats for "U" cards 2 and 3.

Now the "G" battle starts. The general with the winning attribute goes first. At this point, there are ten turn (each person goes onces per turn) for players to defeat their opponents deck. If time runs out, the one with more HP wins. If a tie, its a draw. A turn basically goes like this: Player A goes first. First, any "U" effects that activate at that point do (ie: "If you go first, raise the AttackP. of the "G" by 2"). Then the "G" attacks the opponents "G" card, dealing damage. "U" cards could also activate at the attack (ie: "When your opponent attacks, negate the damage once.") Then the turn switches to Player B where the same thing happens. When it returns to Player A, a "turn" is done and nine are left. Play continues like this till a winner is made.

When someone wins, they would get a pack of cards to improve their deck.

Coming Soon!:
Now I know we'd like a game where the players are more involved, so I'll try to come up with something, based off this. I do like this games for its simplicity.


1. Well, I would think a each member would sign up with their account here, and activating an account at the TCG. They'd need a username/password of an account at GendouAM to make one at the TCG cause we most likely need the stats from a account.

2. Going with my idea above: They'd get one "G" card based off them and maybe three "U" cards out of a "starter" pool at random. When they start. After some battles, they could start to improve the decks.

3. Nice, if you can program it so the user always trades that way, sure. Maybe limit the time one can be with the account to about 5 minutes, and if they over do it, make them wait a minute, and then continue.

4. Good.

5. Eh, didn't get that... : /

@Zpartimus: Wow, Jon did try this? Hmmm...

@DN: IDK about using Jon's cards, but the giving up a card to the opponent would be optional to any battle, not a forced thing.

Edit: Check the first post for a example card I've made awhile back!

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-12 11:37:13
Riiko's got a point. I think that the card creators should be limited to certain people. Trustworthy one's that won't absolutely jack with the idea of a solid card game.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-12 12:54:12 (edited 2007-07-13 18:39:10)
C.VD Modified Rules For Interactive Play!

Basicly, the cards are the same as detailed in my last post, but the game play would be changed...

Players has a deck consisting of at least six cards and at most ten, one "G" card and the rest "U" cards. There still is a charisma limit to the amount/type of cards in the deck based off the "G"'s charisma value. (However, the charisma value would have to be a little higher to contemplate this added space...)

At the start, the "G" are taken out of the deck and are played in the center, the deck is shuffled, and two unit cards are drawn from the deck by each player.

The person who goes first is determined by the Trinity/Charisma on the "G" cards.

~For the first 5 of the 15 turns!~

Objective: Get good Unit cards out on the field for the General battle while trying to get rid of the opponent's "U" cards to get a advantage.

The player, at the start of their turn, has the choice to either Draw a Card or Continue. Drawing would draw one card from the deck then continues on. Continue would go on to the next menu which consists of the commands: General Card, Unit Cards, or pass.

Since Generals cant attack or do anything for 5 turns, that menu is inaccessible, so you use Unit cards for this time.

For Unit Cards, there are these commands: Play, Attack, and End Turn:

~Play allows to place a "U" card from the hand on the field either face up or face down. The limit for "U" cards on the field is 3, so if the field is full, you cant play and if they are placed face down, they remain face down until it is attacked or it's the 6th turn.

~Attack would allow face up "U" cards to attack an opponent's "U" cards to try and knock them out, wither they are face up or down. "U" cards however would only be allowed to attack once per time on the field (meaning it could be returned to the hand and then replayed) and any face down cards attacked would have to be shown and kept face up from then on.

~End Turn: Ends your turn if you don't want to do both commands. (If you do both commands, your turn is over.)

~Turns 6 through 15!~

Objective: Use the Unit Cards effects and your General to get rid of the enemy!

On the start of the 6th turn, General's can start battling and all "U" cards are now flipped face up and powers are now applied.

The "U" menu changes now:

~Play option: If you play a "U" card in this stage, its effect is nulled until the start of the opponent's next turn.

~Instead of "End Turn", there is "Return". This brings you back to the previous menu in case you only want to do only one option and then return to attack with the General. (If both options are used, the player is automatically taken back to the previous menu.)

General Card is now accessible and will lead to the options that are available to the General Card: Attack, Defend, and Return.

~Attack would attack the opponent's Life and end your turn, even if you have other options available. (Like the "U" cards.)

~Defend would take half of your attack value away from the opponents next attack and end your turn, even if you have other options available. (Like the "U" cards.)

~Return: Returns to previous menu.

