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Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Otaku-San on 2007-07-14 16:11:15
I myself haven't but I've seen a lot of it on learning programs,and such. Actually i had a friend who lived in Japan for most of her younger years. She's the one who got me really interested in actually learning Japanese. But so far i can only speak simple words and like one sentence. How bout you?Neh?


Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by gunnerblaster on 2007-07-29 15:16:41
I was born in the phillpines (Unfortunately), but my father was in the Airforce at the time and we relocated to Misawa, Japan.

So, I can contently say I've lived in Japan, before. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to 'properly' soak up the language but the heritage certainly did make a big influence on my life. I miss the culture, though I can't say I know all of it because Misawa was the only area in Japan that I really knew well. I visited Tokyo but this was all in the 90's, when I was a younger kid, so - most of the memories that I would've have liked to retain have blurred into obscurities.

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Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Zaiah on 2007-08-17 20:39:35
Although I can't say I have been there for a long time... really lived there or anything... I have been there! And I will say, it was what I expected and more.

:3 I went to Japan this past July and lived with a host family for two weeks. I have to say... I am definitely going back sometime in my life. It was just that nice.

I have some pictures on my deviant art that I took that, if you want to see, I can show you.

It's so nice down there! I mean, HOMG. The culture, the people... Lord, I came back with so much stuff, most of it was given to me... I'm glad I brought them some gifts from here, *U.S.A, Maine*, that they really liked.

I tried almost everything.
Sushi, Sashimi, Okonomiyaki, Tacoyaki....
And so many other things. |D
Though I will NEVER try Banshi. Which... happens to be raw horse. -I happen to love horses very much, the thought of eating one is not entirely appealing-
-I went in a group of 14, and one of my friends tried that. I don't envy her at all-

We also did some Japanese Long-bow archery. I also have pictures of that. It is amazingly awesome, and I have to say, if I ever get the oppurtunity, I will get into it big time. Buy a bow, train, everything. |D

I know japanese quite well...*hence why I could survive with a japanese family... they knew next to no english...* Although when it comes to Kanji, I still have a lot more to learn...

When we went down there... we went to Asakusa, Tokyo, Aomori City, and Hirosaki City. -I liked Hirosaki and Aomori the best... mostly because the area was a lot like where I live *I love it here* only with a japanese twist.-

***Note: Misawa?! :D My japanese teacher is from Misawa! He's really awesome, and a great teacher, I might add. ^___^;;

Lost in the void of my own mind... with cupcakes!

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-08-19 13:22:45
That sounds so cool!

I wish I've been to Japan. I'm definitely going, though! Sometime in the future.
For as long as I can remember, Japan has been one of the few places I've wanted to travel to.

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by IzumiLuvAnime on 2007-08-20 21:54:33
Zaiah # C;mon! Show us your pics. Or maybe send us your deviant page to us! I really wanna see it!

I'll be every thing that I want to be and you can't stop me.V^^,W

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by BringOnTheAnime on 2007-08-21 14:45:11
I haven't been there (yet). I want to take my wife there for our anniversary in April of 2009. 10 years...feels like forever...and you know, I love it.

When it comes to Anime - I just can't get enough.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Zaiah on 2007-08-29 11:36:00

I have some pictures up there....
I'm still fixing some of them. |D So more will be up sooner or later.

Lost in the void of my own mind... with cupcakes!

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by × on 2007-08-31 23:48:17
i never go there but i want to

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by anime_mangafan on 2008-07-22 11:18:40
i went to japan once for a week. that was my first time ever goin there and it was pretty awesome!!!! the manga stores!!!!!! the foooooooooooood!!! i didn't have a lot of free time during the trip though....>:( hmph, so was all planned out and stuff (i went with a group). there was so much stuff i wanted to do there and places i wanted to go, but couldn't. i definitely wanna go again someday, maybe together with my japan-crazed friends!!!!! :DDDD it'd definitely be fun with them around!!! XDDDD

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, and watch the whole world wonder how you did it.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by B on 2008-07-30 18:51:03 (edited 2008-07-30 18:52:56)
I went to Japan for the first two weeks of this July. It was AWEEEESOMMMEEEEE! words cant fully describe how much fun i had. i went with a group and saw most of everything there was to see.
Akihabra, Kabuki-Cho, Harajuku, Meiji Shrine, Tokyo Metropolitan Building, Asakusa, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Gifu, 6th Station of Mt Fuji, Tea Picking, Geisha Houses, Bullet Train, Cormorant Fishing, Tons of shrines, The Imperial Palace, The Floating Tori Gate at Itsukushima Shrine, Anime Dubbing, Caligraphy Lessons, Kyogen Comedies, and I Stayed with a host family for 3 days.
it was insane.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by rin8 on 2008-08-01 02:29:40
I went in April, and it was AMAZING! The sakura were blooming (although it rained heavily that day, so a lot had fallen by the second day...) I wish we had gotten to go to a manga store... Somehow, with all my manga/anime obsessed friends going, we always missed going to a bookstore... I saw at least 10 on just one bus ride...
Moi-meme-moitie is the most amazing store ever!

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Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-08-01 02:38:03
Not yet... hope i can go there ASAP... gegege

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by avatar shana on 2008-08-01 05:05:30
I haven't, but i want to..


Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by on 2008-08-02 06:16:11
Haven't gone there... T.T
Wanna go there as soon as possible...

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by demonslayer2365 on 2008-08-03 04:18:43
nope,not yet...
but i think when
i finish my highschool
i will move to japan
to study animation.^^

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A picture is worth a thousand words. [yah!that's the way it is doraemon...!!!]

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by mitsuo-nakamura on 2008-08-03 17:10:43
I hope to live there someday :D but I haven't been there yet.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Bernz on 2008-08-05 21:24:06
Never been there but would like to pay a visit one day.

Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by ayu21 on 2008-08-05 21:25:42
well...ive stopped at the airport in japan before to change planes! ^^
does that count?! XD

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Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Emily on 2008-08-15 02:28:14
Yep, I live here. This is my second time, my first was back a bit over a year ago when I was 15, and it was just 2 months in Osaka.
I liked it so much when I got back to Australia I worked my ass off in about 6 different part time jobs (worst one was at Mcdonalds...oh dear god...) so I could come here again.

So far I've been here for about 6 months, since Febuary 22nd 2008, and I'm not going home anytime soon!~
I've lived in Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya. (Next month I'm going to Yokohama, which means I've been to all the major capital cities)
I'd like to go to Sapporo and Hiroshima, but I don't think I can now... I plan to come back and backpack through Japan in a few years though.

Even though the anime stuff is pretty expenisve here, especially at the Jump Shop or Animate, I adore it and have bought wayyy too much. ^^


Re: Has anyone here ever been to Japan?
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-19 06:06:14
I've been to Japan lots of times. I went there 5 times. This year, I'm probably gonna stay there for a year to continue learning Japanese.

I went there in the Spring when I was 2 in the spring with my family for the first time. We all stayed at Takamatsu. Unfortunately that's all I can remember.

I went with my sister for the second time after we went on a small trip to South Korea for a few days. At most, we stayed at my dad's flat in Fukuoka, then we went to Tokyo, Nagoya, Takamatsu, Kyoto and a night in Mount Aso. We went to Nagoya Expo and it was a very long queue. We had a nice time there.

3rd time, I went on my own. That's when I started learning Japanese for the first time in Fukuoka in a Japanese school. While my dad was working, I met a friend, Tomomi. Also my elder sister and her friend was there for a week. When I was in Tokyo, I met a friend. Her name's Yukako She was working at my dad's friend's salon for around 6 months or so. My friend and I went to La'Qua (Theme park in Tokyo) for a while and at Sunshine City. I also did some Japanese dance on my time there with my Japanese dance teacher. The Japanese dance teacher is my dad's friend, Miyuki.

I went on my own again on the 4th time. I went to a lot of places there. I've carried on learning Japanese in 2 different Japanese schools in Fukuoka. I stayed there for quite a long time after my time in Malaysia and Singapore.

Last year, I went on my own again, but this time without an assistance. The last 2 years when I was on my own, I had an assistance. I was very busy that I went to 2 Japanese schools. One in Fukuoka and another in Tokyo. I continued learning it. From the last 2 years, I was nervous and could not speak any Japanese at all. Last year, I'm confident and I am able to speak to anyone in Japanese. I went to the same cities, but I also went to Mount Aso and stayed there for a week before heading to Malaysia and Singapore.

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