Players can continue to battle with "Unit" cards, trying to get effects in, and can now start to try to get rid of the opponent's "G" card with their own. First to kill the opponent's "G" is the winner. After 15 turns, the game is also ends with highest life winning. If life is tied, game is a draw.


@Rikko: I'm thinking basic card layout would be automatic, but user can customize the name, picture, and maybe add a personal line. As for rare cards being hand made (not auto), we'll see.

@Mega: I was going to make them all (omg...) but since Gendou might make a program that would make most of them automatically, theres not much of a fear for that. : /

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by on 2007-07-12 18:01:25
Yaaay, I got used as an ecksampoole [example xD]

jeez, it looks so..complicated...and that's when I haven't read the directions yet. xD

Are you going to make the cards one by one or mass create them with a template? :3

oh, or maybe letting other people have their own special made cards (by them) that they can put on ze field! (Limited points of course~ :3)

I can't wait to play~ x]

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-13 14:15:03
@Frat: Hope you don't mind, lol. I think they might be mass made by a template with some customization, but I do like the idea of summiting one's own design for their own special card...

Maybe make it so they have you make it a correct size and get approved, and pay a little fee, lol.

We'll see. I'm waiting for Gendou to respond though...

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by on 2007-07-13 18:04:03
I still wanna be the Pricer as I stated when the cards were originally thought up.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-13 18:06:53
@Minna: I still don't know how that'll work.... : /

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-07-13 23:16:20
man this looks complicated hahaha hope everything works out

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-14 22:51:59
C.VS Modified Rules Example Battle

C is Charisma, A is Attack, L is life, and T is Trinity (for this example, A beats B beats C beats A...).
All values/effects are made up and with no refence to common sence. All are for example purposes only.
Turn number values changed for example to 2 turns in the "Unit Stage" and five in the "General Stage", 7 total.

Terror vs Latino


"ToD" C:20 A:5 L:10 T:A
"CA" C:6 T:A Effect: For every unit card with the same Trinity as your General on the field, increase your General's Attack by 2, increase of 6 max.
"CB" C:4 T:A Effect: When your turn starts, increase your General's Attack by 3 points for that turn. When your enemy's turn starts, decrease your life by 2 for that turn.
"CC" C:5 T:A Effect: Negate one attack from the enemy General.
"CD" C:2 T:B Effect: In the General Stage, instead of playing a unit card, you can return this card from the field to your hand.
"CE" C:3 T:B Effect: This card can only be played in the unit stage. If you go first, increase your General's Attack by 2. If the opponent goes first, decrease their General's attack by 1.


"Latino" C:18 A:6 L:7 T:B
"C1" C:4 T:A Effect: Swap your opponent's attack and defence values.
"C2" C:5 T:B Effect: After an attack by the enemy General, increase your General's attack by 1.
"C3" C:2 T:B Effect: If this card was flipped up at the start of the General stage, increase your general's heal by one.
"C4" C:3 T:C Effect: When this card attacks and gets rid of a Unit card during the General Stage, increase your General's attack by 2.
"C5" C:4 T:C Effect: At the start of your turn, increase your General's attack by 1 each turn.

Tod goes first. (A beats B)

Turn One:
Tod draws "CA"
Tod plays "CA" face down.

Latino draws "C2"
Latino plays "C2"
Latino attacks "CA" (fd).
"C2" vs "CA"
C=5 C=6
Trinity: +1
"CA" knocks out "C2"

Turn 2:
Tod draws "CE".
Tod plays "CE" face up.

Latino draws "C1"
Latino plays "C1"
Latino attacks "CE" (fu).
"C1" vs "CE"
C=4 C=3
"C1" knocks out "CE".

Turn 3: (Effects activate.)
"CA" added 2 points of attack to ToD. (now 7)
"C1" swaps ToD's A and L values. (A: 10 and L: 7)

Terror draws "CC".
Terror plays "CC".
Terror attacks Latino.
10 dmg to Latino.
Latino is down to 0 life.
Terror wins.

Maybe not the best example. But you should be able to follow it if I explained my idea well enough, lol.

Re: Gendou Card Game
Link | by Jomunga on 2007-07-14 23:19:05
I this this is like an interesting minigame in gendou.

Certainly I hope you make the game simple enough to get into easily by all users interested.

I suggest the first stages just be trading cards and then if that works out maybe redesign cards to have stats and create a battle system.

Gendou could give out cards to the winners of cryptography challenges.

Card games are nice, but I would give consideration to other forms of gameplay.

Maybe something like chess where each user's card is a piece on a board. And they can use a certain number cards for each game as pieces. I'm thinking along the lines of insectrons if anyone has played Rogue Galaxy b4.

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